* Base class for all drivers that provides several common methods and allows developers
* to use the same syntax for all editor drivers.
* ## Usage
* In order to create a new instance of Zen.Editor your textareas will need an attribute
* called "data-format". Without this attribute this class will assume you're using HTML
* as your markup. An example of the most basic textarea looks like the following:
* To make it easier to retrieve an editor instance once it's created you should add an ID
* to the element. Instances of a textarea with an ID set can be retrieved from
* Zen.Editor.instances, this doesn't work for classes or other attributes.
* Once you have your element in place you can create a new instance by doing the
* following:
* var editor = new Zen.Editor($('markdown_editor'));
* This will create a new editor instance using HTML as the markup. Because we've set an
* ID we can retrieve this instance as following:
* Zen.Editor.instances.markdown_editor
* This means that it's not required to actually store the instance in a variable unless
* you're not using an ID.
* The first parameter of the Zen.Editor class can either be a string or an element. If
* it's a string it's assumed that it's a valid CSS selector and the first element found
* will be used. If it's an element it will be used directly without any further
* processing. A few examples can be seen below.
* new Zen.Editor('#markdown_editor'); // => markdown_editor will be used
* new Zen.Editor($$('textarea.some_editor')); // => First item will be used
* The second parameter is an object with custom options. Currently there are only two
* options available:
* * height: sets a fixed height for the textarea.
* * width: does the same as "height" but for the width.
* The third (and last) parameter is an array of custom buttons to add to the editor on
* top of the default buttons. This parameter should be an array of objects where each
* object has the following three keys:
* * name: a unique name for the button, also set as the class of the
* * label: a label to display in the button, also used for the value of the title
* attribute.
* * onClick: function that's executed whenever the button is clicked. This function can
* take a single parameter which is set to the instance of the editor to which the button
* belongs.
* A full example looks like the following:
* new Zen.Editor(
* $('markdown_editor'),
* {
* height: 600
* },
* [
* {
* name: 'example',
* label: 'example',
* onClick: function(editor)
* {
* console.log(editor.get('value'));
* }
* }
* ]
* );
* ## Available Drivers
* Currently the following drivers are available:
* * HTML (default)
* * Markdown
* * Textile
* ## Creating Drivers
* Creating a new driver for your own favorite markup engine (e.g. restructuredText) is
* pretty simple. Each driver should be declared under the Zen.Editor namespace and should
* extend the base class, Zen.Editor. The latter makes it possible for the driver to use
* features of the parent class if it doesn't override or provides them itself.
* A basic skeleton for a driver looks like the following:
* Zen.Editor.RestructuredText = new Class(
* {
* Extends: Zen.Editor
* });
* Usually you don't want to redeclare the initialize() method as it's used to create most
* of the required data for an editor. Typically you'll only want to override the methods
* for the default buttons or add your own ones.
* Once a driver has been written it's class has to be registered, this can be done as
* following:
* Zen.Editor.drivers.restructured_text = 'RestructuredText';
* The key of Zen.Editor.drivers should match the value set in the data-format attribute,
* it's value should be the name of the driver's class.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @implements Options
* @namespace Zen
Zen.Editor = new Class(
Implements: Options,
stylesheet: ['zen/editor'],
javascript: ['zen/editor/markdown', 'zen/editor/textile', 'zen/window']
* Object containing all the default options merged with the custom ones.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @var [Object]
// The default height in pixels
height: 400,
// The default width in pixels, set it to null to leave it unchanged (default)
width: null
* Array containing all the buttons to display in the toolbar and their onClick
* events. Note that if the onClick values are strings the class assumes they're
* methods available in the current instance.
* Each callback gets two parameters sent to it: the editor instance and the object of
* the button that was clicked.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @var [Array]
{name: 'bold' , label: 'Bold' , onClick: 'bold'},
{name: 'italic' , label: 'Italic' , onClick: 'italic'},
{name: 'link' , label: 'Link' , onClick: 'link'},
{name: 'ul' , label: 'Unordered list', onClick: 'ul'},
{name: 'ol' , label: 'Ordered list' , onClick: 'ol'},
{name: 'preview', label: 'Preview' , onClick: 'preview'}
* The DOM element to use for the editor.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @var [Element]
element: null,
* Creates a new instance of the class and saves and validates all the given data.
* @example
* var editor = new Zen.Editor($('editor'), {markup: 'markdown'});
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Object|String] element Either a DOM element or a CSS selector. If a
* selector is specified only the first element will be used.
* @param [Object] options Object containing a custom set of options that will be
* merged with this.options.
