# frozen_string_literal: true require "dry/core/constants" require "dry/core/errors" module Dry module Core # Internal support module for class-level settings # # @api public module ClassAttributes include Constants # Specify what attributes a class will use # # @example # class ExtraClass # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes # # defines :hello # # hello 'world' # end # # @example with inheritance and type checking # # class MyClass # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes # # defines :one, :two, type: Integer # # one 1 # two 2 # end # # class OtherClass < MyClass # two 3 # end # # MyClass.one # => 1 # MyClass.two # => 2 # # OtherClass.one # => 1 # OtherClass.two # => 3 # # @example with dry-types # # class Foo # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes # # defines :one, :two, type: Dry::Types['strict.int'] # end # # @example with coercion using Proc # # class Bar # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes # # defines :one, coerce: proc { |value| value.to_s } # end # # @example with coercion using dry-types # # class Bar # extend Dry::Core::ClassAttributes # # defines :one, coerce: Dry::Types['coercible.string'] # end # def defines(*args, type: ::Object, coerce: IDENTITY) # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity unless coerce.respond_to?(:call) raise ::ArgumentError, "Non-callable coerce option: #{coerce.inspect}" end mod = ::Module.new do args.each do |name| ivar = :"@#{name}" define_method(name) do |value = Undefined| if Undefined.equal?(value) if instance_variable_defined?(ivar) instance_variable_get(ivar) else nil end elsif type === value # rubocop:disable Style/CaseEquality instance_variable_set(ivar, coerce.call(value)) else raise InvalidClassAttributeValue.new(name, value) end end end define_method(:inherited) do |klass| args.each { |name| klass.send(name, send(name)) } super(klass) end end extend(mod) end end end end