/* * Unit tests of functions for creating OpenFlow messages. * * Author: Yasunori Nakazawa * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <openflow.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "byteorder.h" #include "checks.h" #include "cmockery_trema.h" #include "log.h" #include "openflow_message.h" #include "wrapper.h" extern uint16_t get_actions_length( const openflow_actions *actions ); extern buffer * create_stats_request( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t type, const uint16_t length, const uint16_t flags ); extern buffer * create_stats_reply( const uint32_t transaction_id, const uint16_t type, const uint16_t length, const uint16_t flags ); static const uint16_t ARP_OP_MASK = 0x00ff; // 8bits static const uint32_t BUFFER_ID = 0x12345678; static const uint16_t NO_FLAGS = 0; static const uint16_t NO_ERROR = 0; static const uint16_t PRIORITY = 65535; static const uint32_t MY_TRANSACTION_ID = 0x04030201; static const uint16_t ONE_MINUTES_TIMEOUT = 60; static const uint64_t ISSUED_COOKIE = 0x0102030405060708ULL; static const uint64_t RECEIVED_PACKETS = 50000; static const uint64_t RECEIVED_BYTES = 300000; static const uint64_t TRANSMITTED_PACKETS = 50000; static const uint64_t TRANSMITTED_BYTES = 300000; static const uint32_t SUPPORTED_ENTRIES_IN_OFPST_TABLE = 10000; static const uint32_t ACTIVE_ENTRIES_IN_OFPST_TABLE = 1000; static const uint64_t PACKETS_LOOK_UP_IN_OFPST_TABLE = 10000; static const uint64_t PACKETS_HIT_OFPST_TABLE = 100; static const uint32_t VENDOR_ID = 0x00004cff; static const uint16_t VENDOR_STATS_FLAG = 0xaabb; static const uint8_t HW_ADDR[ OFP_ETH_ALEN ] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 }; static const uint32_t NW_ADDR = 0x12345678; static const uint8_t NW_TOS = 0xfc; static const uint16_t MAX_LENGTH_OF_SEND_PACKET = 128; static const uint16_t SHORT_DATA_LENGTH = 32; static const uint16_t LONG_DATA_LENGTH = 64; static const struct ofp_match MATCH = { 0, 1, { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07 }, { 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d }, 1, 1, { 0 }, 0x800, 0xfc, 0x6, { 0, 0 }, 0x0a090807, 0x0a090807, 1024, 2048 }; static const uint32_t PORT_FEATURES = ( OFPPF_10MB_HD | OFPPF_10MB_FD | OFPPF_100MB_HD | OFPPF_100MB_FD | OFPPF_1GB_HD | OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_AUTONEG | OFPPF_PAUSE ); /******************************************************************************** * Mock function. ********************************************************************************/ #define FAKE_PID 1234; pid_t mock_getpid() { return FAKE_PID; } void mock_die( char *format, ... ) { UNUSED( format ); } void mock_debug( char *format, ... ) { UNUSED( format ); } static logging_level mock_get_logging_level() { return LOG_DEBUG; } /******************************************************************************** * Common function. ********************************************************************************/ static buffer * create_dummy_data( uint16_t length ) { buffer *data = alloc_buffer_with_length( length ); void *p = append_back_buffer( data, length ); memset( p, 0xaf, length ); return data; } /******************************************************************************** * Setup and teardown functions. ********************************************************************************/ static void init() { init_openflow_message(); get_logging_level = mock_get_logging_level; } static void teardown() { init_openflow_message(); } /******************************************************************************** * Initialization test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_init_openflow_message() { bool ret; uint32_t transaction_id; pid_t pid = FAKE_PID; transaction_id = ( uint32_t ) ( pid << 16 ) + 1; ret = init_openflow_message(); assert_true( ret ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) get_transaction_id(), ( int ) transaction_id ); } /******************************************************************************** * get_transaction_id() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_get_transaction_id() { uint32_t transaction_id; pid_t pid = FAKE_PID; transaction_id = ( uint32_t ) ( pid << 16 ) + 1; assert_int_equal( ( int ) get_transaction_id(), ( int ) transaction_id ); } static void test_get_transaction_id_if_id_overflows() { int i; uint32_t transaction_id; pid_t pid = FAKE_PID; for ( i = 0; i < 0xffff; i++ ) { get_transaction_id(); } transaction_id = ( uint32_t ) ( pid << 16 ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) get_transaction_id(), ( int ) transaction_id ); } /******************************************************************************** * get_get_cookie() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_get_cookie() { pid_t pid = FAKE_PID; uint64_t expected_cookie = ( ( uint64_t ) pid << 48 ) + 1; uint64_t tmp_cookie = get_cookie(); assert_memory_equal( &tmp_cookie, &expected_cookie, sizeof( uint64_t ) ); } extern uint64_t cookie; static void test_get_cookie_if_cookie_overflows() { pid_t pid = FAKE_PID; cookie = ( ( uint64_t ) pid << 48 ) | ( UINT64_MAX >> 16 ); uint64_t expected_cookie = ( ( uint64_t ) pid << 48 ); uint64_t tmp_cookie = get_cookie(); assert_memory_equal( &tmp_cookie, &expected_cookie, sizeof( uint64_t ) ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of functions for OFPT_HELLO. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_hello() { buffer *buffer = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_header *hello = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( hello->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( hello->type, OFPT_HELLO ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( hello->length ), sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( hello->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_validate_hello() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( validate_hello( hello ) == SUCCESS ); free_buffer( hello ); } static void test_validate_hello_fails_with_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_hello( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_hello_fails_with_non_hello_message() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, validate_hello( echo_request ) ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of a function for OFPT_ERROR. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_error() { uint16_t type = OFPET_HELLO_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE; buffer *data; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_error_msg *error_msg; uint16_t length; data = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); buffer = create_error( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, type, code, data ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); error_msg = ( struct ofp_error_msg * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_error_msg ) + data->length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( error_msg->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( error_msg->header.type, OFPT_ERROR ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( error_msg->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( error_msg->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( error_msg->type ), type ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( error_msg->code ), code ); assert_memory_equal( error_msg->data, data->data, data->length ); free_buffer( data ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_create_error_without_data() { uint16_t type = OFPET_HELLO_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE; buffer *data = NULL; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_error_msg *error_msg; uint16_t length; buffer = create_error( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, type, code, data ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); error_msg = ( struct ofp_error_msg * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_error_msg ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( error_msg->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( error_msg->header.type, OFPT_ERROR ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( error_msg->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( error_msg->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( error_msg->type ), type ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( error_msg->code ), code ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of functions for OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_echo_request() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *buffer = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, body ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_header *echo_request = buffer->data; uint16_t length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_header ) + body->length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( echo_request->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( echo_request->type, OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( echo_request->length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( echo_request->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_memory_equal( ( char * ) buffer->data + sizeof( struct ofp_header ), body->data, body->length ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_create_echo_request_without_data() { buffer *buffer = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_header *echo_request = buffer->data; uint16_t length = ( uint16_t ) sizeof( struct ofp_header ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( echo_request->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( echo_request->type, OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( echo_request->length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( echo_request->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_validate_echo_request() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, body ); assert_true( validate_echo_request( echo_request ) == SUCCESS ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } static void test_validate_echo_request_fails_with_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_echo_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_echo_request_fails_with_non_echo_request_message() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_echo_request( hello ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( hello ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of functions for OFPT_ECHO_REPLY. