import URI from 'urijs'; import { push } from 'connected-react-router'; import { get } from 'foremanReact/redux/API'; import { selectQueryParams } from './InsightsTableSelectors'; import { INSIGHTS_HITS_API_KEY, INSIGHTS_HITS_PATH, INSIGHTS_SET_SELECTED_IDS, INSIGHTS_SET_SELECT_ALL_ALERT, INSIGHTS_SET_SELECT_ALL, } from './InsightsTableConstants'; import { getServerQueryForHostname, isNewHostPage, } from './InsightsTableHelpers'; export const fetchInsights = (queryParams = {}) => (dispatch, getState) => { const state = getState(); const { page, perPage, query, sortBy, sortOrder, isSelectAll } = { ...selectQueryParams(state), ...queryParams, }; const uri = new URI();{ page, per_page: perPage, search: query, sort_by: sortBy, sort_order: sortOrder, select_all: isSelectAll, }); updateUrl(uri, dispatch); if (!isSelectAll) { dispatch(setSelectAllAlert(false)); } const search = getServerQueryForHostname(query); return dispatch( get({ key: INSIGHTS_HITS_API_KEY, url: INSIGHTS_HITS_PATH, params: { page, per_page: perPage, search, order: `${sortBy} ${sortOrder}`, }, handleSuccess: response => { if (isSelectAll) { selectAllIds(dispatch, || []); dispatch(selectAll()); } }, }) ); }; const selectAllIds = (dispatch, results, prevSelectedIds = {}) => { const selectedIds = { ...prevSelectedIds }; results.forEach(row => { if (row.disableCheckbox) return; selectedIds[] = true; }); dispatch(selectByIds(selectedIds)); dispatch(setSelectAllAlert(true)); }; export const setSelectAllAlert = showSelectAllAlert => ({ type: INSIGHTS_SET_SELECT_ALL_ALERT, payload: { showSelectAllAlert }, }); export const selectByIds = selectedIds => ({ type: INSIGHTS_SET_SELECTED_IDS, payload: { selectedIds }, }); export const setSelectAll = isAllSelected => dispatch => { dispatch(setSelectAllUrl(isAllSelected)); dispatch({ type: INSIGHTS_SET_SELECT_ALL, payload: { isAllSelected }, }); }; export const selectAll = () => setSelectAll(true); export const clearAllSelection = () => dispatch => { dispatch(selectByIds({})); dispatch(setSelectAllAlert(false)); dispatch(setSelectAll(false)); }; export const onTableSort = (columns, index, direction) => { // The checkbox column shifts the data columns by 1; const { sortKey } = columns[index - 1]; return fetchInsights({ sortBy: sortKey, sortOrder: direction, page: 1, }); }; export const onTableSetPage = (_event, pageNumber) => fetchInsights({ page: pageNumber }); export const onTablePerPageSelect = (_event, perPageNumber) => fetchInsights({ perPage: perPageNumber }); export const onTableSelect = ( isSelected, rowId, rows, prevSelectedIds ) => dispatch => { const handleRegularCheckbox = () => { const selectedIds = { ...prevSelectedIds }; if (isSelected) { selectedIds[rows[rowId].id] = true; } else { dispatch(setSelectAllAlert(false)); dispatch(setSelectAll(false)); delete selectedIds[rows[rowId].id]; } dispatch(selectByIds(selectedIds)); }; if (rowId === -1) { if (!isSelected) return dispatch(clearAllSelection()); selectAllIds(dispatch, rows, prevSelectedIds); } else { handleRegularCheckbox(); } return null; }; const setSelectAllUrl = selectAllValue => dispatch => { const uri = new URI(); uri.setSearch({ select_all: selectAllValue }); updateUrl(uri, dispatch); }; const updateUrl = (uri, dispatch) => { const nextUrlParams = { search: }; if (isNewHostPage()) { // we need to keep the hash so the insights tab will remain selected in the new host details page. nextUrlParams.hash = '/Insights'; } dispatch(push(nextUrlParams)); };