module Fastlane module Helper class AwsS3Helper # class methods that you define here become available in your action # as `Helper::S3Helper.your_method` # def self.show_message UI.message("Hello from the s3 plugin helper!") end # # Taken from # Because I need to load from my plugin gem (not main fastlane gem) # require "erb" def self.load(template_name) path = "#{gem_path('fastlane-plugin-aws_s3')}/lib/assets/#{template_name}.erb" load_from_path(path) end def self.load_from_path(template_filepath) unless File.exist?(template_filepath) UI.user_error!("Could not find Template at path '#{template_filepath}'") end end def self.render(template, template_vars_hash) end # # Taken from # Unsure best other way to do this so using this logic for now since its deprecated in fastlane proper # def self.gem_path(gem_name) if !Helper.is_test? and Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(gem_name).any? return Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gem_name).gem_dir else return './' end end end end end