Blast4-archive ::= { request { ident "2.2.30+", body queue-search { program "tblastx", service "plain", queries bioseq-set { seq-set { seq { id { local str "Query_1" }, descr { user { type str "CFastaReader", data { { label str "DefLine", data str ">SI2.2.0_06267 Si_gnF.scaffold02592[1282609..1284114].pep_2" } } }, title "SI2.2.0_06267 Si_gnF.scaffold02592[1282609..1284114].pep_2" }, inst { repr raw, mol na, length 540, seq-data ncbi2na '38315DE9DDFCEA3CD5AC27D5F01F4EBBF8460A38DE4249 B3E888D7C493177A4BCDF628554163344987CCCE03CA1835F4C47F9651650503ECF79D634BED80 83007AD1E8E8613FCD8C005AE0DFB56F043C7E4F7A7DFA779038C1A334408C03E803DE1B843168 CF01D30EFD70225B316787A39E97D22FBCF59FC4EB7E9DDD90FCD1F37DE35C32FA62'H } } } }, subject database "spec/database/sample/transcripts/Solenopsis_invicta/Si nvicta2-2-3.cdna.subset.fasta", algorithm-options { { name "EvalueThreshold", value cutoff e-value { 1, 10, 1 } }, { name "LongestIntronLength", value integer 0 }, { name "MaskAtHash", value boolean FALSE }, { name "SegFilteringWindow", value integer 12 }, { name "SegFilteringLocut", value real { 22, 10, -1 } }, { name "SegFilteringHicut", value real { 25, 10, -1 } }, { name "WordThreshold", value integer 13 }, { name "WindowSize", value integer 40 }, { name "QueryGeneticCode", value integer 1 }, { name "DbGeneticCode", value integer 1 }, { name "HitlistSize", value integer 500 }, { name "EffectiveSearchSpace", value big-integer 11955588 } } } }, results { alignments { { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 0, to 539, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 0, to 539, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 961 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 886238171826621, 10, -141 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 44323857431301, 10, -11 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 180 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 180 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 338333333333333, 10, -13 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 0, to 539, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 0, to 539, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 938 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 132735983926242, 10, -137 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 43269977789214, 10, -11 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 180 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 180 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 338333333333333, 10, -13 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 1, to 537, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 1, to 537, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 921 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 291696383535039, 10, -135 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 424910232711496, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 179 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 179 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 336481481481481, 10, -13 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 2, to 538, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 2, to 538, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 895 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 112519664897538, 10, -131 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 412996810670512, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 179 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 179 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 336481481481481, 10, -13 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 1, to 537, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 1, to 537, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 881 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966620537509094, 10, -130 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 406581891109982, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 179 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 179 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 336481481481481, 10, -13 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 2, to 538, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 2, to 538, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 812 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 318227378269189, 10, -120 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 374965501847369, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 179 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 179 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 336481481481481, 10, -13 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 329, to 370, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 121, to 162, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 7 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 309259259259259, 10, -14 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_06267" }, loc { int { from 121, to 162, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 329, to 370, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_06267" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 7 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 309259259259259, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03649" }, loc { int { from 168, to 212, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 733, to 777, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03649" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "sum_n", value int 2 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 223266389357325, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 22144926018218, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 10 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 327777777777778, 10, -14 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03649" }, loc { int { from 201, to 254, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 688, to 741, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03649" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "sum_n", value int 2 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 223266389357325, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 10 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 383333333333333, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00906" }, loc { int { from 166, to 234, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 4, to 72, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_00906" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 50 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 403546377981801, 10, -15 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 258105943385209, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 475925925925926, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_10643" }, loc { int { from 316, to 396, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 165, to 245, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_10643" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 143757831456381, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 239777601783694, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 14 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 55, 10, -1 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_08520" }, loc { int { from 58, to 117, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 120, to 179, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_08520" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 143757831456381, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 239777601783694, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 10 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 42037037037037, 10, -13 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_08362" }, loc { int { from 186, to 236, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 265, to 315, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_08362" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 144735775888057, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 239777601783694, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 364814814814815, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00417" }, loc { int { from 144, to 257, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 91, to 204, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_00417" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 144735775888057, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 239777601783694, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 11 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 19 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 753703703703704, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_02651" }, loc { int { from 333, to 404, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 1667, to 1738, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_02651" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 46 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 144735775888057, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 239777601783694, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 494444444444444, 10, -14 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_02651" }, loc { int { from 366, to 398, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 1698, to 1730, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_02651" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 6 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 8 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 253703703703704, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_09826" }, loc { int { from 455, to 496, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 155, to 196, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_09826" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 44 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 271331704205974, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 230613430982937, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 10 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 309259259259259, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03432" }, loc { int { from 150, to 194, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 37, to 81, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03432" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 44 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 273177498112137, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 230613430982937, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 12 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 327777777777778, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_07987" }, loc { int { from 408, to 485, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 354, to 431, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_07987" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 43 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 375300754969872, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 226031345582559, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 