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_echo_reply() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *buffer = create_echo_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, body ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_header *echo_reply = ( struct ofp_header * ) buffer->data; uint16_t length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_header ) + body->length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( echo_reply->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( echo_reply->type, OFPT_ECHO_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( echo_reply->length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( echo_reply->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_memory_equal( ( char * ) buffer->data + sizeof( struct ofp_header ), body->data, body->length ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_create_echo_reply_without_data() { buffer *buffer = create_echo_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_header *echo_reply = ( struct ofp_header * ) buffer->data; uint16_t length = ( uint16_t ) sizeof( struct ofp_header ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( echo_reply->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( echo_reply->type, OFPT_ECHO_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( echo_reply->length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( echo_reply->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_validate_echo_reply() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *echo_reply = create_echo_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, body ); assert_true( validate_echo_reply( echo_reply ) == SUCCESS ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( echo_reply ); } static void test_validate_echo_reply_fails_with_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_echo_reply( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_echo_reply_fails_with_non_echo_reply_message() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_echo_reply( hello ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( hello ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of a function for OFPT_VENDOR. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_vendor() { const uint16_t body_length = 128; buffer *body = create_dummy_data( body_length ); buffer *buffer = create_vendor( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_ID, body ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, ( int ) sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ) + body_length ); struct ofp_vendor_header *vendor = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( vendor->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( vendor->header.type, OFPT_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( vendor->header.length ), ( int ) sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ) + body_length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( vendor->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( vendor->vendor ), ( int ) VENDOR_ID ); assert_memory_equal( ( char * ) vendor + sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ), body->data, body_length ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_create_vendor_without_data() { buffer *buffer = create_vendor( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ) ); struct ofp_vendor_header *vendor = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( vendor->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( vendor->header.type, OFPT_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( vendor->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_vendor_header ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( vendor->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( vendor->vendor ), ( int ) VENDOR_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of functions for OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_features_request() { buffer *buffer = create_features_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_header *features_request = ( struct ofp_header * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( features_request->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( features_request->type, OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( features_request->length ), sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( features_request->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_validate_features_request() { buffer *features_request = create_features_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( validate_features_request( features_request ) == SUCCESS ); free_buffer( features_request ); } static void test_validate_features_request_fails_with_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_features_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_features_request_fails_with_non_features_request_message() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_features_request( hello ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( hello ); } /******************************************************************************** * Test of a function for OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_get_config_request() { buffer *buffer; struct ofp_header *get_config_request; buffer = create_get_config_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); get_config_request = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( get_config_request->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( get_config_request->type, OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( get_config_request->length ), sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( get_config_request->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Test of a function for OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_get_config_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL; uint16_t miss_send_len = OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_switch_config *switch_config; buffer = create_get_config_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, miss_send_len ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); switch_config = ( struct ofp_switch_config * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_switch_config ) ); assert_int_equal( switch_config->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( switch_config->header.type, OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( switch_config->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_switch_config ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( switch_config->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( switch_config->flags ), flags ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( switch_config->miss_send_len ), miss_send_len ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Tests of functions for OFPT_SET_CONFIG. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_set_config() { buffer *buffer = create_set_config( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL, OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_switch_config *switch_config = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_switch_config ) ); assert_int_equal( switch_config->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( switch_config->header.type, OFPT_SET_CONFIG ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( switch_config->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_switch_config ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( switch_config->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( switch_config->flags ), OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( switch_config->miss_send_len ), OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_validate_set_config() { buffer *set_config = create_set_config( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL, OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN ); assert_true( validate_set_config( set_config ) == SUCCESS ); free_buffer( set_config ); } static void test_validate_set_config_fails_with_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_set_config( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_set_config_fails_with_non_set_config_message() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_set_config( hello ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( hello ); } /******************************************************************************** * Test of a function for OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_flow_removed() { uint64_t cookie = 0x0102030405060708ULL; uint8_t reason = OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT; uint32_t duration_sec = 180; uint32_t duration_nsec = 10000; uint16_t idle_timeout = 60; uint64_t packet_count = 1000; uint64_t byte_count = 100000; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_flow_removed *flow_removed; uint64_t tmp; buffer = create_flow_removed( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, MATCH, cookie, PRIORITY, reason, duration_sec, duration_nsec, idle_timeout, packet_count, byte_count ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); flow_removed = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_flow_removed ) ); assert_int_equal( flow_removed->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( flow_removed->header.type, OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_removed->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_flow_removed ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( flow_removed->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); ntoh_match( &flow_removed->match, &flow_removed->match ); assert_memory_equal( &flow_removed->match, &MATCH, sizeof( MATCH ) ); tmp = ntohll( flow_removed->cookie ); assert_memory_equal( &tmp, &cookie, sizeof( cookie ) ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_removed->priority ), PRIORITY ); assert_int_equal( flow_removed->reason, reason ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( flow_removed->duration_sec ), ( int ) duration_sec ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( flow_removed->duration_nsec ), ( int ) duration_nsec ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_removed->idle_timeout ), idle_timeout ); tmp = ntohll( flow_removed->packet_count ); assert_memory_equal( &tmp, &packet_count, sizeof( packet_count ) ); tmp = ntohll( flow_removed->byte_count ); assert_memory_equal( &tmp, &byte_count, sizeof( byte_count ) ); { void *pad = xmalloc( sizeof( flow_removed->pad ) ); memset( pad, 0, sizeof( flow_removed->pad ) ); assert_memory_equal( flow_removed->pad, pad, sizeof( flow_removed->pad ) ); xfree( pad ); void *pad2 = xmalloc( sizeof( flow_removed->pad2 ) ); memset( pad2, 0, sizeof( flow_removed->pad2 ) ); assert_memory_equal( flow_removed->pad2, pad2, sizeof( flow_removed->pad2 ) ); xfree( pad2 ); } free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Test of a function for OFPT_PORT_STATUS. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_port_status() { uint8_t reason = OFPPR_ADD; struct ofp_phy_port desc; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_port_status *port_status; desc.port_no = 1; memcpy( desc.hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( desc.hw_addr ) ); memset( desc.name, '\0', OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN ); strcpy( desc.name, "Navy" ); desc.config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; desc.state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; desc.curr = ( OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE ); desc.advertised = PORT_FEATURES; desc.supported = PORT_FEATURES; desc.peer = PORT_FEATURES; buffer = create_port_status( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, reason, desc ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); port_status = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_port_status ) ); assert_int_equal( port_status->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( port_status->header.type, OFPT_PORT_STATUS ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( port_status->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_port_status ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( port_status->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( port_status->reason, reason ); { void *pad = xmalloc( sizeof( port_status->pad ) ); memset( pad, 0, sizeof( port_status->pad ) ); assert_memory_equal( port_status->pad, pad, sizeof( port_status->pad ) ); xfree( pad ); } { struct ofp_phy_port d; ntoh_phy_port( &d, &port_status->desc ); assert_memory_equal( &d, &desc, sizeof( struct ofp_phy_port ) ); } free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Test of a function for OFPT_PORT_MOD. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_port_mod() { uint16_t port_no = 1; uint32_t config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; uint32_t mask = 0xffffffff; uint32_t advertise = 1; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_port_mod *port_mod; buffer = create_port_mod( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port_no, HW_ADDR, config, mask, advertise ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); port_mod = ( struct ofp_port_mod * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_port_mod ) ); assert_int_equal( port_mod->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( port_mod->header.type, OFPT_PORT_MOD ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( port_mod->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_port_mod ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( port_mod->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( port_mod->port_no ), port_no ); assert_memory_equal( port_mod->hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( HW_ADDR ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( port_mod->config ), ( int ) config ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( port_mod->mask ), ( int ) mask ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( port_mod->advertise ), ( int ) advertise ); { void *pad = xmalloc( sizeof( port_mod->pad ) ); memset( pad, 0, sizeof( port_mod->pad ) ); assert_memory_equal( port_mod->pad, pad, sizeof( port_mod->pad ) ); xfree( pad ); } free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * Test of functions for creating/deleting actions. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_and_delete_actions() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); bool ret; assert_true( actions != NULL ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 0 ); ret = delete_actions( actions ); assert_true( ret ); actions = NULL; expect_assert_failure( delete_actions( NULL ) ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_output() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_output() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint16_t port = 1; uint16_t max_len = 128; struct ofp_action_output *action_output; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_output( actions, port, max_len ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_output( actions, port, max_len ); assert_true( ret ); action_output = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_output->type, OFPAT_OUTPUT ); assert_int_equal( action_output->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_output ) ); assert_int_equal( action_output->port, port ); assert_int_equal( action_output->max_len, max_len ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_vlan_vid() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_vlan_vid() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint16_t vlan_vid = 0x0001; struct ofp_action_vlan_vid *action_vlan_vid; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ) ); actions = create_actions(); vlan_vid = 0xffff; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ) ); vlan_vid = 0x0001; ret = append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ); assert_true( ret ); action_vlan_vid = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_vlan_vid->type, OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID ); assert_int_equal( action_vlan_vid->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_vlan_vid ) ); assert_int_equal( action_vlan_vid->vlan_vid, vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_vlan_pcp() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_vlan_pcp() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint8_t vlan_pcp = 0x1; struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp *action_vlan_pcp; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ) ); actions = create_actions(); vlan_pcp = 0xf; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ) ); vlan_pcp = 0x1; ret = append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ); assert_true( ret ); action_vlan_pcp = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_vlan_pcp->type, OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP ); assert_int_equal( action_vlan_pcp->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp ) ); assert_int_equal( action_vlan_pcp->vlan_pcp, vlan_pcp ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_strip_vlan() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_strip_vlan() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; struct ofp_action_header *action_strip_vlan; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_strip_vlan( actions ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_strip_vlan( actions ); assert_true( ret ); action_strip_vlan = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_strip_vlan->type, OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN ); assert_int_equal( action_strip_vlan->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_header ) ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_dl_src() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_dl_src() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; struct ofp_action_dl_addr *action_dl_addr; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_dl_src( actions, HW_ADDR ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_set_dl_src( actions, HW_ADDR ); assert_true( ret ); action_dl_addr = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_dl_addr->type, OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC ); assert_int_equal( action_dl_addr->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_dl_addr ) ); assert_memory_equal( action_dl_addr->dl_addr, HW_ADDR, OFP_ETH_ALEN ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_dl_dst() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_dl_dst() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; struct ofp_action_dl_addr *action_dl_addr; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_dl_dst( actions, HW_ADDR ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_set_dl_dst( actions, HW_ADDR ); assert_true( ret ); action_dl_addr = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_dl_addr->type, OFPAT_SET_DL_DST ); assert_int_equal( action_dl_addr->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_dl_addr ) ); assert_memory_equal( action_dl_addr->dl_addr, HW_ADDR, OFP_ETH_ALEN ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_nw_src() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_nw_src() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; struct ofp_action_nw_addr *action_nw_addr; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ); assert_true( ret ); action_nw_addr = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_nw_addr->type, OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC ); assert_int_equal( action_nw_addr->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_addr ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) action_nw_addr->nw_addr, ( int ) NW_ADDR ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_nw_dst() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_nw_dst() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; struct ofp_action_nw_addr *action_nw_addr; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); assert_true( ret ); action_nw_addr = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_nw_addr->type, OFPAT_SET_NW_DST ); assert_int_equal( action_nw_addr->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_addr ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) action_nw_addr->nw_addr, ( int ) NW_ADDR ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_nw_tos() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_nw_tos() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint8_t nw_tos = 0xfc; struct ofp_action_nw_tos *action_nw_tos; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, nw_tos ) ); actions = create_actions(); nw_tos = 0xff; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, nw_tos ) ); nw_tos = 0xfc; ret = append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, nw_tos ); assert_true( ret ); action_nw_tos = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_nw_tos->type, OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS ); assert_int_equal( action_nw_tos->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_tos ) ); assert_int_equal( action_nw_tos->nw_tos, nw_tos ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_tp_src() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_tp_src() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint16_t tp_port = 1; struct ofp_action_tp_port *action_tp_port; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_tp_src( actions, tp_port ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_set_tp_src( actions, tp_port ); assert_true( ret ); action_tp_port = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_tp_port->type, OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC ); assert_int_equal( action_tp_port->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_tp_port ) ); assert_int_equal( action_tp_port->tp_port, tp_port ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_set_tp_dst() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_set_tp_dst() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint16_t tp_port = 1; struct ofp_action_tp_port *action_tp_port; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_set_tp_dst( actions, tp_port ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_set_tp_dst( actions, tp_port ); assert_true( ret ); action_tp_port = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_tp_port->type, OFPAT_SET_TP_DST ); assert_int_equal( action_tp_port->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_tp_port ) ); assert_int_equal( action_tp_port->tp_port, tp_port ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_enqueue() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_enqueue() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; struct ofp_action_enqueue *action_enqueue; bool ret; expect_assert_failure( append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); assert_true( ret ); action_enqueue = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_enqueue->type, OFPAT_ENQUEUE ); assert_int_equal( action_enqueue->len, sizeof( struct ofp_action_enqueue ) ); assert_int_equal( action_enqueue->port, port ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) action_enqueue->queue_id, ( int ) queue_id ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_vendor() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_vendor() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint32_t vendor = 1; buffer *body; struct ofp_action_vendor_header *action_vendor; uint16_t length; bool ret; body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_action_vendor_header ) + body->length ); expect_assert_failure( append_action_vendor( actions, vendor, body ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_vendor( actions, vendor, body ); assert_true( ret ); action_vendor = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_vendor->type, OFPAT_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( action_vendor->len, length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) action_vendor->vendor, ( int ) vendor ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); free_buffer( body ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * append_action_vendor_without_data() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_append_action_vendor_without_data() { openflow_actions *actions = NULL; uint32_t vendor = 1; buffer *body = NULL; struct ofp_action_vendor_header *action_vendor; uint16_t length; bool ret; length = ( uint16_t ) sizeof( struct ofp_action_vendor_header ); expect_assert_failure( append_action_vendor( actions, vendor, body ) ); actions = create_actions(); ret = append_action_vendor( actions, vendor, body ); assert_true( ret ); action_vendor = actions->list->data; assert_int_equal( action_vendor->type, OFPAT_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( action_vendor->len, length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) action_vendor->vendor, ( int ) vendor ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_packet_out() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_packet_out() { uint16_t in_port = 2; uint16_t port = 1; uint16_t max_len = 128; openflow_actions *actions; buffer *expected_data; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_packet_out *packet_out; uint16_t actions_len; uint16_t length; actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, port, max_len ); expected_data = create_dummy_data( LONG_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer = create_packet_out( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, BUFFER_ID, in_port, actions, expected_data ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); packet_out = buffer->data; actions_len = get_actions_length( actions ); length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_packet_out ) + actions_len + expected_data->length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( packet_out->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( packet_out->header.type, OFPT_PACKET_OUT ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( packet_out->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( packet_out->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( packet_out->buffer_id ), ( int ) BUFFER_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( packet_out->in_port ), in_port ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( packet_out->actions_len ), actions_len ); { void *a = packet_out->actions; list_element *expected_action = actions->list; while ( expected_action != NULL ) { struct ofp_action_header tmp_a; ntoh_action( &tmp_a, ( struct ofp_action_header * ) a ); struct ofp_action_header *expected_action_header = expected_action->data; assert_int_equal( tmp_a.type, expected_action_header->type ); assert_int_equal( tmp_a.len, expected_action_header->len ); assert_memory_equal( tmp_a.pad, expected_action_header->pad, sizeof( expected_action_header->pad ) ); a = ( void * ) ( ( char * ) a + tmp_a.len ); expected_action = expected_action->next; } } void *d = ( void * ) ( ( char * ) buffer->data + sizeof( struct ofp_packet_out ) + actions_len ); assert_memory_equal( d, expected_data->data, expected_data->length ); assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); free_buffer( expected_data ); free_buffer( buffer ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_create_packet_out_without_actions() { uint16_t in_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = NULL; buffer *expected_data; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_packet_out *packet_out; uint16_t length; expected_data = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer = create_packet_out( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, BUFFER_ID, in_port, actions, expected_data ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); packet_out = buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_packet_out ) + expected_data->length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( packet_out->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( packet_out->header.type, OFPT_PACKET_OUT ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( packet_out->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( packet_out->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( packet_out->buffer_id ), ( int ) BUFFER_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( packet_out->in_port ), in_port ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( packet_out->actions_len ), 0 ); void *d = ( void * ) ( ( char * ) buffer->data + sizeof( struct ofp_packet_out ) ); assert_memory_equal( d, expected_data->data, expected_data->length ); free_buffer( expected_data ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_flow_mod() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_flow_mod() { uint64_t cookie = 10; uint16_t command = OFPFC_ADD; uint16_t idle_timeout = 5; uint16_t hard_timeout = 10; uint32_t buffer_id = 10; uint16_t out_port = UINT16_MAX; uint16_t flags = OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP | OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM; openflow_actions *actions; uint16_t port = 1; uint16_t max_len = 128; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_flow_mod *flow_mod; uint16_t actions_len; uint16_t length; uint64_t tmp; actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, port, max_len ); actions_len = get_actions_length( actions ); buffer = create_flow_mod( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, MATCH, cookie, command, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, PRIORITY, buffer_id, out_port, flags, actions ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); flow_mod = ( struct ofp_flow_mod * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_flow_mod ) + actions_len ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( flow_mod->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( flow_mod->header.type, OFPT_FLOW_MOD ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_mod->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( flow_mod->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); ntoh_match( &flow_mod->match, &flow_mod->match ); assert_memory_equal( &flow_mod->match, &MATCH, sizeof( MATCH ) ); tmp = ntohll( flow_mod->cookie ); assert_memory_equal( &tmp, &cookie, sizeof( cookie ) ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_mod->idle_timeout ), idle_timeout ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_mod->hard_timeout ), hard_timeout ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_mod->priority ), PRIORITY ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( flow_mod->buffer_id ), ( int ) buffer_id ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_mod->out_port ), out_port ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_mod->flags ), flags ); { void *a = flow_mod->actions; list_element *expected_action = actions->list; while ( expected_action != NULL ) { struct ofp_action_header tmp_a; ntoh_action( &tmp_a, ( struct ofp_action_header * ) a ); struct ofp_action_header *expected_action_header = expected_action->data; assert_int_equal( tmp_a.type, expected_action_header->type ); assert_int_equal( tmp_a.len, expected_action_header->len ); assert_memory_equal( tmp_a.pad, expected_action_header->pad, sizeof( expected_action_header->pad ) ); a = ( void * ) ( ( char * ) a + tmp_a.len ); expected_action = expected_action->next; } } assert_int_equal( actions->n_actions, 