require 'oci8' require 'test/unit' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config' class TestMetadata < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @conn = get_oci8_connection end def teardown @conn.logoff end def test_metadata if $oracle_version < OCI8::ORAVER_8_1 begin @conn.describe_table('tab').columns rescue RuntimeError assert_equal("This feature is unavailable on Oracle 8.0", $!.to_s) end return end # data_size factor for nchar charset_form. cursor = @conn.exec("select N'1' from dual") cfrm = cursor.column_metadata[0].data_size if $oracle_version >= OCI8::ORAVER_9_0 # data_size factor for char semantics. cursor = @conn.exec("select CAST('1' AS CHAR(1 char)) from dual") csem = cursor.column_metadata[0].data_size else csem = 1 end ora80 = OCI8::ORAVER_8_0 ora81 = OCI8::ORAVER_8_1 ora90 = OCI8::ORAVER_9_0 ora101 = OCI8::ORAVER_10_1 coldef = [ # oracle_version, definition, data_type, csfrm, null?,csem?,csize, data_size,prec,scale,fsprec,lfprec [ora80, "CHAR(10) NOT NULL", :char, :implicit, false, false, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora90, "CHAR(10 CHAR)", :char, :implicit, true, true, 10, 10 * csem, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "NCHAR(10)", :char, :nchar, true, true, 10, 10 * cfrm, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "VARCHAR2(10)", :varchar2, :implicit, true, false, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora90, "VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)", :varchar2, :implicit, true, true, 10, 10 * csem, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "NVARCHAR2(10)", :varchar2, :nchar, true, true, 10, 10 * cfrm, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "RAW(10)", :raw, nil, true, false, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], # Don't check data_size of CLOB, NCLOB and BLOB. # # Oracle 10g XE on Linux: # +----------+-----------+ # | | data_size | # +----------+-----------+ # | implicit | 4000 | <= OCI8::Cursor#column_metadata # | explicit | 86 | <= OCI8.describe_table('table_name').columns # +----------+-----------+ [ora81, "CLOB", :clob, :implicit, true, false, 0, :nc, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora81, "NCLOB", :clob, :nchar, true, false, 0, :nc, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "BLOB", :blob, nil, true, false, 0, :nc, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "BFILE", :bfile, nil, true, false, 0, 530, 0, 0, 0, 0], # Don't check fsprecision and lfprecision for NUMBER and FLOAT # # Oracle 10g XE on Linux: # +---------------------------+-------------+-------------+ # | | fsprecision | lfprecision | # +----------------+----------+-------------+-------------+ # | NUMBER | implicit | 129 | 0 | # | | explicit | 0 | 129 | # +----------------+----------+-------------+-------------+ # | NUMBER(10) | implicit | 0 | 10 | # | | explicit | 10 | 0 | # +----------------+----------+-------------+-------------+ # | NUMBER(10,2) | implicit | 2 | 10 | # | | explicit | 10 | 2 | # +----------------+----------+-------------+-------------+ # | FLOAT | implicit | 129 | 126 | # | | explicit | 126 | 129 | # +----------------+----------+-------------+-------------+ # | FLOAT(10) | implicit | 129 | 10 | # | | explicit | 10 | 129 | # +----------------+----------+-------------+-------------+ [ora80, "NUMBER", :number, nil, true, false, 0, 22, 0, $oracle_version >= ora90 ? -127 : 0, :nc, :nc], [ora80, "NUMBER(10)", :number, nil, true, false, 0, 22, 10, 0, :nc, :nc], [ora80, "NUMBER(10,2)", :number, nil, true, false, 0, 22, 10, 2, :nc, :nc], [ora80, "FLOAT", :number, nil, true, false, 0, 22, 126, -127, :nc, :nc], [ora80, "FLOAT(10)", :number, nil, true, false, 0, 22, 10, -127, :nc, :nc], [ora101,"BINARY_FLOAT", :binary_float, nil, true, false, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora101,"BINARY_DOUBLE", :binary_double, nil, true, false, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ora80, "DATE", :date, nil, true, false, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0], # Don't check precision and lfprecision for TIMESTAMP # # Oracle 10g XE on Linux: # +----------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ # | | precision | lfprecision | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | TIMESTAMP | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 6 | 6 | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | TIMESTAMP(9) | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 9 | 9 | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 6 | 6 | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 9 | 9 | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 6 | 6 | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | TIMESTAMP(9) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 9 | 9 | # +-----------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ [ora90, "TIMESTAMP", :timestamp, nil, true, false, 0, 11, :nc, 6, 6, :nc], [ora90, "TIMESTAMP(9)", :timestamp, nil, true, false, 0, 11, :nc, 9, 9, :nc], [ora90, "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", :timestamp_tz, nil, true, false, 0, 13, :nc, 6, 6, :nc], [ora90, "TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE", :timestamp_tz, nil, true, false, 0, 13, :nc, 9, 9, :nc], [ora90, "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE", :timestamp_ltz, nil, true, false, 0, 11, :nc, 6, 6, :nc], [ora90, "TIMESTAMP(9) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE", :timestamp_ltz, nil, true, false, 0, 11, :nc, 9, 9, :nc], # Don't check scale and fsprecision for INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH # # Oracle 10g XE on Linux: # +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------+ # | | scale | fsprecision | # +------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 2 | 2 | # +------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ # | INTERVAL YEAR(4) TO MONTH | implicit | 0 | 0 | # | | explicit | 4 | 4 | # +------------------------------+----------+-----------+-------------+ [ora90, "INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH", :interval_ym, nil, true, false, 0, 5, 2, :nc, :nc, 2], [ora90, "INTERVAL YEAR(4) TO MONTH", :interval_ym, nil, true, false, 0, 5, 4, :nc, :nc, 4], # Don't check precision and scale for INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND # # Oracle 10g XE on Linux: # +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------+ # | | precision | scale | # +------------------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ # | INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND | implicit | 2 | 6 | # | | explicit | 6 | 2 | # +------------------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ # | INTERVAL DAY(4) TO SECOND(9) | implicit | 4 | 9 | # | | explicit | 9 | 4 | # +------------------------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ [ora90, "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND", :interval_ds, nil, true, false, 0, 11, :nc, :nc, 6, 2], [ora90, "INTERVAL DAY(4) TO SECOND(9)",:interval_ds, nil, true, false, 0, 11, :nc, :nc, 9, 4], ] coldef.reject! do |c| c[0] > $oracle_version end drop_table('test_table') sql = <<-EOS CREATE TABLE test_table (#{idx = 0; coldef.collect do |c| idx += 1; "C#{idx} " + c[1]; end.join(',')}) STORAGE ( INITIAL 100k NEXT 100k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) EOS @conn.exec(sql) @conn.describe_table('test_table').columns.each_with_index do |md, i| # common assert_equal("C#{i + 1}",, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': name") assert_equal(coldef[i][1], md.type_string, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': type_string") assert_equal(coldef[i][2], md.data_type, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': data_type") assert_equal(coldef[i][3], md.charset_form, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': charset_form") assert_equal(coldef[i][4], md.nullable?, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': nullable? ") # string type if $oracle_version >= OCI8::ORAVER_9_0 assert_equal(coldef[i][5], md.char_used?, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': char_used? ") assert_equal(coldef[i][6], md.char_size, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': char_size") end assert_equal(coldef[i][7], md.data_size, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': data_size") if coldef[i][7] != :nc # number, timestamp and interval type assert_equal(coldef[i][8], md.precision, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': precision") if coldef[i][8] != :nc assert_equal(coldef[i][9], md.scale, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': scale") if coldef[i][9] != :nc if $oracle_version >= OCI8::ORAVER_9_0 assert_equal(coldef[i][10], md.fsprecision, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': fsprecision") if coldef[i][10] != :nc assert_equal(coldef[i][11], md.lfprecision, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': lfprecision") if coldef[i][11] != :nc end end # temporarily change OCI8::BindType::Mapping. saved_mapping = {} [OCI8::SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ, OCI8::SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ, OCI8::SQLT_INTERVAL_YM, OCI8::SQLT_INTERVAL_DS].each do |sqlt_type| saved_mapping[sqlt_type] = OCI8::BindType::Mapping[sqlt_type] OCI8::BindType::Mapping[sqlt_type] = OCI8::BindType::String end begin cursor = @conn.exec("SELECT * FROM test_table") ensure saved_mapping.each do |key, val| OCI8::BindType::Mapping[key] = val end end cursor.column_metadata.each_with_index do |md, i| # common assert_equal("C#{i + 1}",, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': name") assert_equal(coldef[i][1], md.type_string, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': type_string") assert_equal(coldef[i][2], md.data_type, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': data_type") assert_equal(coldef[i][3], md.charset_form, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': charset_form") assert_equal(coldef[i][4], md.nullable?, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': nullable? ") # string type if $oracle_version >= OCI8::ORAVER_9_0 assert_equal(coldef[i][5], md.char_used?, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': char_used? ") assert_equal(coldef[i][6], md.char_size, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': char_size") end assert_equal(coldef[i][7], md.data_size, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': data_size") if coldef[i][7] != :nc # number, timestamp and interval type assert_equal(coldef[i][8], md.precision, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': precision") if coldef[i][8] != :nc assert_equal(coldef[i][9], md.scale, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': scale") if coldef[i][9] != :nc if $oracle_version >= OCI8::ORAVER_9_0 assert_equal(coldef[i][10], md.fsprecision, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': fsprecision") if coldef[i][10] != :nc assert_equal(coldef[i][11], md.lfprecision, "'#{coldef[i][1]}': lfprecision") if coldef[i][11] != :nc end end drop_table('test_table') end def test_error_describe_table drop_table('test_table') begin @conn.describe_table('test_table') flunk("expects ORA-4043 but no error") rescue OCIError flunk("expects ORA-4043 but ORA-#{$!.code}") if $!.code != 4043 end @conn.exec('create sequence test_table') begin begin @conn.describe_table('test_table') flunk('expects ORA-4043 but no error') rescue OCIError flunk("expects ORA-4043 but ORA-#{$!.code}") if $!.code != 4043 end ensure @conn.exec('drop sequence test_table') end end end # TestMetadata