module AppliciousUtils module ViewHelpers # Creates an instance of a plupload S3 file uploader ### # required parameters: ### # key s3 'path' to uploaded files # ### # optional parameters: ### # s3_config_filename filename of s3 config yaml file (full path), defaults to "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/amazon_s3.yml" # # content_type binary/octet-stream # # acl public-read # # expiration_date 10.hours.from_now.utc.iso8601 # # max_filesize 2.megabytes def s3_uploader(options = {}) options[:s3_config_filename] ||= "#{Rails.root}/config/amazon_s3.yml" config = YAML.load_file(options[:s3_config_filename])[Rails.env].symbolize_keys bucket = config[:bucket_name] access_key_id = config[:access_key_id] secret_access_key = config[:secret_access_key] options[:key] ||= 'test' # folder on AWS to store file in options[:acl] ||= 'public-read' options[:expiration_date] ||= 10.hours.from_now.utc.iso8601 options[:max_filesize] ||= 500.megabytes options[:content_type] ||= 'image/' # Videos would be binary/octet-stream options[:filter_title] ||= 'Images' options[:filter_extentions] ||= 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp' id = options[:id] ? "_#{options[:id]}" : '' policy = Base64.encode64( "{'expiration': '#{options[:expiration_date]}', 'conditions': [ {'bucket': '#{bucket}'}, {'acl': '#{options[:acl]}'}, {'success_action_status': '201'}, ['content-length-range', 0, #{options[:max_filesize]}], ['starts-with', '$key', ''], ['starts-with', '$Content-Type', ''], ['starts-with', '$name', ''], ['starts-with', '$Filename', ''] ] }").gsub(/\n|\r/, '') signature = Base64.encode64( OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1'), secret_access_key, policy)).gsub("\n","") out = "" out << javascript_tag("$(function() { /* * S3 Uploader instance */ // image uploader via plupload var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes : 'html5,flash,silverlight', browse_button : 'pickfiles', max_file_size : '500mb', url : 'http://#{bucket}', flash_swf_url: 'applicious/plupload/plupload.flash.swf', silverlight_xap_url: '/applicious/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap', init : { FilesAdded: function(up, files) { plupload.each(files, function(file) { if (up.files.length > 1) { up.removeFile(file); } }); if (up.files.length >= 1) { $('#pickfiles').fadeOut('slow'); } }, FilesRemoved: function(up, files) { if (up.files.length < 1) { $('#pickfiles').fadeIn('slow'); } } }, multi_selection: false, multipart: true, multipart_params: { 'key': 'test/${filename}', 'Filename': '${filename}', // adding this to keep consistency across the runtimes 'acl': '#{options[:acl]}', 'Content-Type': '#{options[:content_type]}', 'success_action_status': '201', 'AWSAccessKeyId' : '#{access_key_id}', 'policy': '#{policy}', 'signature': '#{signature}' }, filters : [ {title : '#{options[:filter_title]}', extensions : '#{options[:filter_extentions]}'} ], file_data_name: 'file' }); // instantiates the uploader uploader.init(); // shows the progress bar and kicks off uploading uploader.bind('FilesAdded', function(up, files) { $('#progress_bar .ui-progress').css('width', '5%'); $('span.ui-label').show(); // start the uploader after the progress bar shows $('#progress_bar').show(function () { uploader.start(); }); }); // binds progress to progress bar uploader.bind('UploadProgress', function(up, file) { if(file.percent < 100){ $('#progress_bar .ui-progress').css('width', file.percent+'%'); } else { $('#progress_bar .ui-progress').css('width', '100%'); $('span.ui-label').text('Complete'); } }); // shows error object in the browser console (for now) uploader.bind('Error', function(up, error) { // unfortunately PLUpload gives some extremely vague // Flash error messages so you have to use WireShark // for debugging them (read the README) alert('There was an error. Check the browser console log for more info'); console.log('Expand the error object below to see the error. Use WireShark to debug.'); console.log(error); }); });") end end end