# Accessories # # Accessories can be booted on a single host, a list of hosts, or on specific roles. # The hosts do not need to be defined in the Kamal servers configuration. # # Accessories are managed separately from the main service — they are not updated # when you deploy, and they do not have zero-downtime deployments. # # Run `kamal accessory boot ` to boot an accessory. # See `kamal accessory --help` for more information. # Configuring accessories # # First, define the accessory in the `accessories`: accessories: mysql: # Service name # # This is used in the service label and defaults to `-`, # where `` is the main service name from the root configuration: service: mysql # Image # # The Docker image to use, prefix it with a registry if not using Docker Hub: image: mysql:8.0 # Accessory hosts # # Specify one of `host`, `hosts`, or `roles`: host: mysql-db1 hosts: - mysql-db1 - mysql-db2 roles: - mysql # Custom command # # You can set a custom command to run in the container if you do not want to use the default: cmd: "bin/mysqld" # Port mappings # # See https://docs.docker.com/network/, and especially note the warning about the security # implications of exposing ports publicly. port: "" # Labels labels: app: myapp # Options # # These are passed to the Docker run command in the form `-- `: options: restart: always cpus: 2 # Environment variables # # See kamal docs env for more information: env: ... # Copying files # # You can specify files to mount into the container. # The format is `local:remote`, where `local` is the path to the file on the local machine # and `remote` is the path to the file in the container. # # They will be uploaded from the local repo to the host and then mounted. # # ERB files will be evaluated before being copied. files: - config/my.cnf.erb:/etc/mysql/my.cnf - config/myoptions.cnf:/etc/mysql/myoptions.cnf # Directories # # You can specify directories to mount into the container. They will be created on the host # before being mounted: directories: - mysql-logs:/var/log/mysql # Volumes # # Any other volumes to mount, in addition to the files and directories. # They are not created or copied before mounting: volumes: - /path/to/mysql-logs:/var/log/mysql # Network # # The network the accessory will be attached to. # # Defaults to kamal: network: custom # Proxy # proxy: ...