* @param [Array] buttons An array with a custom set of buttons to add on top of the
* default ones.
initialize: function(element, options, buttons)
// Merge the options
// The element variable is always required
if ( typeOf(element) === 'undefined' )
throw new SyntaxError("You need to specify an element for the editor.");
this.element = Zen.Editor.getElement(element);
// Create the HTML for the editor
var toolbar = new Element('div', {'class': 'editor_toolbar'});
var container = new Element('div', {'class': 'editor_container'});
var ul = new Element('ul');
var current_class = this;
// Push the custom buttons
if ( typeof buttons !== 'undefined' && buttons.length > 0 )
// Create the HTML for all the buttons
var li = new Element(
'class': button.name,
html: button.label,
title: button.label
// Add the onClick event, when clicked the current editor's instance is passed
// to the event allowing developers to work with it's content.
li.addEvent('click', function()
var current_editor = this.getParent('.editor_container')
if ( typeOf(button.onClick) === 'string' )
current_class[button.onClick](current_editor, this);
button.onClick(current_editor, this);
// Inject the HTML into the DOM
container.inject(this.element, 'before');
// Set the options
['height', 'width'].each(function(attr)
if ( current_class.options[attr] !== null )
element.setStyle('min-' + attr, current_class.options[attr]);
// Inject the textarea back into the container
element.set('data-state', 'initialized');
* Destroys the editor instance. This will remove all HTML and removes the textarea
* from Zen.Editor.instances if it has an ID.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
destroy: function()
// First we'll have to remove all HTML
var parent_container = this.element.getParent('.editor_container');
var id = this.element.id;
this.element.inject(parent_container, 'before');
if ( typeOf(id) !== 'undefined' )
Zen.Editor.instances[id] = null;
// Reset the dimensions
this.element.setStyle('height', null);
this.element.setStyle('width' , null);
* Inserts a set of tags around the cursor.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Element] editor The editor to insert the tags into.
bold: function(editor)
editor.insertAroundCursor({before: '', after: ''});
* Inserts a set of tags around the cursor.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Element] editor The editor to insert the tags into.
italic: function(editor)
editor.insertAroundCursor({before: '', after: ''});
* Asks for a URL and inserts it into the textarea using an tag.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Element] editor The editor to insert the tags into.
link: function(editor)
var link = prompt('URL', 'http://');
before: '',
after: ''
* Inserts a set of and - tags around the cursor.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Element] editor The editor to insert the tags into.
ul: function(editor)
before: "\n\n"
* Inserts a set of
and - tags around the cursor.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Element] editor The editor to insert the tags into.
ol: function(editor)
before: "\n
\n - ",
after: "
* Shows a preview of the content entered in the text area.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [Element] editor The editor to render the preview for.
preview: function(editor)
var markup = editor.get('value');
var engine = editor.get('data-format');
new Request(
method: 'POST',
url: '/admin/preview',
data: {engine: engine, markup: markup},
onSuccess: function(response)
new Zen.Window(
title: 'Preview',
width: 600,
move: true,
name: 'close',
label: 'Close',
onClick: function(instance)
* Object containing the names of all available drivers and their classes.
* Note that these drivers should be declared under the Zen.Editor namespace.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @var [Object]
Zen.Editor.drivers = {
markdown: 'Markdown',
textile: 'Textile'
* Object that will contain a list of all instances of the Zen.Editor class. Note that the
* textareas will need an ID in order for them to be added to this list.
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @var [Object]
Zen.Editor.instances = {};
* Class method that can be used to create editor instances using different drivers while
* still using the same syntax.
* @example
* var editor = Zen.Editor.init('markdown', $('editor'), {height: 200});
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [String] driver The name of the driver to use.
* @param [Object|String] A DOM element or a CSS selector.
* @param [Object] options An object containing custom options to use.
* @param [Object[ buttons An array of buttons to add to the editor.
* @see Zen.Editor.initialize
* @return [Object] An instance of the correct driver or an error class in case something
* went wrong.
Zen.Editor.init = function(driver, element, options, buttons)
if ( !driver )
throw new SyntaxError("You need to specify a driver.");
if ( !element )
throw new SyntaxError("You need to specify a DOM element or a CSS selector.");
// Get the element so we can determine if the textarea has already been processed
element = Zen.Editor.getElement(element);
if ( element.get('data-state') === 'initialized' )
var driver_class = Zen.Editor.drivers[driver];
var instance = null;
// Try to see if a driver exists for the given name. If there isn't we'll use the
// HTML driver as a fallback.
if ( typeOf(driver_class) === 'undefined' || !Zen.Editor[driver_class] )
instance = new Zen.Editor(element, options, buttons);
instance = new Zen.Editor[driver_class](element, options, buttons);
// Store the instance if it has an ID
if ( typeOf(instance.element.id) !== 'undefined' )
Zen.Editor.instances[instance.element.id] = instance;
return instance;
* Retrieves the correct element for the given CSS selector or element(s). If the
* parameter is a single DOM element it will be returned immediately, if it's an array of
* objects only the first one will be returned. If the parameter is a string this method
* will return the first element for the given selector.
* @example
* Zen.Editor.getElement($$('.some_class')); # => Element
* @author Yorick Peterse
* @since 0.2.6
* @param [String|Array|Element] The source data from which to extract the (first)
* element.
* @return [Element]
Zen.Editor.getElement = function(element)
if ( typeOf(element) === 'element' )
return element;
if ( typeOf(element) === 'string' )
element = $$(element);
if ( element.length === 0 )
throw new Error("The CSS selector did not result in any elements.");
if ( element.length > 0 )
return element[0];