# Site title and subtitle. This is used in _includes/header.html title: 'chatterbot' subtitle: 'twitter bots in ruby' # Enable/show navigation. There are there options: # 0 - always hide # 1 - always show # 2 - show only if posts are present navigation: 1 # URL to source code, used in _includes/footer.html codeurl: 'https://github.com/muffinista/chatterbot' # Default categories (in order) to appear in the navigation sections: [ ['tut', 'Getting Started'], ['doc', 'Documentation'], ['dev', 'Developers'], ['links', 'Resources'] ] # Keep as an empty string if served up at the root. If served up at a specific # path (e.g. on GitHub pages) leave off the trailing slash, e.g. /my-project baseurl: '/chatterbot' # Dates are not included in permalinks permalink: none # Syntax highlighting highlighter: 'rouge' # Since these are pages, it doesn't really matter future: true # Exclude non-site files exclude: ['bin', 'README.md']