531481481481481, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_16505" }, loc { int { from 183, to 212, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 2651, to 2680, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_16505" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 43 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 375300754969872, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 226031345582559, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 8 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 235185185185185, 10, -14 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_16505" }, loc { int { from 201, to 221, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 2369, to 2389, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_16505" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 5 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 6 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 17962962962963, 10, -13 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_02329" }, loc { int { from 294, to 437, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 1776, to 1919, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_02329" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 515601239686065, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 22144926018218, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 20 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 938888888888889, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_04131" }, loc { int { from 342, to 404, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 2263, to 2325, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_04131" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 515601239686065, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 22144926018218, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 12 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 438888888888889, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_05280" }, loc { int { from 186, to 263, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 52, to 129, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05280" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 515601239686065, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 22144926018218, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 12 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 531481481481481, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_11015" }, loc { int { from 168, to 269, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 650, to 751, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_11015" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 515601239686065, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 22144926018218, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 67962962962963, 10, -13 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_11287" }, loc { int { from 12, to 47, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 267, to 302, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_11287" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 42 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 515601239686065, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 22144926018218, 10, -12 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 9 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 272222222222222, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_80469" }, loc { int { from 98, to 142, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 490, to 534, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_80469" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 70356477388509, 10, -13 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 327777777777778, 10, -14 } } } }, { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_80469" }, loc { int { from 144, to 212, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 181, to 249, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_80469" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 708350928809479, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 12 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 475925925925926, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_05326" }, loc { int { from 10, to 78, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 114, to 182, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05326" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 70356477388509, 10, -13 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 475925925925926, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00222" }, loc { int { from 29, to 103, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 295, to 369, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_00222" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 70356477388509, 10, -13 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 11 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 512962962962963, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_11111" }, loc { int { from 85, to 207, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 429, to 551, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_11111" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 70356477388509, 10, -13 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 10 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 20 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 809259259259259, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_11859" }, loc { int { from 181, to 210, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 118, to 147, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_11859" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 70356477388509, 10, -13 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 6 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 9 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 235185185185185, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_08869" }, loc { int { from 366, to 437, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 121, to 192, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_08869" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 708350928809479, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 6 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 14 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 494444444444444, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_00796" }, loc { int { from 198, to 266, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 193, to 261, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_00796" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 41 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 708350928809479, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 216867174781801, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 475925925925926, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_05091" }, loc { int { from 473, to 532, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 791, to 850, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05091" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 42037037037037, 10, -13 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_08637" }, loc { int { from 169, to 222, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 59, to 112, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_08637" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 11 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 383333333333333, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_10912" }, loc { int { from 430, to 510, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 122, to 202, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_10912" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 11 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 12 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 55, 10, -1 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03440" }, loc { int { from 338, to 382, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 447, to 491, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03440" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 10 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 327777777777778, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_03352" }, loc { int { from 151, to 204, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 856, to 909, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_03352" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 966581774245886, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 7 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 9 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 383333333333333, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_07860" }, loc { int { from 198, to 260, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 587, to 649, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_07860" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 9 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 438888888888889, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_08266" }, loc { int { from 402, to 425, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 165, to 188, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_08266" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 6 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 8 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 198148148148148, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_05139" }, loc { int { from 375, to 407, strand minus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 15, to 47, strand minus, id local str "SI2.2.0_05139" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 8 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 8 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 253703703703704, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_01901" }, loc { int { from 468, to 539, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 187, to 258, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_01901" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 494444444444444, 10, -14 } } } } } }, { type diags, segs std { { dim 2, ids { local str "Query_1", local str "SI2.2.0_10541" }, loc { int { from 468, to 539, strand plus, id local str "Query_1" }, int { from 13, to 84, strand plus, id local str "SI2.2.0_10541" } }, scores { { id str "score", value int 40 }, { id str "e_value", value real { 973157160465245, 10, -14 } }, { id str "bit_score", value real { 212285089381423, 10, -13 } }, { id str "num_ident", value int 9 }, { id str "num_positives", value int 15 }, { id str "hsp_percent_coverage", value real { 494444444444444, 10, -14 } } } } } } }, masks { { locations { packed-int { { from 350, to 382, id local str "Query_1" } } }, frame minus2 } }, ka-blocks { { lambda { 317605957635731, 10, -15 }, k { 133956144488482, 10, -15 }, h { 401214524497119, 10, -15 }, gapped FALSE }, { lambda { -1, 10, 0 }, k { -1, 10, 0 }, h { -1, 10, 0 }, gapped TRUE } }, search-stats { "Effective search space: 11955588", "Effective search space used: 11955588", "Length adjustment: 32" } } }