   Copyright (C) 2012 2013 2014 BizStation Corp All rights reserved.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.

#include "appModule.h"
#include "appBuilderImple.h"
#include <bzs/db/engine/mysql/dbManager.h>
#include <bzs/db/engine/mysql/mysqlThd.h>
#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/mysql/tdapCommandExecuter.h>
#include <bzs/netsvc/server/iserver.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <boost/asio/ip/address_v4.hpp>
#include <bzs/db/protocol/hs/hsCommandExecuter.h>

using namespace bzs::netsvc::server;

IMyPluginModule::create(const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& endpoint,
                        iconnection* connection, bool tpool, int type)
    return new bzs::db::transactd::module(endpoint, connection, tpool, type);

namespace bzs
namespace netsvc
namespace server

boost::mutex modulesMutex;
std::vector<IAppModule*> modules;
using namespace bzs::netsvc::server;

} // namespace server
} // namespace netsvc

namespace db
using namespace protocol;
namespace transactd

#define ASYNCWRITE_DATA_SIZE 16374 // 16384 - 10

static const unsigned int segment_mark = 0xFFFFFFFF;

/* netAsyncWriter protocol description

        segment_mark    4  system  include RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE
        paramMask		2  system  include RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE
        result			2  system  include RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE
        rows			2  data
        data...   datalen  data
        datalen         4  system  clients are no count this size
        rows            2  system  clients are no count this size
        totallen        4  system  include RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE (not include
   already sent)

class netAsyncWriter : public netWriter
    iconnection* m_conn;
    char* m_buf;
    char* m_data;
    size_t m_defBuffferPos;
    unsigned short m_rows;

    inline void doWrite()
        unsigned int asyncDataSize = (unsigned int)(m_curPtr - m_data);
        unsigned int size = ASYNCWRITE_DATA_SIZE;
        if (asyncDataSize < ASYNCWRITE_DATA_SIZE)
            size = asyncDataSize;
        int offset = (int)(m_data - m_buf);

        *((unsigned short*)(m_data - 2)) = (unsigned short)size;
        m_conn->asyncWrite(m_buf, size + offset);

        asyncDataSize -= size;
        memmove(m_buf + 2, m_data + size, asyncDataSize);
        m_data = m_buf + 2;
        m_curPtr = m_data + asyncDataSize;

    inline void writeEndMark()
        memcpy(m_data, &segment_mark, 4);
        unsigned short tmp = 4;
        memcpy(m_data + tmp, &datalen, 4);
        memcpy(m_data + tmp + 4, &m_rows, 2);
        *((unsigned short*)(m_data - 2)) = tmp;
        m_conn->asyncWrite(m_buf, tmp + 2 + 4 + 2);

        m_curPtr = m_data;

    netAsyncWriter(iconnection* conn)
        : netWriter(), m_conn(conn), m_defBuffferPos(0)
        m_buf = new char[ASYNC_BUFFER_SIZE];
        memcpy(m_buf, &segment_mark, sizeof(unsigned int));
        m_data = m_buf + 2 + 4;

    ~netAsyncWriter() { delete[] m_buf; }

    void reset(IResultBuffer* retBuf, buffers* optData)
        netWriter::reset(retBuf, optData);
        m_defBuffferPos = 0;

        memcpy(m_buf, &segment_mark, sizeof(unsigned int));
        m_data = m_buf + 2 + 4;
        m_curPtr = m_data;

    void beginExt(bool includeBlob)
        short result = 0;
        ushort_td paramMask = getParamMask(includeBlob);

        asyncWrite((const char*)(&paramMask), sizeof(ushort_td));
        asyncWrite((const char*)(&result), sizeof(short));
        asyncWrite((const char*)(&m_rows), sizeof(unsigned short));

        datalen = sizeof(unsigned short); // rows space;
        m_rows = 0;

    bool asyncWrite(const char* p, unsigned int size,
                    eWriteMode mode = copyOnly)
        unsigned int asyncDataSize = (unsigned int)(m_curPtr - m_data);

        // client detabuffer orver flow check. don't use minus unsigned
        // variables
        if (m_clientBuffferSize < datalen + size)
            return false;
        datalen += size;
        if (mode == curSeekOnly)
            m_curPtr += size;
        else if (mode == netwrite)
            if (asyncDataSize > ASYNCWRITE_DATA_SIZE)
        else if (mode == writeEnd)
            if (asyncDataSize)
            memcpy(m_curPtr, p, size);
            m_curPtr += size;
        return true;

    // write to default buffer
    bool write(const char* p, size_t size, eWriteMode mode = copyOnly)
        if (mode >= netwrite)
            return true;
        if (resultBuffer->size() < m_defBuffferPos + size)
            return false;

        if (mode != curSeekOnly)
            memcpy(resultBuffer->ptr() + m_defBuffferPos, p, size);
        m_defBuffferPos += size;
        datalen += size;
        m_curPtr = resultBuffer->ptr() + m_defBuffferPos;
        return true;

    void incremetRows() { ++m_rows; }

    size_t bufferSpace() const
        return ASYNC_BUFFER_SIZE - (curPtr() - m_buf);

    unsigned int resultLen() const
        return (unsigned int)datalen + RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE;

    unsigned short getParamMask(bool includeBlob)
        ushort_td paramMask =
        if (!engine::mysql::table::noKeybufResult)
            paramMask |= P_MASK_KEYBUF;

        if (includeBlob)
            paramMask |= P_MASK_BLOBBODY;
        return paramMask;

