GeoHydra ======= Geospatial MetaData ToolKit for use as a Geo[Hydra]( head. Setup ----- Core requirements, with versions as-tested: * ArcGIS 10.2 * GeoNetwork 2.8 (optional for metadata management) * GEOS 3.3 * GeoServer 2.2 * OpenGeoPortal 1.2 * PostGIS 2.0 * PostgreSQL 9.2 * Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) * Ruby 1.9 If needed, configure host to use Ruby 1.9.3: % rvm_path=$HOME/.rvm rvm-installer --auto-dotfiles % source $HOME/.bashrc % cd geohydra % rvm use 1.9.3@geohydra --create % rvm rvmrc create To install the native extensions to Ruby pg: # yum install postgresql92-devel % gem install pg -- --with-pg_config=/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_config You need to customize your configuration parameters like so (see the `config/environments/example.rb` first): % $EDITOR config/environments/development.rb Run setup: % bundle install % bundle exec rake spec % bundle exec rake yard Utilities --------- Assemble all your metadata and data as described in *Data Wrangling* into the stage directory `/var/geomdtk/current/stage`. The utilities will use `/var/geomdtk/current/workspace` as the output folder, akin to `/dor/workspace`. Caveats: to enable logging for the Rest client, use % RESTCLIENT_LOG=stdout bundle exec ... Preparing `stage` =============== To assemble the workspace, populate the *geohydra.stage* directory with `druid` directories which contain the data as described in the Data Wrangling section below. To generate the `geoOptions.json` files which contain inspections of the Shapefiles: % bin/geohydra build_stage_options To ingest ArcGIS `*.shp.xml` files and transform into ISO 19139 files % bin/geohydra ingest_arcgis To package up the .shp files into .zip files: % bin/geohydra assemble_data Preparing workspace with assembly ================================= To load the `workspace` and generate metadata files from the `stage`, use: % bin/geohydra assemble If you're using a gazetteer, then post-process the MODS records with: % bin/geohydra assemble_placenames To project all Shapefiles into EPSG:4326 (WGS84), as needed: % bin/geohydra derive_wgs84 druid1... Accessioning ============ To upload the druid metadata to DOR: % bin/geohydra accession druid1 [druid2 druid3...] Upload workspace files to lyberservices-prod:/dor/assembly: % cd /var/geomdtk/current/workspace % rsync -av ./ lyberadmin@lyberservices-prod:/dor/assembly/ Use Argo to initiate the assemblyWF. To upload the druid packages to PostGIS, you will need `shp2pgsql` then use: % bin/geohydra loader_postgis druid1 [druid2 druid3...] Then, login to GeoServer and import the data layers from PostGIS % bin/geohydra sync_geoserver_metadata To upload the druid packages to GeoServer use OpenGeo's *Import Data* feature. Or if you need an automated tool see `bin/loader.rb`. To upload the OpenGeoPortal Solr documents, use: % bin/geohydra solr_indexer Data Wrangling ============== Step 1: Preparing for stage --------------------------- The file system structure will initially look like the following (see [Consul page]( for a description) where the temp files for the shapefiles are all hard links to reduce space requirements: This is *pre-stage*: zv925hd6723/ temp/ geoOptions.json OGWELLS.dbf OGWELLS.prj OGWELLS.shp OGWELLS.shp.xml OGWELLS.shx The `geoOptions.json` contain meta-metadata about the package, including the druid, geometry type, and filename. These files can be generated using bin/build_stage_options.rb but it requires manual supervision. { "druid":"cg716wc7949", "geometryType":"Raster", "filename":"world_admin1.tif" } Step 2: Staged -------------- Once staged, the data look like this: zv925hd6723/ content/ preview.jpg temp/ geoOptions.json OGWELLS-iso19139-fc.xml OGWELLS-iso19139.xml Step 3: Assembly ---------------- Then at the end of assembly processing -- see above prior to accessioning -- it will look like in your workspace: zv925hd6723/ metadata/ contentMetadata.xml (generated later by accessioning scriptie) descMetadata.xml geoMetadata.xml content/ (optionally) preview.jpg some-other-file.ext (optionally) temp/ iso19139.xml ogpSolr.xml spatialSolr.xml Credits ======= Author: Darren Hardy , Digital Library Systems and Services, Stanford University Libraries