module CachedResource # The Caching module is included in ActiveResource and # handles caching and recaching of responses. module Caching extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class << self alias_method_chain :find, :cache end end module ClassMethods # Find a resource using the cache or resend the request # if :reload is set to true or caching is disabled. def find_with_cache(*arguments) arguments << {} unless arguments.last.is_a?(Hash) should_reload = arguments.last.delete(:reload) || !cached_resource.enabled arguments.pop if arguments.last.empty? key = cache_key(arguments) should_reload ? find_via_reload(key, *arguments) : find_via_cache(key, *arguments) end private # Try to find a cached response for the given key. If # no cache entry exists, send a new request. def find_via_cache(key, *arguments) cache_read(key) || find_via_reload(key, *arguments) end # Re/send the request to fetch the resource. Cache the response # for the request. def find_via_reload(key, *arguments) object = find_without_cache(*arguments) cache_collection_synchronize(object, *arguments) if cached_resource.collection_synchronize cache_write(key, object) object end # If this is a pure, unadulterated "all" request # write cache entries for all its members # otherwise update an existing collection if possible. def cache_collection_synchronize(object, *arguments) if object.is_a? Array update_singles_cache(object) # update the collection only if this is a subset of it update_collection_cache(object) unless is_collection?(*arguments) else update_collection_cache(object) end end # Update the cache of singles with an array of updates. def update_singles_cache(updates) updates = Array(updates) updates.each { |object| cache_write(object.send(primary_key), object) } end # Update the "mother" collection with an array of updates. def update_collection_cache(updates) updates = Array(updates) collection = cache_read(cached_resource.collection_arguments) if collection && !updates.empty? store = RUBY_VERSION.to_f < 1.9 ? : {} index = collection.inject(store) { |hash, object| hash[object.send(primary_key)] = object; hash } updates.each { |object| index[object.send(primary_key)] = object } cache_write(cached_resource.collection_arguments, index.values) end end # Determine if the given arguments represent # the entire collection of objects. def is_collection?(*arguments) arguments == cached_resource.collection_arguments end # Read a entry from the cache for the given key. # The key is processed to make sure it is valid. def cache_read(key) key = cache_key(Array(key)) unless key.is_a? String object = do |cache| cache.dup.tap { |o| o.instance_variable_set(:@persisted, cache.persisted?) if cache.respond_to?(:persisted?) } end object &&"#{CachedResource::Configuration::LOGGER_PREFIX} READ #{key}") object end # Write an entry to the cache for the given key and value. # The key is processed to make sure it is valid. def cache_write(key, object) key = cache_key(Array(key)) unless key.is_a? String result = cached_resource.cache.write(key, object, :expires_in => cached_resource.ttl) result &&"#{CachedResource::Configuration::LOGGER_PREFIX} WRITE #{key}") result end # Generate the request cache key. def cache_key(*arguments) "#{name.parameterize.gsub("-", "/")}/#{arguments.join('/')}".downcase end end end end