### Copyright 2019 Pixar

###    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
###    with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
###    compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
###    Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
###    6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
###       names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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###    You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
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###    language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

module JSS

  # A class representing the currently-connected JSS Server in a
  # JSS::APIConnection instance.
  # The {JSS::APIConnection} instance has a JSS::Server instance in its #server
  # attribute. It is created fresh every time {APIConnection#connect} is called.
  # That's the only time it should be instantiated, and all access should be
  # through the #server attribute of the APIConnection instance.
  class Server

    # Constants
    ACTIVATION_CODE_RSRC = 'activationcode'.freeze
    ACTIVATION_CODE_KEY = :activation_code

    # Attributes

    # @return [String] the type of server licence
    attr_reader :license_type

    # @return [String] the license product name
    attr_reader :product

    #  @return [String] The version of the JSS. See the method JSS.parse_jss_version
    attr_reader :version

    #  @return [Integer]
    attr_reader :major_version

    #  @return [Integer]
    attr_reader :minor_version

    #  @return [Integer]
    attr_reader :revision_version

    #  @return [String]
    attr_reader :raw_version

    # @return [JSS::APIConnection] The APIConnection object that contains this
    #   instance of Server
    attr_reader :api

    # Instance Methods

    # Initialize!
    # THe jss_data to be passed in is the JSON output of the 'jssuser' resource
    # on the API server.
    # the jssuser resource is readable by anyone with a JSS acct
    # regardless of their permissions.
    # However, it's marked as 'deprecated'. Hopefully jamf will
    # keep this basic level of info available for basic authentication
    # and JSS version checking.
    # The 'api' is a reference to the JSS::APIConnection instance
    # which this JSS::Server instance is a part of.
    def initialize(jss_data, api)
      @api = api
      @license_type = jss_data[:license_type]
      @product = jss_data[:product]
      @raw_version = jss_data[:version]
      parsed = JSS.parse_jss_version(@raw_version)
      @major_version = parsed[:major]
      @minor_version = parsed[:minor]
      @revision_version = parsed[:revision]
      @version = parsed[:version]

    # @return [String] the organization to which the server is licensed
    def organization
      @act_code_data ||= @api.get_rsrc(ACTIVATION_CODE_RSRC)[ACTIVATION_CODE_KEY]

    # @return [String] the activation code for the server licence
    def activation_code
      @act_code_data ||= @api.get_rsrc(ACTIVATION_CODE_RSRC)[ACTIVATION_CODE_KEY]

    # Remove the api object from
    # the instance_variables used to create
    # pretty-print (pp) output.
    # @return [Array] the desired instance_variables
    def pretty_print_instance_variables
      vars = instance_variables.sort
      vars.delete :@api

    ##### Aliases
    alias institution organization
    alias product_name product

  end # class server

end # module