require 'spree/core/validators/email' require 'spree/order/checkout' module Spree class Order < Spree::Base ORDER_NUMBER_LENGTH = 9 ORDER_NUMBER_LETTERS = false ORDER_NUMBER_PREFIX = 'R' include Spree::Order::Checkout include Spree::Order::Payments class InsufficientStock < StandardError; end class CannotRebuildShipments < StandardError; end extend Spree::DisplayMoney money_methods :outstanding_balance, :item_total, :adjustment_total, :included_tax_total, :additional_tax_total, :tax_total, :shipment_total, :total, :order_total_after_store_credit, :total_available_store_credit alias :display_ship_total :display_shipment_total checkout_flow do go_to_state :address go_to_state :delivery go_to_state :payment, if: ->(order) { order.payment_required? } go_to_state :confirm end self.whitelisted_ransackable_associations = %w[shipments user promotions bill_address ship_address line_items] self.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes = %w[completed_at created_at email number state payment_state shipment_state total store_id] attr_reader :coupon_code attr_accessor :temporary_address, :temporary_credit_card belongs_to :user, class_name: belongs_to :created_by, class_name: belongs_to :approver, class_name: belongs_to :canceler, class_name: belongs_to :bill_address, foreign_key: :bill_address_id, class_name: 'Spree::Address' alias_attribute :billing_address, :bill_address belongs_to :ship_address, foreign_key: :ship_address_id, class_name: 'Spree::Address' alias_attribute :shipping_address, :ship_address alias_attribute :ship_total, :shipment_total belongs_to :store, class_name: 'Spree::Store' has_many :state_changes, as: :stateful has_many :line_items, -> { order(:created_at, :id) }, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :order has_many :payments, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :order has_many :return_authorizations, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :order has_many :reimbursements, inverse_of: :order has_many :adjustments, -> { order(:created_at) }, as: :adjustable, inverse_of: :adjustable, dependent: :destroy has_many :line_item_adjustments, through: :line_items, source: :adjustments has_many :shipment_adjustments, through: :shipments, source: :adjustments has_many :inventory_units, inverse_of: :order has_many :products, through: :variants has_many :variants, through: :line_items has_many :refunds, through: :payments has_many :all_adjustments, class_name: 'Spree::Adjustment', foreign_key: :order_id, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :order has_many :order_stock_locations, class_name: "Spree::OrderStockLocation" has_many :stock_locations, through: :order_stock_locations has_many :order_promotions, class_name: 'Spree::OrderPromotion' has_many :promotions, through: :order_promotions has_many :cartons, -> { distinct }, through: :inventory_units has_many :shipments, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :order do def states pluck(:state).uniq end end accepts_nested_attributes_for :line_items accepts_nested_attributes_for :bill_address accepts_nested_attributes_for :ship_address accepts_nested_attributes_for :payments accepts_nested_attributes_for :shipments # Needs to happen before save_permalink is called before_validation :associate_store before_validation :set_currency before_validation :generate_order_number, on: :create before_validation :assign_billing_to_shipping_address, if: :use_billing? attr_accessor :use_billing before_create :create_token before_create :link_by_email validates :email, presence: true, if: :require_email validates :email, email: true, if: :require_email, allow_blank: true validates :number, presence: true, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true } validates :store_id, presence: true make_permalink field: :number delegate :update_totals, :persist_totals, to: :updater delegate :firstname, :lastname, to: :bill_address, prefix: true, allow_nil: true alias_method :billing_firstname, :bill_address_firstname alias_method :billing_lastname, :bill_address_lastname class_attribute :update_hooks self.update_hooks = class_attribute :line_item_comparison_hooks self.line_item_comparison_hooks = class << self def by_number(number) where(number: number) end deprecate :by_number, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation end scope :created_between, ->(start_date, end_date) { where(created_at: start_date..end_date) } scope :completed_between, ->(start_date, end_date) { where(completed_at: start_date..end_date) } scope :by_store, ->(store) { where(store_id: } # shows completed orders first, by their completed_at date, then uncompleted orders by their created_at scope :reverse_chronological, -> { order('spree_orders.completed_at IS NULL', completed_at: :desc, created_at: :desc) } scope :unreturned_exchange, -> { joins(:shipments).where('spree_orders.created_at > spree_shipments.created_at') } def self.by_customer(customer) joins(:user).where("#{Spree.user_class.table_name}.email" => customer) end def self.by_state(state) where(state: state) end def self.complete where.not(completed_at: nil) end def self.incomplete where(completed_at: nil) end # Use this method in other gems that wish to register their own custom logic # that should be called after Order#update def self.register_update_hook(hook) update_hooks.add(hook) end # Use this method in other gems that wish to register their own custom logic # that should be called when determining if two line items are equal. def self.register_line_item_comparison_hook(hook) line_item_comparison_hooks.add(hook) end # For compatiblity with Calculator::PriceSack def amount end # Sum of all line item amounts pre-tax def pre_tax_item_amount line_items.to_a.sum(&:pre_tax_amount) end # Sum of all line item amounts after promotions, before added tax def discounted_item_amount line_items.to_a.sum(&:discounted_amount) end def currency self[:currency] || Spree::Config[:currency] end def shipping_discount shipment_adjustments.eligible.sum(:amount) * - 1 end def to_param number end def completed? completed_at.present? end # Indicates whether or not the user is allowed to proceed to checkout. # Currently this is implemented as a check for whether or not there is at # least one LineItem in the Order. Feel free to override this logic in your # own application if you require additional steps before allowing a checkout. def checkout_allowed? line_items.count > 0 end # Is this a free order in which case the payment step should be skipped def payment_required? total.to_f > 0.0 end def confirmation_required? true end deprecate :confirmation_required?, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation def backordered? shipments.any?(&:backordered?) end # Returns the relevant zone (if any) to be used for taxation purposes. # Uses default tax zone unless there is a specific match def tax_zone @tax_zone ||= Zone.match(tax_address) || Zone.default_tax end # Returns the address for taxation based on configuration def tax_address if Spree::Config[:tax_using_ship_address] ship_address else bill_address end || store.default_cart_tax_location end def updater @updater ||= end def update! updater.update end def assign_billing_to_shipping_address self.ship_address = bill_address if bill_address true end def allow_cancel? return false unless completed? && state != 'canceled' shipment_state.nil? || %w{ready backorder pending}.include?(shipment_state) end def all_inventory_units_returned? inventory_units.all?(&:returned?) end def contents @contents ||= end def shipping @shipping ||= end def cancellations @cancellations ||= end # Associates the specified user with the order. def associate_user!(user, override_email = true) self.user = user attrs_to_set = { user_id: user.try(:id) } attrs_to_set[:email] = user.try(:email) if override_email attrs_to_set[:created_by_id] = user.try(:id) if created_by.blank? if persisted? # immediately persist the changes we just made, but don't use save since we might have an invalid address associated self.class.unscoped.where(id: id).update_all(attrs_to_set) end assign_attributes(attrs_to_set) end def generate_order_number(options = {}) options[:length] ||= ORDER_NUMBER_LENGTH options[:letters] ||= ORDER_NUMBER_LETTERS options[:prefix] ||= ORDER_NUMBER_PREFIX possible = (0..9).to_a possible += ('A'..'Z').to_a if options[:letters] self.number ||= loop do # Make a random number. random = "#{options[:prefix]}#{(0...options[:length]).map { possible.sample }.join}" # Use the random number if no other order exists with it. if self.class.exists?(number: random) # If over half of all possible options are taken add another digit. options[:length] += 1 if self.class.count > (10**options[:length] / 2) else break random end end end def shipped_shipments shipments.shipped end def contains?(variant, options = {}) find_line_item_by_variant(variant, options).present? end def quantity_of(variant, options = {}) line_item = find_line_item_by_variant(variant, options) line_item ? line_item.quantity : 0 end def find_line_item_by_variant(variant, options = {}) line_items.detect { |line_item| line_item.variant_id == && line_item_options_match(line_item, options) } end # This method enables extensions to participate in the # "Are these line items equal" decision. # # When adding to cart, an extension would send something like: # params[:product_customizations]={...