require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet-strings/json' require 'tempfile' describe PuppetStrings::Json do before :each do # Populate the YARD registry with both Puppet and Ruby source YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string(<<-SOURCE, :puppet) # A simple class. # @todo Do a thing # @note Some note # @param param1 First param. # @param param2 Second param. # @param param3 Third param. class klass(Integer $param1, $param2, String $param3 = hi) inherits foo::bar { } # A simple defined type. # @param param1 First param. # @param param2 Second param. # @param param3 Third param. define dt(Integer $param1, $param2, String $param3 = hi) { } SOURCE YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string(<<-SOURCE, :puppet) if TEST_PUPPET_PLANS # A simple plan. # @param param1 First param. # @param param2 Second param. # @param param3 Third param. plan plann(String $param1, $param2, Integer $param3 = 1) { } SOURCE # Only include Puppet functions for 4.1+ YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string(<<-SOURCE, :puppet) if TEST_PUPPET_FUNCTIONS # A simple function. # @param param1 First param. # @param param2 Second param. # @param param3 Third param. # @return [Undef] Returns nothing. function func(Integer $param1, $param2, String $param3 = hi) { } SOURCE YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string(<<-SOURCE, :json) { "description": "Allows you to backup your database to local file.", "input_method": "stdin", "parameters": { "database": { "description": "Database to connect to", "type": "Optional[String[1]]" }, "user": { "description": "The user", "type": "Optional[String[1]]" }, "password": { "description": "The password", "type": "Optional[String[1]]" }, "sql": { "description": "Path to file you want backup to", "type": "String[1]" } } } SOURCE YARD::Parser::SourceParser.parse_string(<<-SOURCE, :ruby) Puppet::Parser::Functions.newfunction(:func3x, doc: <<-DOC An example 3.x function. @param [String] first The first parameter. @param second The second parameter. @return [Undef] Returns nothing. DOC ) do |*args| end # An example 4.x function. Puppet::Functions.create_function(:func4x) do # The first overload. # @param param1 The first parameter. # @param param2 The second parameter. # @param param3 The third parameter. # @return Returns nothing. dispatch :foo do param 'Integer', :param1 param 'Any', :param2 optional_param 'Array[String]', :param3 return_type 'Undef' end # @param param The first parameter. # @param block The block parameter. # @return Returns a string. dispatch :other do param 'Boolean', :param block_param return_type 'String' end end # An example 4.x function with only one signature. Puppet::Functions.create_function(:func4x_1) do # @param param1 The first parameter. # @return [Undef] Returns nothing. dispatch :foobarbaz do param 'Integer', :param1 end end Puppet::Type.type(:database).provide :linux do desc 'An example provider on Linux.' confine kernel: 'Linux' confine osfamily: 'RedHat' defaultfor :kernel => 'Linux' defaultfor :osfamily => 'RedHat', :operatingsystemmajrelease => '7' has_feature :implements_some_feature has_feature :some_other_feature commands foo: '/usr/bin/foo' end Puppet::Type.newtype(:database) do desc 'An example database server resource type.' feature :encryption, 'The provider supports encryption.', methods: [:encrypt] ensurable do desc 'What state the database should be in.' defaultvalues aliasvalue(:up, :present) aliasvalue(:down, :absent) defaultto :up end newparam(:address) do isnamevar desc 'The database server name.' end newparam(:encryption_key, required_features: :encryption) do desc 'The encryption key to use.' end newparam(:encrypt, :parent => Puppet::Parameter::Boolean) do desc 'Whether or not to encrypt the database.' defaultto false end newproperty(:file) do desc 'The database file to use.' end newproperty(:log_level) do desc 'The log level to use.' newvalue(:debug) newvalue(:warn) newvalue(:error) defaultto 'warn' end end Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'apt_key', docs: <<-EOS, @summary Example resource type using the new API. @raise SomeError This type provides Puppet with the capabilities to manage GPG keys needed by apt to perform package validation. Apt has it's own GPG keyring that can be manipulated through the `apt-key` command. @example here's an example apt_key { '6F6B15509CF8E59E6E469F327F438280EF8D349F': source => '' } **Autorequires**: If Puppet is given the location of a key file which looks like an absolute path this type will autorequire that file. EOS attributes: { ensure: { type: 'Enum[present, absent]', desc: 'Whether this apt key should be present or absent on the target system.' }, id: { type: 'Variant[Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\Z/], Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{16}\Z/], Pattern[/\A(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\Z/]]', behaviour: :namevar, desc: 'The ID of the key you want to manage.', }, # ... created: { type: 'String', behaviour: :read_only, desc: 'Date the key was created, in ISO format.', }, }, autorequires: { file: '$source', # will evaluate to the value of the `source` attribute package: 'apt', }, ) SOURCE end let(:filename) do if TEST_PUPPET_PLANS 'output_with_plan.json' else TEST_PUPPET_FUNCTIONS ? 'output.json' : 'output_without_puppet_function.json' end end let(:baseline_path) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../fixtures/unit/json/#{filename}") } let(:baseline) { } describe 'rendering JSON to a file' do it 'should output the expected JSON content' do'json') do |file| PuppetStrings::Json.render(file.path) expect( eq(baseline) end end end describe 'rendering JSON to stdout' do it 'should output the expected JSON content' do expect{ PuppetStrings::Json.render(nil) }.to output(baseline).to_stdout end end end