#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'choice' require 'web_translate_it' Choice.options do option :pull do long 'pull' desc "Pull target language file(s)." end option :push do long 'push' desc "Push master language file(s)." end option :add do long 'add' desc "Create and push a new master language file." end option :addlocale do long 'addlocale' desc "Add a new locale to the project" end option :server do long 'server' desc "Start a synchronisation server" end option :stats do long 'stats' desc "Fetch and display project statistics." end option :autoconf do long 'autoconf' desc "Configure your project to sync." end separator '' separator 'Synchronization options: ' option :locale do short '-l' long '--locale' desc "ISO code of a locale to pull or push." end option :config do short '-c' long '--config' desc "Path to a translation.yml file." desc "(default: config/translation.yml)." default "config/translation.yml" end option :all do long '--all' desc "Download or upload all files." end option :force do long '--force' desc "Force wti pull to download files." end option :merge do long '--merge' desc "Force WTI to merge this file." end option :ignore_missing do long '--ignore_missing' desc "Force WTI to not obsolete missing strings." end option :label do long '--label' desc "Apply a label to the changes." end separator '' separator 'Server options: ' option :port do short '-p' long '--port' desc "Run server on a specific port" desc "(default: 4000)." cast Integer default '4000' end option :host do short '-h' long '--host' desc "Run server on a specific host" desc "(default: localhost)." default '' end separator '' separator 'Other options: ' option :help do short '-h' long '--help' desc 'Show this message' end option :version do short '-v' long '--version' desc 'Show version' action do puts "" puts "Web Translate It #{WebTranslateIt::Util.version}" exit end end end options = Choice.choices $project_path = File.expand_path(".") $command = Choice.rest[0] $parameters = Choice.rest[1..-1] Choice.help if $command.nil? WebTranslateIt::CommandLine.new($command, options, $project_path, $parameters)