    /* Increment total deta size space only.
       The header and contents are already sent
       This space is include RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE.
    void writeHeadar(unsigned short paramMask, short result)
        write(NULL, 4, curSeekOnly);
        datalen -= 4;

    /*  allreadySent is async write size. writeHeadar size is not include.
    unsigned int allreadySent() const { return resultLen() - 4; }

class netStdWriter : public netWriter
    unsigned short* m_rowsPos;

    netStdWriter() : netWriter() {}

    void beginExt(bool includeBlob)
        m_curPtr = m_ptr + RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE;
        m_rowsPos = (unsigned short*)m_curPtr;
        (*m_rowsPos) = 0;
        datalen = sizeof(unsigned short); // rows space;
        m_curPtr += 2;

    unsigned int resultLen() const
        return (unsigned int)(datalen + RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE);

    bool asyncWrite(const char* p, unsigned int size,
                    eWriteMode mode = copyOnly)
        if (mode >= netwrite)
            return true;
        if (m_clientBuffferSize < datalen + size)
            return false;

        if (mode != curSeekOnly)
            memcpy(m_curPtr, p, size);
        m_curPtr += size;
        datalen += size;

        return true;

    bool write(const char* p, size_t size, eWriteMode mode = copyOnly)
        return asyncWrite(p, (unsigned int)size, mode);

    void incremetRows() { ++(*m_rowsPos); }

    unsigned short getParamMask(bool includeBlob)
        ushort_td paramMask = (engine::mysql::table::noKeybufResult == false)
                                  ? P_MASK_READ_EXT
                                  : P_MASK_DATA | P_MASK_DATALEN;
        if (includeBlob)
            paramMask |= P_MASK_BLOBBODY;
        return paramMask;

    void writeHeadar(unsigned short paramMask, short result)
        char* p = ptr() + sizeof(unsigned int); // 4
        memcpy(p, (const char*)(&paramMask), sizeof(ushort_td)); // 2
        p += sizeof(ushort_td);
        memcpy(p, (const char*)(&result), sizeof(short_td)); // 2
        p += sizeof(short_td);
        memcpy(p, (const char*)&datalen, sizeof(uint_td)); // 4
    unsigned int allreadySent() const { return 0; }

/** The module created for every connection
 *  In the case of a thread pool, thread termination processing is not performed
 * by a destructor.
module::module(const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& endpoint,
               iconnection* connection, bool tpool, int type)
    : m_endpoint(endpoint), m_connection(connection), m_useThreadPool(tpool)
    if (type & PROTOCOL_TYPE_BTRV)
        m_commandExecuter.reset(new protocol::tdap::mysql::commandExecuter(
            (unsigned __int64) this));
    else if (type & PROTOCOL_TYPE_HS)
            new protocol::hs::commandExecuter((unsigned __int64) this));
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(modulesMutex);
        m_nw = new netAsyncWriter(connection);
        m_nw = new netStdWriter();

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(modulesMutex);
    modules.erase(find(modules.begin(), modules.end(), this));
    delete m_nw;
    if (m_useThreadPool == false)

void module::reset()

/**  It is called from the handler of async_read.
 *   A value is analyzed and it is answered whether a lead is completion.
 *	 @return Size required for a lead buffer is returned on the occasion of
 *reading by addition.
 *	         When zero are returned, it is shown that it is not necessary to
 *enlarge a buffer further.
size_t module::onRead(const char* data, size_t size, bool& complete)
    m_readBuf = data;
    m_readSize = size;
    return m_commandExecuter->perseRequestEnd(data, size, complete);

size_t module::onAccept(char* message, size_t bufsize)
    return m_commandExecuter->getAcceptMessage(message, bufsize);

static const char* addressMasks[3] = { ".0.0.0/", ".0.0/",
                                       ".0/" };

char* addressClass(char* buf, int bufsize, const char* host, int type)
    strcpy_s(buf, bufsize, host);
    for (int i = 3; i >= type; i--)
        char* p = strrchr(buf, '.');
        if (p == NULL)
            return buf;
        *p = 0x00;
    strcat_s(buf, bufsize, addressMasks[type - 1]);
    return buf;

bool isAclUser(const char* host, const char* user)
    bool ret = is_acl_user(host, user);
    if (ret)
        return true;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
        char buf[256];
        ret = is_acl_user(addressClass(buf, 256, host, i), user);
        if (ret)
            return true;
    return false;

bool module::checkHost(const char* hostCheckname)
    std::string addr = m_endpoint.address().to_string();
    size_t pos = addr.find_last_of(":");
    if (pos != std::string::npos)
        addr = addr.substr(pos + 1);

    bool ret = true;
    if (!isAclUser(addr.c_str(), hostCheckname))
        ret =
            isAclUser(m_endpoint.address().to_string().c_str(), hostCheckname);
        if (!ret && m_endpoint.address().is_v4())
            if (addr == std::string(""))
                ret = isAclUser("localhost", hostCheckname);
    return ret;

int module::execute(netsvc::server::IResultBuffer& result, size_t& size,
                    netsvc::server::buffers* optionalData)
    m_commandExecuter->parse(m_readBuf, m_readSize);
    m_nw->reset(&result, optionalData);
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(m_mutex);
    int ret = m_commandExecuter->execute(m_nw);
    if (m_useThreadPool)
    size = m_nw->datalen;
    return ret;

void module::disconnect()

} // namespace transactd
} // namespace db
} // namespace bzs