} # # and would provide: # # def product_customizations_match def line_item_options_match(line_item, options) return true unless options line_item_comparison_hooks.all? { |hook| send(hook, line_item, options) } end # Creates new tax charges if there are any applicable rates. If prices already # include taxes then price adjustments are created instead. def create_tax_charge!! end def outstanding_balance # If reimbursement has happened add it back to total to prevent balance_due payment state # See: adjusted_payment_total = payment_total + refund_total if state == 'canceled' -1 * adjusted_payment_total else total - adjusted_payment_total end end def outstanding_balance? outstanding_balance != 0 end def refund_total payments.flat_map(&:refunds).sum(&:amount) end def name if (address = bill_address || ship_address) "#{address.firstname} #{address.lastname}" end end def can_ship? complete? || resumed? || awaiting_return? || returned? end def credit_cards credit_card_ids = payments.from_credit_card.pluck(:source_id).uniq CreditCard.where(id: credit_card_ids) end def valid_credit_cards credit_card_ids = payments.from_credit_card.valid.pluck(:source_id).uniq CreditCard.where(id: credit_card_ids) end # Finalizes an in progress order after checkout is complete. # Called after transition to complete state when payments will have been processed def finalize! # lock all adjustments (coupon promotions, etc.) all_adjustments.each(&:finalize!) # update payment and shipment(s) states, and save updater.update_payment_state shipments.each do |shipment| shipment.update!(self) shipment.finalize! end updater.update_shipment_state save! updater.run_hooks touch :completed_at deliver_order_confirmation_email unless confirmation_delivered? end def fulfill! shipments.each { |shipment| shipment.update!(self) if shipment.persisted? } updater.update_shipment_state save! end def deliver_order_confirmation_email OrderMailer.confirm_email(self).deliver_later update_column(:confirmation_delivered, true) end # Helper methods for checkout steps def paid? %w(paid credit_owed).include?(payment_state) end def available_payment_methods @available_payment_methods ||= ( PaymentMethod.available(:front_end, store: store) + PaymentMethod.available(:both, store: store) ). uniq. sort_by(&:position) end def insufficient_stock_lines end ## # Check to see if any line item variants are soft, deleted. # If so add error and restart checkout. def ensure_line_item_variants_are_not_deleted if line_items.any? { |li| li.variant.paranoia_destroyed? } errors.add(:base, Spree.t(:deleted_variants_present)) restart_checkout_flow false else true end end def merge!(*args)!(*args) end def empty! line_items.destroy_all updater.update_item_count adjustments.destroy_all shipments.destroy_all update_totals persist_totals end def has_step?(step) checkout_steps.include?(step) end def state_changed(name) state = "#{name}_state" if persisted? old_state = send("#{state}_was") new_state = send(state) unless old_state == new_state state_changes.create( previous_state: old_state, next_state: new_state, name: name, user_id: user_id ) end end end def coupon_code=(code) @coupon_code = begin code.strip.downcase rescue nil end end def can_add_coupon? Spree::Promotion.order_activatable?(self) end def shipped? %w(partial shipped).include?(shipment_state) end def ensure_shipping_address unless ship_address && ship_address.valid? errors.add(:base, Spree.t(:ship_address_required)) && (return false) end end def create_proposed_shipments return shipments if unreturned_exchange? if completed? raise elsif shipments.any? { |s| !s.pending? } raise else shipments.destroy_all self.shipments = end end def apply_free_shipping_promotions update! end # Clean shipments and make order back to address state # # At some point the might need to force the order to transition from address # to delivery again so that proper updated shipments are created. # e.g. customer goes back from payment step and changes order items def ensure_updated_shipments if !completed? && shipments.all?(&:pending?) shipments.destroy_all update_column(:shipment_total, 0) restart_checkout_flow end end def restart_checkout_flow return if state == 'cart' update_columns( state: 'cart', updated_at: Time.current ) next! if line_items.size > 0 end def refresh_shipment_rates end def shipping_eq_billing_address? bill_address == ship_address end def set_shipments_cost shipments.each(&:update_amounts) updater.update_shipment_total persist_totals end def is_risky? payments.risky.count > 0 end def canceled_by(user) transaction do cancel! update_columns( canceler_id:, canceled_at: Time.current ) end end def approved? !!approved_at end def can_approve? !approved? end def reload(options = nil) remove_instance_variable(:@tax_zone) if defined?