# frozen_string_literal: true libdir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib') $LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir) raise 'Unconfigured' unless ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_URL'] require 'proxes' require 'proxes/omniauth' use Rack::Session::Cookie, key: '_ProxES_session', #:secure=>!TEST_MODE, # Uncomment if only allowing https:// access secret: File.read('.session_secret') use OmniAuth::Builder do # The identity provider is used by the App. provider :identity, fields: [:username], callback_path: '/_proxes/auth/identity/callback', model: ProxES::Identity, on_login: ProxES::AuthIdentity, on_registration: ProxES::AuthIdentity, locate_conditions: ->(req) { { username: req['username'] } } end OmniAuth.config.on_failure = ProxES::AuthIdentity # Management App require 'proxes/proxes' ProxES::Container.plugin(:proxes) map '/_proxes' do run Rack::URLMap.new ProxES::Container.routes end # Proxy all Elasticsearch requests require 'proxes/security' require 'proxes/forwarder' map '/' do # Security use ProxES::Security, ProxES::Services::Logger.instance use Rack::ContentLength # Forward requests to ES run ProxES::Forwarder.new(backend: ENV['ELASTICSEARCH_URL']) end