require 'json' require 'mkfifo' require 'tempfile' module Ffmprb class File class << self attr_accessor :image_extname_regex, :sound_extname_regex, :movie_extname_regex def threaded_buffered_fifo(extname='.tmp') input_fifo_file = temp_fifo(extname) output_fifo_file = temp_fifo(extname) Ffmprb.logger.debug "Opening #{input_fifo_file.path}>#{output_fifo_file.path} for buffering" do begin async_opener(input_fifo_file, 'r'), async_opener(output_fifo_file, 'w') Util::Thread.join_children! Ffmprb.logger.debug "IoBuffering from #{input_fifo_file.path} to #{output_fifo_file.path} ended" ensure input_fifo_file.remove if input_fifo_file output_fifo_file.remove if output_fifo_file end end Ffmprb.logger.debug "IoBuffering from #{input_fifo_file.path} to #{output_fifo_file.path} started" # TODO see threaded_io_buffer's XXXs: yield buff if block_given? [input_fifo_file, output_fifo_file] end def create(path) new(path: path, mode: :write).tap do |file| Ffmprb.logger.debug "Created file with path: #{file.path}" end end def open(path) new(path: (path.respond_to?(:path)? path.path : path), mode: :read).tap do |file| Ffmprb.logger.debug "Opened file with path: #{file.path}" end end def temp(extname) file = create(['', extname])) Ffmprb.logger.debug "Created temp file with path: #{file.path}" return file unless block_given? begin yield file ensure begin FileUtils.remove_entry file.path rescue Ffmprb.logger.warn "Error removing temp file with path #{file.path}: #{$!.message}" end Ffmprb.logger.debug "Removed temp file with path: #{file.path}" end end def temp_fifo(extname='.tmp', &blk) fifo_file = create(temp_fifo_path extname) ::File.mkfifo fifo_file.path return fifo_file unless block_given? begin yield fifo_file ensure fifo_file.remove end end def temp_fifo_path(extname) ::File.join Dir.tmpdir, Dir::Tmpname.make_tmpname('', 'p' + extname) end # NOTE must be timeout-safe def async_opener(file, mode) ->{ Ffmprb.logger.debug "Trying to open #{file.path} for #{mode}-buffering", mode) } end def image?(extname) extname =~ image_extname_regex end def sound?(extname) extname =~ sound_extname_regex end def movie?(extname) extname =~ movie_extname_regex end end def initialize(path:, mode:) @path = path @path.close if @path && @path.respond_to?(:close) # NOTE specially for temp files path! # NOTE early (exception) raiser @mode = mode.to_sym fail Error, "Open for read, create for write, ??? for #{@mode}" unless %i[read write].include?(@mode) end def path path! end # Info def exist? ::File.exist? path end def extname ::File.extname path end def channel?(medium) case medium when :video self.class.image?(extname) || when :audio self.class.sound?(extname) || end end def length return @duration if @duration # NOTE first attempt @duration = probe['format']['duration'] @duration &&= @duration.to_f return @duration if @duration # NOTE a harder try @duration = probe(true)['frames'].reduce(0) do |sum, frame| sum + frame['pkt_duration_time'].to_f end end def resolution v_stream = probe['streams'].first "#{v_stream['width']}x#{v_stream['height']}" end # Manipulation def read path end def write(s) ::File.write path, s end def remove FileUtils.remove_entry path Ffmprb.logger.debug "Removed file with path: #{path}" @path = nil end private def path! ( # NOTE specially for temp files @path.respond_to?(:path)? @path.path : @path ).tap do |path| # TODO ensure readabilty/writability/readiness fail Error, "'#{path}' is un#{@mode.to_s[0..3]}able" unless path && !path.empty? end end def probe(harder=false) return @probe unless !@probe || harder cmd = ['-v', 'quiet', '-i', path, '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams'] cmd << '-show_frames' if harder @probe = JSON.parse(Util::ffprobe *cmd).tap do |probe| fail Error, "This doesn't look like a ffprobable file" unless probe['streams'] end end end end require_relative 'file/sample'