(@tax_zone) super end def quantity line_items.sum(:quantity) end def has_non_reimbursement_related_refunds? refunds.non_reimbursement.exists? || payments.offset_payment.exists? # how old versions of spree stored refunds end def token Spree::Deprecation.warn("Spree::Order#token is DEPRECATED, please use #guest_token instead.", caller) guest_token end # @deprecated Do not use this method. Behaviour is unreliable. def fully_discounted? adjustment_total + == 0.0 end alias_method :fully_discounted, :fully_discounted? deprecate :fully_discounted, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation def unreturned_exchange? # created_at - 1 is a hack to ensure that this doesn't blow up on MySQL, # records loaded from the DB on MySQL will have a precision of 1 second, # but records in memory may still have miliseconds on them, causing this # to be true where it shouldn't be. # # FIXME: find a better way to determine if an order is an unreturned # exchange shipment = shipments.first shipment.present? ? (shipment.created_at < created_at - 1) : false end def tax_total additional_tax_total + included_tax_total end def add_store_credit_payments return if user.nil? return if payments.store_credits.checkout.empty? && payments.store_credits.checkout.each(&:invalidate!) # this can happen when multiple payments are present, auto_capture is # turned off, and one of the payments fails when the user tries to # complete the order, which sends the order back to the 'payment' state. authorized_total = payments.pending.sum(:amount) remaining_total = outstanding_balance - authorized_total if user.store_credits.any? payment_method = Spree::PaymentMethod::StoreCredit.first user.store_credits.order_by_priority.each do |credit| break if next if amount_to_take = [credit.amount_remaining, remaining_total].min payments.create!(source: credit, payment_method: payment_method, amount: amount_to_take, state: 'checkout', response_code: credit.generate_authorization_code) remaining_total -= amount_to_take end end other_payments = payments.checkout.not_store_credits if other_payments.each(&:invalidate!) elsif other_payments.size == 1 other_payments.first.update_attributes!(amount: remaining_total) end payments.reset if payments.where(state: %w(checkout pending)).sum(:amount) != total errors.add(:base, Spree.t("store_credit.errors.unable_to_fund")) && (return false) end end def covered_by_store_credit? return false unless user user.total_available_store_credit >= total end alias_method :covered_by_store_credit, :covered_by_store_credit? def total_available_store_credit return 0.0 unless user user.total_available_store_credit end def order_total_after_store_credit total - total_applicable_store_credit end def total_applicable_store_credit if confirm? || complete? payments.store_credits.valid.sum(:amount) else [total, (user.try(:total_available_store_credit) || 0.0)].min end end def display_total_applicable_store_credit, { currency: currency }) end def display_store_credit_remaining_after_capture - total_applicable_store_credit, { currency: currency }) end private def associate_store ||= Spree::Store.default end def link_by_email = if user end # Determine if email is required (we don't want validation errors before we hit the checkout) def require_email true unless new_record? || ['cart', 'address'].include?(state) end def ensure_inventory_units if has_step?("delivery") inventory_validator = errors = { |line_item| inventory_validator.validate(line_item) }.compact raise InsufficientStock if errors.any? end end def ensure_promotions_eligible updater.update_adjustment_total if promo_total_changed? restart_checkout_flow errors.add(:base, Spree.t(:promotion_total_changed_before_complete)) end errors.empty? end def validate_line_item_availability availability_validator = raise InsufficientStock unless line_items.all? { |line_item| availability_validator.validate(line_item) } end def ensure_line_items_present unless line_items.present? errors.add(:base, Spree.t(:there_are_no_items_for_this_order)) && (return false) end end def ensure_available_shipping_rates if shipments.empty? || shipments.any? { |shipment| shipment.shipping_rates.blank? } # After this point, order redirects back to 'address' state and asks user to pick a proper address # Therefore, shipments are not necessary at this point. shipments.destroy_all errors.add(:base, Spree.t(:items_cannot_be_shipped)) && (return false) end end def after_cancel shipments.each(&:cancel!) payments.completed.each(&:cancel!) payments.store_credits.pending.each(&:void_transaction!) send_cancel_email update! end def send_cancel_email OrderMailer.cancel_email(self).deliver_later end def after_resume shipments.each(&:resume!) end def use_billing?[true, 'true', '1']) end def set_currency self.currency = Spree::Config[:currency] if self[:currency].nil? end def create_token self.guest_token ||= loop do random_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false) break random_token unless self.class.exists?(guest_token: random_token) end end end end