{ "title": "Unscramble letters to make words : TODO", "h1": "Unscramble letters to make words : TODO", "meta": "Still thinking of unscrambling words ? Use our unscrambler now!", "featureNo": "02", "feature_title": "Features", "blogNo": "03", "blog_title": "Blog", "FaqNo": "04", "Faq_title": "FAQ", "aboutNo": "05", "about_title": "About", "featureList": [ { "feature_heading": "Super-fast unscrambler", "feature_text": "Unscramble letters to make words just in few seconds.", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" }, { "feature_heading": "12 letters is a big deal!", "feature_text": "Yes! Unscramble letters to make words with a limit of 12 words. Get multiple words from the unscrambler too. Multiple word unscrambler makes the job easier.", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" }, { "feature_heading": "Free cheats to unscramble multiple words", "feature_text": "Playing with friends? Our word unscrambler cheat will come in handy", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" }, { "feature_heading": "New Updates to be Highlighted", "feature_text": "Every new feature related to scrabble game will be highlighted right at our home page so that you can use them!", "fa_class": "../assets/images/star.svg" } ], "faqList": [ { "Question": "Can I know how much points will the word score in a word game?", "Answer": "Yes, absolutely. Our website not only provides you all the possible word formations from the words entered by you but also displays the points that you will score if you use this word in a game. The number displayed on the bottom right corner of each word is the points you will get from the word.", "": "", "__1": "" }, { "Question": "What are the sorting options available?", "Answer": "We provide multiple sorting options. You can sort the search results from A-Z and from Z-A. We also have an option in which the results are sorted by the points they earn on a scrabble board from highest to lowest.", "": "", "__1": "" }, { "Question": "Can I sort the search results?", "Answer": "Yes, once the results are displayed, according to the number of results generated, the sort function with appear on the screen.", "": "", "__1": "" }, { "Question": "What are the dictionary options available?", "Answer": "Multiple word unscrambler allows you to take into consideration three dictionaries, thereby increasing your chances of finding more words that make sense. The dictionary options available with us are Dictionart, TWLO6(US, Canada and Thailand), SOWPODS (UK and others) and Enable (Words with Friends)", "": "", "__1": "" }, { "Question": "How can I use the Advanced filter option?", "Answer": "To use the advanced filter option just click on Advanced Filters. Fill in your options like word Starts With, the Prefix, what letters or words it Must Include, what it Contains, what your word End With, the Suffix, the length of the word and click on apply." } ], "aboutList": [ { "aboutText": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim odio sapiente unde voluptatibus, excepturi saepe quisquam veniam architecto delectus dolor eos dolorem id itaque necessitatibus laborum cupiditate asperiores officia? Deleniti!" }, { "aboutText": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim odio sapiente unde voluptatibus, excepturi saepe quisquam veniam architecto delectus dolor eos dolorem id itaque necessitatibus laborum cupiditate asperiores officia? Deleniti!" } ] }