require 'shellwords' # Aruba module Aruba # Platforms module Platforms # Announcer # # @private # # @example Activate your you own channel in cucumber # # Before('@announce-my-channel') do # aruba.announcer.activate :my_channel # end # # @example Activate your you own channel in rspec > 3 # # before do # current_example = context.example # aruba.announcer.activate :my_channel if current_example.metadata[:announce_my_channel] # end # # Aruba.announcer.announce(:my_channel, 'my message') # class Announcer # Dev null class NullAnnouncer def announce(*) nil end def mode?(*) true end end # Announcer using Kernel.puts class KernelPutsAnnouncer def announce(message) Kernel.puts message end def mode?(m) :kernel_puts == m end end # Announcer using Main#puts class PutsAnnouncer def announce(message) Kernel.puts message end def mode?(m) :puts == m end end private attr_reader :announcers, :default_announcer, :announcer, :channels, :output_formats public def initialize(*args) @announcers = [] @announcers << @announcers << @announcers << @default_announcer = @announcers.last @announcer = @announcers.first @channels = {} @output_formats = {} @options = args[1] || {} after_init end private # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def after_init output_format :changed_configuration, proc { |n, v| format('# %s = %s', n, v) } output_format :changed_environment, proc { |n, v| format('$ export %s=%s', n, Shellwords.escape(v)) } output_format :command, '$ %s' output_format :directory, '$ cd %s' output_format :environment, proc { |n, v| format('$ export %s=%s', n, Shellwords.escape(v)) } output_format :full_environment, proc { |h| Aruba.platform.simple_table(h) } output_format :modified_environment, proc { |n, v| format('$ export %s=%s', n, Shellwords.escape(v)) } output_format :stderr, "<<-STDERR\n%s\nSTDERR" output_format :stdout, "<<-STDOUT\n%s\nSTDOUT" output_format :stop_signal, proc { |p, s| format('Command will be stopped with `kill -%s %s`', s, p) } output_format :timeout, '# %s-timeout: %s seconds' output_format :wait_time, '# %s: %s seconds' # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength if @options[:stdout] warn('The use of "@announce_stdout-instance" variable and "options[:stdout] = true" for is deprecated. Please use "announcer.activate(:stdout)" instead.') activate :stdout end if @options[:stderr] warn('The use of "@announce_stderr-instance" variable and "options[:stderr] = true" for is deprecated. Please use "announcer.activate(:stderr)" instead.') activate :stderr end if @options[:dir] warn('The use of "@announce_dir-instance" variable and "options[:dir] = true" for is deprecated. Please use "announcer.activate(:directory)" instead.') activate :directory end if @options[:cmd] warn('The use of "@announce_cmd-instance" variable and "options[:cmd] = true" for is deprecated. Please use "announcer.activate(:command)" instead.') activate :command end if @options[:env] warn('The use of "@announce_env-instance" variable and "options[:env] = true" for is deprecated. Please use "announcer.activate(:modified_environment)" instead.') activate :modified_enviroment end # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def output_format(channel, string = '%s', &block) if block_given? output_formats[channel.to_sym] = block elsif string.is_a?(Proc) output_formats[channel.to_sym] = string else output_formats[channel.to_sym] = proc { |*args| format(string, *args) } end end public # Reset announcer def reset @default_announcer = @announcers.last @announcer = @announcers.first end # Change mode of announcer # # @param [Symbol] m # The mode to set def mode=(m) @announcer = @announcers.find { |a| f.mode? m.to_sym } self end # Check if channel is activated # # @param [Symbol] channel # The name of the channel to check def activated?(channel) channels[channel.to_sym] == true end # Activate a channel # # @param [Symbol] channel # The name of the channel to activate def activate(channel) channels[channel.to_sym] = true self end # Announce information to channel # # @param [Symbol] channel # The name of the channel to check # # @param [Array] args # Arguments def announce(channel, *args) channel = channel.to_sym the_output_format = if output_formats.key? channel output_formats[channel] else proc { |v| format('%s', v) } end message =*args) announcer.announce(message) if channels[channel] default_announcer.announce message end # @deprecated def stdout(content) warn('The announcer now has a new api to activate channels. Please use this one: announce(:stdout, message)') announce :stdout, content end # @deprecated def stderr(content) warn('The announcer now has a new api to activate channels. Please use this one: announce(:stderr, message)') announce :stderr, content end # @deprecated def dir(dir) warn('The announcer now has a new api to activate channels. Please use this one announce(:directory, message)') announce :directory, dir end # @deprecated def cmd(cmd) warn('The announcer now has a new api to activate channels. Please use this one announce(:command, message)') announce :command, cmd end # @deprecated def env(name, value) warn('The announcer now has a new api to activate channels. Please use this one: announce(:changed_environment, key, value)') announce :changed_environment, name, value end end end end