require 'rake' require_relative '../task_helper' module HammerCLI module I18n class FindTask include Rake::DSL MIN_TRANSLATION_PERC = 50 def initialize(domain, version) @domain = domain @version = version end def define namespace :gettext do task :setup do require 'gettext/tools/task' GetText::Tools::Task.define do |task| task.package_name = @domain.domain_name task.package_version = @version.to_s task.domain = @domain.domain_name task.mo_base_directory = @domain.locale_dir task.po_base_directory = @domain.locale_dir task.files = @domain.translated_files task.msgmerge_options='--no-fuzzy-matching' end end desc "Update pot file" task :find => [:setup] do Rake::Task["gettext:po:update"].invoke end desc 'Check languages with 50% or more coverage and create needed files' task :find_new do client = @domain) stats = client.language_stats_collection lang_percentages = stats['data'].each_with_object({}) do |lang, res| res[lang['id'].split(':').last] = (lang['attributes']['translated_strings'] * 100.0 / lang['attributes']['total_strings']).round end { |_, v| v >= MIN_TRANSLATION_PERC }.each_key do |lang| lang_dir = File.join(@domain.locale_dir, lang) FileUtils.mkpath(lang_dir) FileUtils.cp(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, "#{@domain.domain_name}.pot"), File.join(lang_dir, "#{@domain.domain_name}.po")) end end end namespace :tx do desc 'Pull translations from transifex' task :pull do raise 'Command tx not found. Make sure you have transifex-client installed and configured.' unless system("command -v tx >/dev/null 2>&1") sh "tx pull -f" edit_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**', '*.edit.po')) edit_files.each do |edit_file| `sed -i 's/^\\("Project-Id-Version: \\).*$/\\1#{@domain.domain_name} #{@version}\\\\n"/' #{edit_file};` end end desc 'Merge .edit.po into .po' task :update_po do edit_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**', '*.edit.po')) edit_files.each do |edit_file| po_file = edit_file.gsub('.edit.po', '.po') sh "msgcat --use-first --no-location #{edit_file} #{po_file} --output-file #{po_file}" end end desc 'Generate MO files from PO files' task :all_mo do po_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**', "#{@domain.domain_name}.po")) po_files.each do |po_file| dir = File.dirname(po_file) + '/LC_MESSAGES' FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) sh "msgfmt -o #{dir}/#{@domain.domain_name}.mo #{po_file}" end end desc 'Download and merge translations from Transifex' task :update do Rake::Task['gettext:find_new'].invoke Rake::Task['gettext:find'].invoke Rake::Task['tx:pull'].invoke Rake::Task['tx:update_po'].invoke Rake::Task['tx:all_mo'].invoke locale_dir = File.expand_path(@domain.locale_dir, __dir__) sh "git add #{locale_dir}" sh 'git commit -m "i18n - extracting new, pulling from tx"' puts 'Changes commited!' end desc 'Check for malformed strings' task :check do raise 'Command pofilter not found. Make sure you have translate-toolkit installed.' unless system("command -v pofilter >/dev/null 2>&1") po_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**',"#{@domain.domain_name}.po")) po_files.each do |po_file| pox_file = po_file.gsub('.po', '.pox') sh "msgfmt -c #{po_file}" sh "pofilter --nofuzzy -t variables -t blank -t urls -t emails -t long -t newlines -t endwhitespace -t endpunc \ -t puncspacing -t options -t printf -t validchars --gnome #{po_file} > #{pox_file};" sh("! grep -q msgid #{pox_file}") do |ok, _| sh "cat #{pox_file}" unless ok abort "See errors above for #{pox_file}." end end end desc 'Clean everything, removes *.edit.po, *.po.timestamp and *.pox files' task :clean do edit_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**', '*.edit.po')) timestamp_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**', '*.po.time_stamp')) pox_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '**', '*.pox')) messages_file = Dir.glob(File.join(@domain.locale_dir, '..', '')) FileUtils.rm_f(edit_files + timestamp_files + pox_files + messages_file) end end end def self.define(domain, version) new(domain, version).define end end end end