require 'timeout' require 'net/http' require 'dumper/patch' module Dumper class Agent include Dumper::Utility::LoggingMethods API_VERSION = 1 MAX_FILESIZE = 2147483648 # 2.gigabytes attr_reader :stack, :max_filesize class << self def start(options = {}) if defined?(Rails::Railtie) ActiveSupport.on_load :after_initialize do # Since the first Redis object could be instantiated after our initializer gets run, # we start the agent after all initializers are loaded. end else new(options).start end end def start_if(options = {}) start(options) if yield end end def initialize(options = {}) log 'app_key is missing' if options[:app_key].blank? @stack = @api_base = options[:api_base] || '' @app_key = options[:app_key] @app_env = @stack.rails_env @app_name = ObjectSpace.each_object(Rails::Application)"::").first if options[:debug] logger.level = stdout_logger.level = Logger::DEBUG Thread.abort_on_exception = true end end def start log "stack: #{@stack.to_hash} - supported: #{@stack.supported?}", :debug return unless @stack.supported? @loop_thread = { start_loop } @loop_thread[:name] = 'Loop Thread' end def start_loop sec = 1 register_body = MultiJson.dump(register_hash) log "message body for agent/register: #{register_body}", :debug begin sec *= 2 log "sleeping #{sec} seconds for agent/register", :debug sleep sec json = api_request('agent/register', :json => register_body) end until json[:status] return log("agent stopped: #{json.to_s}") if json[:status] == 'error' @token = json[:token] @max_filesize = (json[:max_filesize] || MAX_FILESIZE).to_i log "agent started as #{@token ? 'primary' : 'secondary'}, max_filesize = #{@max_filesize}" sleep 1.hour + rand(10) unless @token loop do json = api_request('agent/poll', :params => { :token => @token }) if json[:status] == 'ok' # Promoted or demoted? if json[:token] log 'promoted to primary' if @token.nil? @token = json[:token] else log 'demoted to secondary' if @token @token = nil end if json[:job] if pid = fork # Parent srand # Ruby 1.8.7 needs reseeding - Process.detach(pid) else # Child, json[:job]).run_and_exit end end end sleep [ json[:interval].to_i, 60 ].max end end def register_hash { :hostname => Socket.gethostname, :agent_version => Dumper::VERSION, :app_name => @app_name, :stack => @stack.to_hash, } end def api_request(method_name, options) uri = URI.parse("#{@api_base}/api/#{method_name}") http =, uri.port) if uri.is_a? URI::HTTPS http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end request = request['x-app-key'] = @app_key request['x-app-env'] = @app_env request['x-api-version'] = API_VERSION.to_s request['user-agent'] = "Dumper-RailsAgent/#{Dumper::VERSION} (ruby #{::RUBY_VERSION} #{::RUBY_PLATFORM} / rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING})" if options[:params] request.set_form_data(options[:params]) else # Without empty string, WEBrick would complain WEBrick::HTTPStatus::LengthRequired for empty POSTs request.body = options[:json] || '' request['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' end response = http.request(request) if response.code == '200' log response.body, :debug MultiJson.load(response.body).with_indifferent_access else log "******** ERROR on api: #{method_name}, resp code: #{response.code} ********", :error {} # return empty hash end rescue log_last_error {} # return empty hash end end end