require "jenkins_api_client" module JenkinsApi class Client class Job def build_freestyle_config(params) # Supported SCM providers supported_scm = ["git", "subversion", "cvs"] # Set default values for params that are not specified. raise ArgumentError, "Job name must be specified" \ unless params.is_a?(Hash) && params[:name] if params[:keep_dependencies].nil? params[:keep_dependencies] = false end if params[:block_build_when_downstream_building].nil? params[:block_build_when_downstream_building] = false end if params[:block_build_when_upstream_building].nil? params[:block_build_when_upstream_building] = false end params[:concurrent_build] = false if params[:concurrent_build].nil? if params[:notification_email] if params[:notification_email_for_every_unstable].nil? params[:notification_email_for_every_unstable] = false end if params[:notification_email_send_to_individuals].nil? params[:notification_email_send_to_individuals] ||= false end end # SCM configurations and Error handling. unless supported_scm.include?(params[:scm_provider]) || params[:scm_provider].nil? raise "SCM #{params[:scm_provider]} is currently not supported" end if params[:scm_url].nil? && !params[:scm_provider].nil? raise 'SCM URL must be specified' end if params[:scm_branch].nil? && !params[:scm_provider].nil? params[:scm_branch] = "master" end if params[:scm_use_head_if_tag_not_found].nil? params[:scm_use_head_if_tag_not_found] = false end # Child projects configuration and Error handling if params[:child_threshold].nil? && !params[:child_projects].nil? params[:child_threshold] = 'failure' end @logger.debug "Creating a freestyle job with params: #{params.inspect}" # Build the Job xml file based on the parameters given builder = => 'UTF-8') { |xml| xml.project { xml.actions xml.description xml.keepDependencies "#{params[:keep_dependencies]}" # SCM related stuff if params[:scm_provider] == 'subversion' # Build subversion related XML portion scm_subversion(params, xml) elsif params[:scm_provider] == "cvs" # Build CVS related XML portion scm_cvs(params, xml) elsif params[:scm_provider] == "git" # Build Git related XML portion scm_git(params, xml) else xml.scm(:class => "hudson.scm.NullSCM") end # Restrict job to run in a specified node if params[:restricted_node] xml.assignedNode "#{params[:restricted_node]}" xml.canRoam "false" else xml.canRoam "true" end xml.disabled "false" xml.blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding( "#{params[:block_build_when_downstream_building]}") xml.blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding( "#{params[:block_build_when_upstream_building]}") if params[:timer] xml.triggers.vector { xml.send("hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger") { xml.spec params[:timer] } } else xml.triggers.vector end xml.concurrentBuild "#{params[:concurrent_build]}" # Shell command stuff { if params[:shell_command] xml.send("hudson.tasks.Shell") { xml.command "#{params[:shell_command]}" } end } # Adding Downstream projects xml.publishers { # Build portion of XML that adds child projects child_projects(params, xml) if params[:child_projects] # Build portion of XML that adds email notification notification_email(params, xml) if params[:notification_email] # Build portion of XML that adds skype notification skype_notification(params, xml) if params[:skype_targets] } xml.buildWrappers } } builder.to_xml end def create_freestyle(params) xml = build_freestyle_config(params) create(params[:name], xml) end def update_freestyle(params) xml = build_freestyle_config(params) post_config(params[:name], xml) end def create_or_update_freestyle(params) if exists?(params[:name]) update_freestyle(params) else create_freestyle(params) end end end end end