== Hydra Administrative Tool for a Fedora Repository
A Rails engine providing an administrative interface to a Fedora Commons repository built on the Hydra project framework.
=== Status
This project should be considered *experimental*. Versions earlier than 1.0 may change API and/or UI without notice
or regard for backward compatibility.
=== Requirements
fcrepo_admin is designed for installation on hydra-head 6.0 or higher (requires active-fedora 6.1 or higher).
See https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head/wiki/Installation-Prerequisites.
=== Installation
(In the future, we hope to automate some of these tasks with a generator.)
* Add to gemfile
gem 'fcrepo_admin'
Then bundle install
* Run the Blacklight and Hydra generators (if this is a new Rails app, not an existing Hydra head)
rails g blacklight --devise
rails g hydra:head -f
rake db:migrate
rails g hydra:jetty # if you need a development copy of jetty with solr and fedora
* Mount the engine
In config/routes.rb add this line:
mount FcrepoAdmin::Engine => '/', :as=> 'fcrepo_admin'
You may use any mount point (except perhaps '/catalog'
All routes include objects
as a subpath.
* Add CanCan action aliases (fcrepo_admin >= 0.4.0)
In your Ability class (app/models/ability.rb) include the FcrepoAdmin::Ability module, for example:
class Ability
include Hydra::Ability
include Hydra::PolicyAwareAbility
include FcrepoAdmin::Ability
FcrepoAdmin::Ability defines action aliases for permissions which are enforced on (ActiveFedora::Base) objects.
If your application defines action aliases, please check FcrepoAdmin::Ability for conflicts as aliases are global.
* Add Javascript (fcrepo_admin < 0.4.0)
In app/assets/javascripts/application.js add:
//= require bootstrap-tab
* Customize catalog search results (optional)
If you would like catalog search results items to link to the fcrepo_admin object show view
instead of the catalog show view, create app/helpers/blacklight_helper.rb with this content:
module BlacklightHelper
include Blacklight::BlacklightHelperBehavior # Default Blacklight behaviors
include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::BlacklightHelperBehavior # fcrepo_admin overrides
# additional customizations here, if any
* Add audit trail support (optional)
To enable access to the Fedora audit trail data through the fcrepo_admin UI, include the
ActiveFedora::Auditable mixin in your ActiveFedora models:
include ActiveFedora::Auditable
=== Overriding fcrepo_admin behaviors
==== Configurable settings (fcrepo_admin >= 0.5.0)
To override default configurable settings for fcrepo_admin, create an initializer at config/initializers/fcrepo_admin.rb.
You should start with this content:
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
config.before_initialize do
# Customized settings will go here
Refer to the default configuration settings at https://github.com/projecthydra/fcrepo-admin/blob/master/lib/fcrepo_admin/configurable.rb.
All configuration options are set by module methods prefixed by FcrepoAdmin, for example:
FcrepoAdmin.read_only = true
==== Helpers
Override objects helpers by creating app/helpers/fcrepo_admin/objects_helper.rb with this content:
module FcrepoAdmin::ObjectsHelper
include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::ObjectsHelperBehavior
# override methods here
In particular you may want to override #object_title.
Override datastreams helpers by creating app/helpers/fcrepo_admin/datastreams_helper.rb with this content:
module FcrepoAdmin::DatastreamsHelper
include FcrepoAdmin::Helpers::DatastreamsHelperBehavior
# override methods here
==== Context Navigation Menus
===== fcrepo_admin >= 0.5.0
The configuration settings that control the items on the context menus are:
FcrepoAdmin.object_nav_items = [:pid, :summary, :datastreams, :permissions, :associations, :audit_trail, :object_xml]
FcrepoAdmin.datastream_nav_items = [:dsid, :version, :current_version, :summary, :content, :download, :edit, :upload, :history]
Each setting takes an array of symbols representing the items. You can start by copying the default values shown above.
If you simply want to rearrange or remove items, then just modify the default arrays.
To add a custom navigation item, start by adding your own symbol to the approriate array setting. Then override the
appropriate helper method (see section above on overriding fcrepo_admin helpers) -- for object context nav, override
#custom_object_nav_item in ObjectsHelper; for datastream context nav, override #custom_datastream_nav_item
in DatastreamsHelper.
Each method takes a single symbol argument and should return either nil (meaning no menu item is to be added) or the *content*
of a menu item. Do not include the