module RiCal class PropertyValue class DateTime #- ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license # # Time zone related methods for DateTime module TimezoneSupport # Return the timezone id of the receiver, or nil if it is a floating time def tzid @tzid == :floating ? nil : @tzid end def tzid=(timezone_id) #:nodoc: timezone_id = default_tzid if timezone_id == :default @tzid = timezone_id reset_cached_values end def reset_cached_values #:nodoc: @timezone = @utc = @rational_tz_offset = nil end def find_timezone #:nodoc: if @tzid == :floating FloatingTimezone else timezone_finder.find_timezone(@tzid) end end def timezone #:nodoc: @timezone ||= find_timezone end # Determine if the receiver has a local time zone, i.e. it is not a floating time or a UTC time def has_local_timezone? tzid && tzid.upcase != "UTC" end # Return the receiver if it has a floating time zone already, # otherwise return a DATETIME property with the same time as the receiver but with a floating time zone def with_floating_timezone if @tzid == nil self else @date_time_value.with_floating_timezone.to_ri_cal_date_time_value end end # Returns a instance that represents the time in UTC. def utc if has_local_timezone? @utc ||= timezone.local_to_utc(self) else # Already local or a floating time self end end def rational_tz_offset #:nodoc: if has_local_timezone? @rational_tz_offset ||= timezone.rational_utc_offset(@date_time_value.to_datetime) else @rational_tz_offset ||= RiCal.RationalOffset[0] end end # Predicate indicating whether or not the instance represents a ZULU time def utc? tzid == "UTC" end # Predicate indicating whether or not the instance represents a floating time def floating? tzid.nil? end def has_valid_tzinfo_tzid? #:nodoc: if tzid && tzid != :floating TZInfo::Timezone.get(tzid) rescue false else false end end # Returns the simultaneous time in the specified zone. def in_time_zone(new_zone) new_zone = timezone_finder.find_timezone(new_zone) return self if tzid == new_zone.identifier if has_local_timezone? new_zone.utc_to_local(utc) elsif utc? new_zone.utc_to_local(self) else # Floating time, :value => @date_time_value, :tzid => new_zone.identifier) end end end end end end