en: activemodel: errors: models: abstract_model: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." account: attributes: base: create_or_update: "Billing services are currently unavailable. Please try again later." invalid: "Please enter a valid value." spending_alert_amount: invalid: "Please enter a whole dollar amount without decimal places." not_an_integer: "Please enter a whole dollar amount without decimal places." not_a_number: "Please enter a dollar amount." greater_than: "Please enter a positive dollar amount." application: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." application_invalid: "App is invalid." application_not_found: "App is not found." app_memory_free_quota_exceeded: "You have exceeded your organization's FREE memory limit.
A credit card must be on-file for your organization before exceeding 512MB of application memory." app_memory_paid_quota_exceeded: "You have exceeded your organization's PAID memory limit.
Please file a support ticket to request additional resources." name: application_name_taken: "is already in use" instances_count: inclusion: "must be between 1 and 999" change_password: attributes: base: default: "Something went wrong. Please try again later." current_password: invalid: "incorrect password" password: insufficient_strength: "is not secure enough" service_unavailable: "could not validate strength. Please, try again later" domain: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." domain_invalid: "Domain is invalid." domain_not_found: "Domain is not found." name: invalid: "not a valid domain name" domain_name_taken: "is already taken" invitation: attributes: base: create: "There was a problem with inviting. Please try again later." cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." invitations_form: attributes: emails: invalid: "is invalid" login: attributes: base: default: "Unable to login. Please try again later." invalid: "Unable to login. Invalid email and/or password." unauthorized: "You don't have permission to access this site." organization: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." organization_invalid: "Organization is invalid." organization_not_found: "Organization is not found." name: invalid: "cannot include spaces" organization_name_taken: "is already in use" spending_limit: less_than_or_equal_to: "exceeds the maximum spending limit" organization_user: attributes: base: update: "There was an error updating user." destroy: "There was an error deleting user. Please try again later." cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." organization/event/date_filter: attributes: base: invalid_date_range: "Selected date range is invalid" from: invalid: "is invalid" to: invalid: "is invalid" password_reset: attributes: base: no_user: There was a problem updating the password. Please contact support. password: insufficient_strength: is not secure enough service_unavailable: could not validate strength. Please, try again later c_foundry/v2/route: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." invalid_domain: "The URL provided is not valid." route_not_found: cannot be found route_invalid: is invalid host: route_host_taken: is already taken invalid: "can only include a-z, 0-9 and -" service_instance: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." service_instance_wrong_space: "The service instance and the service binding are in different spaces." service_instance_invalid: "Service is invalid." service_instance_not_found: "Service is not found." max_quota_exceeded: "Unable to add the service due to a quota issue." free_service_quota_exceeded: A credit card must be on-file for your organization before completing this action. paid_service_quota_exceeded: A credit card must be on-file for your organization before completing this action. service_instance_not_allowed: A credit card must be on-file for your organization before completing this action. name: service_instance_name_invalid: "is invalid" service_instance_name_taken: "is already in use" space: attributes: base: cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." space_invalid: "Space is invalid." space_not_found: "Space is not found." space_wrong_organization: "The space and the user are not in the same organization." name: invalid: "cannot include spaces" space_name_taken: "is already in use" spending_limit: less_than_or_equal_to: "exceeds the maximum spending limit" user_registration: attributes: base: create: "Registration failed. Please try again later." invalid_email_for_invitation_code: "This invitation code cannot be used for your email address. Please register with a different invitation code or a different email address." email: email_already_exists: "An account with this email already exists" user: attributes: base: already_registered: "The username is already registered." create: "There was a problem with registering. Please try again later." update: "Could not update details" cc_client: "Cloud Controller reported an error during a request." user_name: invalid: "can only include a-z, 0-9, and +-_.@ characters" password: insufficient_strength: "is not secure enough" service_unavailable: "could not validate strength. Please, try again later" user/permissions: attributes: base: no_permissions_set: "Choose at least one role" user/details: attributes: base: update: "Could not update details" phone: invalid: "can only include numbers and +-. characters" activerecord: errors: models: user_registration: attributes: email: duplicate: "has already been registered"