require 'tc_helper.rb' class TestChart < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @p = ws = @p.workbook.add_worksheet @row = ws.add_row ["one", 1,] @chart = ws.add_chart Axlsx::Bar3DChart, :title => "fishery" end def teardown end def test_initialization assert_equal(@p.workbook.charts.last,@chart, "the chart is in the workbook") assert_equal(@chart.title.text, "fishery", "the title option has been applied") assert((@chart.series.is_a?(Axlsx::SimpleTypedList) && @chart.series.empty?), "The series is initialized and empty") end def test_title @chart.title.text = 'wowzer' assert_equal(@chart.title.text, "wowzer", "the title text via a string") assert_equal(@chart.title.cell, nil, "the title cell is nil as we set the title with text.") @chart.title = @row.cells.first assert_equal(@chart.title.text, "one", "the title text was set via cell reference") assert_equal(@chart.title.cell, @row.cells.first) end def test_to_from_marker_access assert( assert(@chart.from.is_a?(Axlsx::Marker)) end def test_style assert_raise(ArgumentError) { = 49 } assert_nothing_raised { = 2 } assert_equal(, 2) end def test_vary_colors assert_equal(true, @chart.vary_colors) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @chart.vary_colors = 7 } assert_nothing_raised { @chart.vary_colors = false } assert_equal(false, @chart.vary_colors) end def test_start_at @chart.start_at 15, 25 assert_equal(@chart.graphic_frame.anchor.from.col, 15) assert_equal(@chart.graphic_frame.anchor.from.row, 25) @chart.start_at @row.cells.first assert_equal(@chart.graphic_frame.anchor.from.col, 0) assert_equal(@chart.graphic_frame.anchor.from.row, 0) @chart.start_at [5,6] assert_equal(@chart.graphic_frame.anchor.from.col, 5) assert_equal(@chart.graphic_frame.anchor.from.row, 6) end def test_end_at @chart.end_at 25, 90 assert_equal(, 25) assert_equal(, 90) @chart.end_at @row.cells.last assert_equal(, 2) assert_equal(, 0) @chart.end_at [10,11] assert_equal(, 10) assert_equal(, 11) end def test_add_series s = @chart.add_series :data=>[0,1,2,3], :labels => ["one", 1, "anything"], :title=>"bob" assert_equal(@chart.series.last, s, "series has been added to chart series collection") assert_equal(s.title.text, "bob", "series title has been applied") end def test_pn assert_equal(, "charts/chart1.xml") end def test_d_lbls assert_equal(nil, @chart.instance_values[:d_lbls]) @chart.d_lbls.d_lbl_pos = :t assert(@chart.d_lbls.is_a?(Axlsx::DLbls), 'DLbls instantiated on access') end def test_to_xml_string schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema( doc = Nokogiri::XML(@chart.to_xml_string) errors = schema.validate(doc).map { |error| puts error.message; error } assert(errors.empty?, "error free validation") end end