module Conjur module Policy module YAML class Handler < Psych::Handler include Conjur::Policy::Logger attr_accessor :parser, :filename, :result # An abstract Base handler. The handler will receive each document message within # its particular context (sequence, mapping, etc). # # The handler can decide that the message is not allowed by not implementing the message. # class Base attr_reader :parent def initialize parent @parent = parent end # Each handler should implement this method to return the result object (which may only be # partially constructed). This method is used by the root handler to associate the handler # result with an anchor (if applicable). def result; raise "Not implemented"; end # Handlers are organized in a stack. Each handler can find the root Handler by traversing up the stack. def handler parent.handler end # Push this handler onto the stack. def push_handler handler.push_handler self end # Pop this handler off the stack, indicating that it's complete. def pop_handler handler.pop_handler end # An alias is encountered in the document. The value may be looked up in the root Handler +anchor+ hash. def alias anchor raise "Unexpected alias #{anchor}" end # Start a new mapping with the specified tag. # If the handler wants to accept the message, it should return a new handler. def start_mapping tag raise "Unexpected mapping" end # Start a new sequence. # If the handler wants to accept the message, it should return a new handler. def start_sequence raise "Unexpected sequence" end # End the current sequence. The handler should populate the sequence into the parent handler. def end_sequence raise "Unexpected end of sequence" end # End the current mapping. The handler should populate the mapping into the parent handler. def end_mapping raise "Unexpected end of mapping" end # Process a scalar value. It may be a map key, a map value, or a sequence value. # The handler should return a result from this method, so that the root Handler can # associate it with an anchor, if any. def scalar value, tag, quoted raise "Unexpected scalar" end protected def scalar_value value, tag, quoted, record_type if type = type_of(tag, record_type) do |record| = value end else SafeYAML::Transform.to_guessed_type(value, quoted, SafeYAML::OPTIONS) end end def type_of tag, record_type if tag && tag.match(/!(.*)/) type_name = $1.underscore.camelize begin Conjur::Policy::Types.const_get(type_name) rescue NameError raise "Unrecognized data type '#{tag}'" end else record_type end end end # Handles the root document, which should be a sequence. class Root < Base attr_reader :result, :handler def initialize handler super nil @handler = handler @result = nil end def handler; @handler; end def sequence seq raise "Already got sequence result" if @result @result = seq end # The document root is expected to start with a sequence. # A Sequence handler is constructed with no implicit type. This # sub-handler handles the message. def start_sequence, nil).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result end # Finish the sequence, and the document. def end_sequence pop_handler end end # Handles a sequence. The sequence has: # +record_type+ default record type, inferred from the field name on the parent record. # +args+ the start_sequence arguments. class Sequence < Base attr_reader :record_type def initialize parent, record_type super parent @record_type = record_type @list = [] end def result; @list; end # Adds a mapping to the sequence. def mapping value @list.push value end # Adds a sequence to the sequence. def sequence value @list.push value end # When the sequence receives an alias, the alias should be mapped to the previously stored # value and added to the result list. def alias anchor @list.push handler.anchor(anchor) end # When the sequence contains a mapping, a new record should be created corresponding to either: # # * The explicit stated type (tag) of the mapping # * The implicit field type of the sequence # # If neither of these is available, it's an error. def start_mapping tag if type = type_of(tag, record_type), type).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result else raise "No type given or inferred for sequence entry" end end # Process a sequence within a sequence. def start_sequence, record_type).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result end # When the sequence contains a scalar, the value should be appended to the result. def scalar value, tag, quoted scalar_value(value, tag, quoted, record_type).tap do |value| @list.push value end end def end_sequence parent.sequence @list pop_handler end end # Handles a mapping, each of which will be parsed into a structured record. class Mapping < Base attr_reader :type def initialize parent, type super parent @record = end def result; @record; end def map_entry key, value if @record.respond_to?(:[]=) @record.send(:[]=, key, value) else begin @record.send("#{key}=", value) rescue NoMethodError raise "No such attribute '#{key}' on type #{@record.class.short_name}" end end end # Begins a mapping with the anchor value as the key. def alias anchor key = handler.anchor(anchor), @record, key).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result end # Begins a new map entry. def scalar value, tag, quoted value = scalar_value(value, tag, quoted, type), @record, value).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result end def end_mapping parent.mapping @record pop_handler end end # Processes a map entry. At this point, the parent record and the map key are known. class MapEntry < Base attr_reader :record, :key def initialize parent, record, key super parent @record = record @key = key end def result; nil; end def sequence value value value end def mapping value value value end def value value parent.map_entry @key, value pop_handler end # Interpret the alias as the map value and populate in the parent. def alias anchor value handler.anchor(anchor) end # Start a mapping as a map value. def start_mapping tag if type = type_of(tag, yaml_field_type(key)), type).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result else # We got a mapping on a simple type raise "Attribute '#{key}' can't be a mapping" end end # Start a sequence as a map value. def start_sequence, yaml_field_type(key)).tap do |h| h.push_handler end.result end def scalar value, tag, quoted value scalar_value(value, tag, quoted, yaml_field_type(key)) end protected def yaml_field_type key record.class.respond_to?(:yaml_field_type) ? record.class.yaml_field_type(key) : nil end end def initialize @root = self @handlers = [ @root ] @anchors = {} @filename = "" end def push_handler handler log {"#{indent}pushing handler #{handler.class}"} @handlers.push handler end def pop_handler @handlers.pop log {"#{indent}popped to handler #{handler.class}"} end # Get or set an anchor. Invoke with just the anchor name to get the value. # Invoke with the anchor name and value to set the value. def anchor *args key, value, _ = args if _ raise ArgumentError, "Expecting 1 or 2 arguments, got #{args.length}" elsif key && value raise "Duplicate anchor #{key}" if @anchors[key] @anchors[key] = value elsif key @anchors[key] else nil end end def result; @root.result; end def handler; @handlers.last; end def alias key log {"#{indent}anchor '#{key}'=#{anchor(key)}"} handler.alias key end def start_mapping *args log {"#{indent}start mapping #{args}"} anchor, tag, _ = args value = handler.start_mapping tag anchor anchor, value end def start_sequence *args log {"#{indent}start sequence : #{args}"} anchor, _ = args value = handler.start_sequence anchor anchor, value end def end_sequence log {"#{indent}end sequence"} handler.end_sequence end def end_mapping log {"#{indent}end mapping"} handler.end_mapping end def scalar *args # value, anchor, tag, plain, quoted, style value, anchor, tag, _, quoted = args log {"#{indent}got scalar #{tag ? tag + '=' : ''}#{value}#{anchor ? '#' + anchor : ''}"} value = handler.scalar value, tag, quoted anchor anchor, value end def log &block logger.debug('conjur/policy/handler') { yield } end def indent " " * [ @handlers.length - 1, 0 ].max end end end end end