1 ); free_buffer( buffer ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_stats_request() { uint16_t type = OFPST_DESC; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; uint16_t length; length = sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ); buffer = create_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, type, length, NO_FLAGS ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), type ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_stats_reply() { uint16_t type = OFPST_DESC; uint16_t length = sizeof( struct ofp_stats_reply ); buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; buffer = create_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, type, length, NO_FLAGS ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = ( struct ofp_stats_reply * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), type ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_desc_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_desc_stats_request() { buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; buffer = create_desc_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), OFPST_DESC ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_desc_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_desc_stats_reply() { const char mfr_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "NEC Corporation"; const char hw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "OpenFlow Switch Hardware"; const char sw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "OpenFlow Switch Software"; const char serial_num[ SERIAL_NUM_LEN ] = "1234"; const char dp_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "Datapath 0"; uint16_t length; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; struct ofp_desc_stats *desc_stats; length = ( uint16_t ) ( sizeof( struct ofp_stats_reply ) + sizeof( struct ofp_desc_stats ) ); buffer = create_desc_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, mfr_desc, hw_desc, sw_desc, serial_num, dp_desc ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = ( struct ofp_stats_reply * ) buffer->data; desc_stats = ( struct ofp_desc_stats * ) ( ( char * ) buffer->data + sizeof( struct ofp_stats_reply ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_DESC ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); assert_memory_equal( desc_stats->mfr_desc, mfr_desc, strlen( mfr_desc ) + 1 ); assert_memory_equal( desc_stats->hw_desc, hw_desc, strlen( mfr_desc ) + 1 ); assert_memory_equal( desc_stats->sw_desc, sw_desc, strlen( mfr_desc ) + 1 ); assert_memory_equal( desc_stats->serial_num, serial_num, strlen( mfr_desc ) + 1 ); assert_memory_equal( desc_stats->dp_desc, dp_desc, strlen( mfr_desc ) + 1 ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_flow_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_flow_stats_request() { uint8_t table_id = 0xff; uint16_t out_port = 1; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; struct ofp_flow_stats_request *flow_stats_request; uint16_t length; buffer = create_flow_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, MATCH, table_id, out_port ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_flow_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), OFPST_FLOW ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); flow_stats_request = ( struct ofp_flow_stats_request * ) ( ( char * ) buffer->data + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) ); ntoh_match( &flow_stats_request->match, &flow_stats_request->match ); assert_memory_equal( &flow_stats_request->match, &MATCH, sizeof( MATCH ) ); assert_int_equal( flow_stats_request->table_id, table_id ); assert_int_equal( flow_stats_request->pad, 0 ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( flow_stats_request->out_port ), out_port ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_flow_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_flow_stats_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; list_element *expected_list, *list; buffer *buffer; uint16_t stats_len = 0; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; struct ofp_flow_stats *expected_stats[ 2 ], *flow_stats; struct ofp_action_output *action; uint16_t length; stats_len = offsetof( struct ofp_flow_stats, actions ) + sizeof( struct ofp_action_output ); expected_stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); expected_stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); expected_stats[ 0 ]->length = stats_len; expected_stats[ 0 ]->table_id = 1; expected_stats[ 0 ]->pad = 0; expected_stats[ 0 ]->match = MATCH; expected_stats[ 0 ]->duration_sec = 60; expected_stats[ 0 ]->duration_nsec = 10000; expected_stats[ 0 ]->priority = 1024; expected_stats[ 0 ]->idle_timeout = 60; expected_stats[ 0 ]->hard_timeout = 3600; expected_stats[ 0 ]->cookie = 0x0102030405060708ULL; expected_stats[ 0 ]->packet_count = 1000; expected_stats[ 0 ]->byte_count = 100000; action = ( struct ofp_action_output * ) expected_stats[ 0 ]->actions; action->type = OFPAT_OUTPUT; action->len = 8; action->port = 1; action->max_len = 2048; memcpy( expected_stats[ 1 ], expected_stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); expected_stats[ 1 ]->cookie = 0x0203040506070809ULL; action = ( struct ofp_action_output * ) expected_stats[ 1 ]->actions; action->port = 2; create_list( &expected_list ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, expected_stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, expected_stats[ 1 ] ); buffer = create_flow_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, expected_list ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = buffer->data; flow_stats = ( struct ofp_flow_stats * ) stats_reply->body; length = ( uint16_t ) ( stats_len * 2 ); length = ( uint16_t ) ( length + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_FLOW ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), flags ); list = expected_list; while ( list != NULL ) { struct ofp_flow_stats *next = flow_stats; struct ofp_flow_stats *expected_flow_stats = list->data; next = ( struct ofp_flow_stats * ) ( ( char * ) flow_stats + ntohs( flow_stats->length ) ); ntoh_flow_stats( flow_stats, flow_stats ); assert_memory_equal( flow_stats, expected_flow_stats, expected_flow_stats->length ); flow_stats = next; list = list->next; } xfree( expected_stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( expected_stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( expected_list ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_aggregate_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_aggregate_stats_request() { uint8_t table_id = 0xff; uint16_t out_port = 1; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request *aggregate_stats_request; uint16_t length; buffer = create_aggregate_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, MATCH, table_id, out_port ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_flow_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), OFPST_AGGREGATE ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); aggregate_stats_request = ( struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request * ) stats_request->body; ntoh_match( &aggregate_stats_request->match, &aggregate_stats_request->match ); assert_memory_equal( &aggregate_stats_request->match, &MATCH, sizeof( MATCH ) ); assert_int_equal( aggregate_stats_request->table_id, table_id ); assert_int_equal( aggregate_stats_request->pad, 0 ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( aggregate_stats_request->out_port ), out_port ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_aggregate_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_aggregate_stats_reply() { uint32_t flow_count = 1000; uint64_t packet_count = 1000; uint64_t byte_count = 10000; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply *aggregate_stats_reply; uint16_t length; uint64_t tmp; buffer = create_aggregate_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, packet_count, byte_count, flow_count ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = ( struct ofp_stats_reply * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_AGGREGATE ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); aggregate_stats_reply = ( struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply * ) stats_reply->body; tmp = ntohll( aggregate_stats_reply->packet_count ); assert_memory_equal( &tmp, &packet_count, sizeof( packet_count ) ); tmp = ntohll( aggregate_stats_reply->byte_count ); assert_memory_equal( &tmp, &byte_count, sizeof( byte_count ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( aggregate_stats_reply->flow_count ), ( int ) flow_count ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_table_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_table_stats_request() { buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; buffer = create_table_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), OFPST_TABLE ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_table_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_table_stats_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; uint16_t stats_len; buffer *buffer; list_element *expected_list, *list; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; struct ofp_table_stats *stats[ 2 ], *table_stats, *next; uint16_t length = 0; stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ); stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 0 ]->table_id = 1; strcpy( stats[ 0 ]->name, "Table 1" ); stats[ 0 ]->wildcards = OFPFW_ALL; stats[ 0 ]->max_entries = 10000; stats[ 0 ]->active_count = 1000; stats[ 0 ]->lookup_count = 100000; stats[ 0 ]->matched_count = 10000; memcpy( stats[ 1 ], stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); stats[ 1 ]->table_id = 2; strcpy( stats[ 1 ]->name, "Table 2" ); create_list( &expected_list ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 1 ] ); buffer = create_table_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, expected_list ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = ( struct ofp_stats_reply * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ) * 2 ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_TABLE ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), flags ); table_stats = ( struct ofp_table_stats * ) stats_reply->body; list = expected_list; while ( list != NULL ) { struct ofp_table_stats *expected_table_stats = ( struct ofp_table_stats * ) list->data; next = ( struct ofp_table_stats * ) ( ( char * ) table_stats + sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ) ); ntoh_table_stats( table_stats, table_stats ); assert_memory_equal( table_stats, expected_table_stats, sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ) ); table_stats = next; list = list->next; } xfree( stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( expected_list ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_port_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_port_stats_request() { uint16_t port_no = 1; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; struct ofp_port_stats_request *port_stats_request; uint16_t length; buffer = create_port_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, port_no ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), OFPST_PORT ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); port_stats_request = ( struct ofp_port_stats_request * ) ( ( char * ) buffer->data + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( port_stats_request->port_no ), port_no ); { void *pad = xmalloc( sizeof( port_stats_request->pad ) ); memset( pad, 0, sizeof( port_stats_request->pad ) ); assert_memory_equal( port_stats_request->pad, pad, sizeof( port_stats_request->pad ) ); xfree( pad ); } free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_port_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_port_stats_reply() { void *expected_data; uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; uint16_t stats_len; buffer *buffer; list_element *expected_list, *list; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; struct ofp_port_stats *stats[ 2 ], *port_stats, *next; uint16_t length = 0; stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ); stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 0 ]->port_no = 1; stats[ 0 ]->rx_packets = 10000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_packets = 20000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_bytes = 30000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_bytes = 40000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_dropped = 50000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_dropped = 60000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_errors = 70000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_errors = 80000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_frame_err = 1; stats[ 0 ]->rx_over_err = 2; stats[ 0 ]->rx_crc_err = 1; stats[ 0 ]->collisions = 3; memcpy( stats[ 1 ], stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); stats[ 1 ]->port_no = 2; create_list( &expected_list ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 1 ] ); expected_data = xcalloc( 1, ( size_t ) ( stats_len * 2 ) ); memcpy( expected_data, stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); memcpy( ( char * ) expected_data + stats_len, stats[ 1 ], stats_len ); buffer = create_port_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, expected_list ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ) * 2 ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_PORT ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), flags ); port_stats = ( struct ofp_port_stats * ) stats_reply->body; list = expected_list; while ( list != NULL ) { struct ofp_port_stats *expected_port_stats = ( struct ofp_port_stats * ) list->data; next = ( struct ofp_port_stats * ) ( ( char * ) port_stats + sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ) ); ntoh_port_stats( port_stats, port_stats ); assert_memory_equal( port_stats, expected_port_stats, sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ) ); port_stats = next; list = list->next; } xfree( stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( stats[ 1 ] ); xfree( expected_data ); delete_list( expected_list ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_queue_stats_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_queue_stats_request() { uint16_t port_no = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request; struct ofp_queue_stats_request *queue_stats_request; uint16_t length; buffer = create_queue_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, port_no, queue_id ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_queue_stats_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_request->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->type ), OFPST_QUEUE ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_request->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); queue_stats_request = ( struct ofp_queue_stats_request * ) ( ( char * ) buffer->data + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( queue_stats_request->port_no ), port_no ); { void *pad = xmalloc( sizeof( queue_stats_request->pad ) ); memset( pad, 0, sizeof( queue_stats_request->pad ) ); assert_memory_equal( queue_stats_request->pad, pad, sizeof( queue_stats_request->pad ) ); xfree( pad ); } assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( queue_stats_request->queue_id ), ( int ) queue_id ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_queue_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_queue_stats_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; list_element *list, *l; uint16_t stats_len; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; struct ofp_queue_stats *stats[ 2 ], *queue_stats; uint16_t n_queues = 2; uint16_t length; buffer *buffer; stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_queue_stats ); stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 0 ]->port_no = 1; stats[ 0 ]->queue_id = 2; stats[ 0 ]->tx_bytes = 100000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_packets = 60000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_errors = 80; memcpy( stats[ 1 ], stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); stats[ 1 ]->queue_id = 3; create_list( &list ); append_to_tail( &list, stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &list, stats[ 1 ] ); buffer = create_queue_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, list ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) + sizeof( struct ofp_queue_stats ) * n_queues ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_QUEUE ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), flags ); queue_stats = ( struct ofp_queue_stats * ) stats_reply->body; l = list; while ( list != NULL ) { void *next = ( char * ) queue_stats + stats_len; ntoh_queue_stats( queue_stats, queue_stats ); assert_memory_equal( queue_stats, list->data, stats_len ); list = list->next; queue_stats = next; } xfree( stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( l ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_barrier_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_barrier_request() { buffer *buffer; struct ofp_header *barrier_request; buffer = create_barrier_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); barrier_request = ( struct ofp_header * ) buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( barrier_request->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( barrier_request->type, OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( barrier_request->length ), sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( barrier_request->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_barrier_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_barrier_reply() { buffer *buffer; struct ofp_header *barrier_reply; buffer = create_barrier_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); barrier_reply = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( barrier_reply->version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( barrier_reply->type, OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( barrier_reply->length ), sizeof( struct ofp_header ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( barrier_reply->xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_queue_get_config_request() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_queue_get_config_request() { uint16_t port = 1; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_queue_get_config_request *queue_get_config_request; buffer = create_queue_get_config_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); queue_get_config_request = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, sizeof( struct ofp_queue_get_config_request ) ); assert_int_equal( queue_get_config_request->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( queue_get_config_request->header.type, OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( queue_get_config_request->header.length ), sizeof( struct ofp_queue_get_config_request ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( queue_get_config_request->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( queue_get_config_request->port ), ( int ) port ); { void *pad = xmalloc( sizeof( queue_get_config_request->pad ) ); memset( pad, 0, sizeof( queue_get_config_request->pad ) ); assert_memory_equal( queue_get_config_request->pad, pad, sizeof( queue_get_config_request->pad ) ); xfree( pad ); } free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_queue_get_config_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_queue_get_config_reply() { size_t queue_len; uint16_t port = 1; uint8_t expected_pad[ 6 ]; list_element *list, *l; buffer *buffer; struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply *queue_get_config_reply; struct ofp_packet_queue *queue[ 2 ], *packet_queue; struct ofp_queue_prop_header *prop_header; uint16_t queues_length; uint16_t length; queue_len = offsetof( struct ofp_packet_queue, properties ) + sizeof( struct ofp_queue_prop_header ); queue[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_len ); queue[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_len ); queue[ 0 ]->queue_id = 1; queue[ 0 ]->len = 16; prop_header = queue[ 0 ]->properties; prop_header->property = OFPQT_NONE; prop_header->len = 8; queue[ 1 ]->queue_id = 2; queue[ 1 ]->len = 16; prop_header = queue[ 1 ]->properties; prop_header->property = OFPQT_NONE; prop_header->len = 8; create_list( &list ); append_to_tail( &list, queue[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &list, queue[ 1 ] ); buffer = create_queue_get_config_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port, list ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); queue_get_config_reply = buffer->data; queues_length = ( uint16_t ) ( queue[ 0 ]->len + queue[ 1 ]->len ); length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply, queues ) + queues_length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( queue_get_config_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( queue_get_config_reply->header.type, OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( queue_get_config_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( queue_get_config_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); memset( &expected_pad, 0, sizeof( expected_pad ) ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( queue_get_config_reply->port ), port ); assert_memory_equal( queue_get_config_reply->pad, expected_pad, sizeof( expected_pad ) ); l = list; packet_queue = queue_get_config_reply->queues; while ( list != NULL ) { ntoh_packet_queue( packet_queue, packet_queue ); void *next = ( char * ) packet_queue + packet_queue->len; struct ofp_packet_queue *expected_packet_queue = ( struct ofp_packet_queue * ) list->data; assert_memory_equal( packet_queue, expected_packet_queue, expected_packet_queue->len ); list = list->next; packet_queue = next; } xfree( queue[ 0 ] ); xfree( queue[ 1 ] ); delete_list( l ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_vendor_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_vendor_stats_request() { const uint16_t body_length = 128; buffer *body = create_dummy_data( body_length ); buffer *buffer = create_vendor_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_STATS_FLAG, VENDOR_ID, body ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, ( int ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( uint32_t ) + body_length ) ); struct ofp_stats_request *stats = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( stats->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( stats->header.length ), ( int ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( uint32_t ) + body_length ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( stats->type ), ( int ) OFPST_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( stats->flags ), ( int ) VENDOR_STATS_FLAG ); uint32_t vendor_id = *( ( uint32_t * ) ( ( char * ) stats + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( vendor_id ), ( int ) VENDOR_ID ); assert_memory_equal( ( char * ) stats + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ), body->data, body_length ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( buffer ); } static void test_create_vendor_stats_request_without_data() { buffer *buffer = create_vendor_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_STATS_FLAG, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); struct ofp_stats_request *stats = buffer->data; assert_int_equal( stats->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( stats->header.length ), ( int ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) + sizeof( uint32_t ) ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( stats->type ), ( int ) OFPST_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohs( stats->flags ), ( int ) VENDOR_STATS_FLAG ); uint32_t vendor_id = *( ( uint32_t * ) ( ( char * ) stats + offsetof( struct ofp_stats_request, body ) ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( vendor_id ), ( int ) VENDOR_ID ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * create_vendor_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_create_vendor_stats_reply() { void *data; uint32_t expected_vendor = VENDOR_ID; uint32_t *vendor; buffer *buffer, *body; struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply; uint16_t length; body = alloc_buffer_with_length( 128 ); append_back_buffer( body, 128 ); memset( body->data, 0xa1, body->length ); buffer = create_vendor_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, expected_vendor, body ); assert_true( buffer != NULL ); stats_reply = buffer->data; length = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof( struct ofp_stats_reply, body ) + sizeof( uint32_t ) + body->length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) buffer->length, length ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.version, OFP_VERSION ); assert_int_equal( stats_reply->header.type, OFPT_STATS_REPLY ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->header.length ), length ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) ntohl( stats_reply->header.xid ), ( int ) MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->type ), OFPST_VENDOR ); assert_int_equal( ntohs( stats_reply->flags ), NO_FLAGS ); vendor = ( uint32_t * ) stats_reply->body; *vendor = ntohl( *vendor ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) *vendor, ( int ) expected_vendor ); data = ( char * ) vendor + sizeof( uint32_t ); assert_memory_equal( data, body->data, body->length ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( buffer ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_error() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_error() { uint16_t type = OFPET_HELLO_FAILED; uint16_t code = OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE; buffer *expected_data; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_error( expected_message ) ); expected_data = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); expected_message = create_error( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, type, code, expected_data ); ret_val = validate_error( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_data ); free_buffer( expected_message ); // error case. expected_message = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); ret_val = validate_error( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_validate_vendor() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_vendor() { buffer *data = create_dummy_data( 32 ); buffer *message = create_vendor( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_ID, data ); assert_int_equal( validate_vendor( message ), 0 ); free_buffer( data ); free_buffer( message ); } static void test_validate_vendor_without_data() { buffer *message = create_vendor( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_vendor( message ), 0 ); free_buffer( message ); } static void test_validate_vendor_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_vendor( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_vendor_fails_if_message_is_not_vendor_header() { buffer *message = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_vendor( message ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_features_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_features_reply() { uint64_t datapath_id = 0x12345600; uint32_t n_buffers = 128; uint8_t n_tables = 1; uint32_t capabilities; uint32_t actions; struct ofp_phy_port phy_port[ 2 ]; list_element *ports; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_features_reply( expected_message ) ); capabilities = ( OFPC_FLOW_STATS | OFPC_TABLE_STATS | OFPC_PORT_STATS | OFPC_QUEUE_STATS | OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP ); actions = ( ( 1 << OFPAT_OUTPUT ) | ( 1 << OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID ) | ( 1 << OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC ) | ( 1 << OFPAT_SET_TP_DST ) ); phy_port[ 0 ].port_no = 1; memcpy( phy_port[ 0 ].hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( phy_port[ 0 ].hw_addr ) ); strcpy( phy_port[ 0 ].name, "Brown" ); phy_port[ 0 ].config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; phy_port[ 0 ].state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; phy_port[ 0 ].curr = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE; phy_port[ 0 ].advertised = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 0 ].supported = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 0 ].peer = PORT_FEATURES; create_list( &ports ); append_to_tail( &ports, &phy_port[ 0 ] ); phy_port[ 1 ].port_no = 2; memcpy( phy_port[ 1 ].hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( phy_port[ 1 ].hw_addr ) ); strcpy( phy_port[ 1 ].name, "Amber" ); phy_port[ 1 ].config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; phy_port[ 1 ].state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; phy_port[ 1 ].curr = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE; phy_port[ 1 ].advertised = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 1 ].supported = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 1 ].peer = PORT_FEATURES; append_to_tail( &ports, &phy_port[ 1 ] ); expected_message = create_features_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, datapath_id, n_buffers, n_tables, capabilities, actions, ports ); ret_val = validate_features_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); delete_list( ports ); free_buffer( expected_message ); // error case. expected_message = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); ret_val = validate_features_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_get_config_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_get_config_request() { buffer *get_config_request = create_get_config_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_get_config_request( get_config_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( get_config_request ); } static void test_validate_get_config_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_get_config_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_get_config_request_fails_if_message_is_not_get_config_request() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_get_config_request( hello ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( hello ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_get_config_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_get_config_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL; uint16_t miss_send_len = OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_get_config_reply( expected_message ) ); expected_message = create_get_config_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, miss_send_len ); ret_val = validate_get_config_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); // error case. expected_message = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); ret_val = validate_get_config_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_packet_in() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_packet_in() { uint16_t total_len; uint16_t in_port = 1; uint8_t reason = OFPR_NO_MATCH; buffer *expected_data = NULL; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_packet_in( expected_message ) ); expected_data = create_dummy_data( LONG_DATA_LENGTH ); total_len = ( uint16_t ) expected_data->length; expected_message = create_packet_in( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, BUFFER_ID, total_len, in_port, reason, expected_data ); ret_val = validate_packet_in( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); // error case. expected_message = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); ret_val = validate_packet_in( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( expected_data ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_flow_removed() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_flow_removed() { uint64_t cookie = 0x0102030405060708ULL; uint8_t reason = OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT; uint32_t duration_sec = 180; uint32_t duration_nsec = 10000; uint16_t idle_timeout = 60; uint64_t packet_count = 1000; uint64_t byte_count = 100000; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_flow_removed( expected_message ) ); expected_message = create_flow_removed( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, MATCH, cookie, PRIORITY, reason, duration_sec, duration_nsec, idle_timeout, packet_count, byte_count ); ret_val = validate_flow_removed( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); // error case. expected_message = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); ret_val = validate_flow_removed( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_port_status() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_port_status() { uint8_t reason = OFPPR_ADD; struct ofp_phy_port desc; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_port_status( expected_message ) ); desc.port_no = 1; memcpy( desc.hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( desc.hw_addr ) ); memset( desc.name, '\0', OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN ); strcpy( desc.name, "Navy" ); desc.config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; desc.state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; desc.curr = ( OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE ); desc.advertised = PORT_FEATURES; desc.supported = PORT_FEATURES; desc.peer = PORT_FEATURES; expected_message = create_port_status( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, reason, desc ); ret_val = validate_port_status( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_packet_out() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_packet_out() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, 1, 128 ); buffer *data = create_dummy_data( LONG_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *packet_out = create_packet_out( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, UINT32_MAX, 1, actions, data ); assert_int_equal( validate_packet_out( packet_out ), 0 ); free_buffer( data ); free_buffer( packet_out ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_packet_out_without_data() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, 1, 128 ); buffer *packet_out = create_packet_out( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, BUFFER_ID, 1, actions, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_packet_out( packet_out ), 0 ); free_buffer( packet_out ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_packet_out_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_packet_out( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_packet_out_fails_if_message_is_not_packet_out() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_packet_out( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_flow_mod() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_flow_mod() { uint64_t cookie = 10; uint16_t hard_timeout = 10; uint16_t idle_timeout = 5; uint16_t out_port = UINT16_MAX; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, 1, 128 ); buffer *flow_mod = create_flow_mod( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, MATCH, cookie, OFPFC_ADD, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, PRIORITY, BUFFER_ID, out_port, OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP | OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM, actions ); assert_int_equal( validate_flow_mod( flow_mod ), 0 ); free_buffer( flow_mod ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_flow_mod_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_flow_mod( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_flow_mod_fails_if_message_is_not_flow_mod() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_flow_mod( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_port_mod() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_port_mod() { uint16_t port_no = 1; uint32_t mask = 0; uint32_t advertise = 1; buffer *port_mod = create_port_mod( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port_no, HW_ADDR, OFPPC_PORT_DOWN, mask, advertise ); assert_int_equal( validate_port_mod( port_mod ), 0 ); free_buffer( port_mod ); } static void test_validate_port_mod_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_port_mod( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_port_mod_fails_if_message_is_not_port_mod() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_port_mod( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_desc_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_desc_stats_request() { buffer *desc_stats_request = create_desc_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0 ); assert_int_equal( validate_desc_stats_request( desc_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( desc_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_desc_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_desc_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_desc_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_desc_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_desc_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_desc_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_desc_stats_reply() { const char mfr_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "NEC Corporation"; const char hw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "OpenFlow Switch Hardware"; const char sw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "OpenFlow Switch Software"; const char serial_num[ SERIAL_NUM_LEN ] = "1234"; const char dp_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "Datapath 0"; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expect_assert_failure( validate_desc_stats_reply( expected_message ) ); expected_message = create_desc_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, mfr_desc, hw_desc, sw_desc, serial_num, dp_desc ); ret_val = validate_desc_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_flow_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_flow_stats_request() { uint8_t table_id = 0xff; uint16_t out_port = 1; buffer *flow_stats_request = create_flow_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, MATCH, table_id, out_port ); assert_int_equal( validate_flow_stats_request( flow_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( flow_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_flow_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_flow_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_flow_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_flow_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_flow_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_flow_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_flow_stats_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; list_element *expected_list; uint16_t stats_len = 0; struct ofp_flow_stats *expected_stats[ 2 ]; struct ofp_action_output *action; buffer *expected_message = NULL; expect_assert_failure( validate_flow_stats_reply( expected_message ) ); stats_len = offsetof( struct ofp_flow_stats, actions ) + sizeof( struct ofp_action_output ); expected_stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); expected_stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); expected_stats[ 0 ]->length = stats_len; expected_stats[ 0 ]->table_id = 1; expected_stats[ 0 ]->pad = 0; expected_stats[ 0 ]->match = MATCH; expected_stats[ 0 ]->duration_sec = 60; expected_stats[ 0 ]->duration_nsec = 10000; expected_stats[ 0 ]->priority = UINT16_MAX; expected_stats[ 0 ]->idle_timeout = 60; expected_stats[ 0 ]->hard_timeout = 3600; expected_stats[ 0 ]->cookie = 0x0102030405060708ULL; expected_stats[ 0 ]->packet_count = 1000; expected_stats[ 0 ]->byte_count = 100000; action = ( struct ofp_action_output * ) expected_stats[ 0 ]->actions; action->type = OFPAT_OUTPUT; action->len = 8; action->port = 1; action->max_len = 2048; memcpy( expected_stats[ 1 ], expected_stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); expected_stats[ 1 ]->cookie = 0x0203040506070809ULL; action = ( struct ofp_action_output * ) expected_stats[ 1 ]->actions; action->port = 2; create_list( &expected_list ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, expected_stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, expected_stats[ 1 ] ); expected_message = create_flow_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, expected_list ); int ret_val = validate_flow_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); xfree( expected_stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( expected_stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( expected_list ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_aggregate_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_aggregate_stats_request() { uint8_t table_id = 0xff; uint16_t out_port = 1; buffer *aggregate_stats_request = create_aggregate_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, MATCH, table_id, out_port ); assert_int_equal( validate_aggregate_stats_request( aggregate_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( aggregate_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_aggregate_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_aggregate_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_aggregate_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_aggregate_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_aggregate_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_aggregate_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_aggregate_stats_reply() { uint32_t flow_count = 1000; uint64_t packet_count = 1000; uint64_t byte_count = 10000; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; expected_message = create_aggregate_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, packet_count, byte_count, flow_count ); ret_val = validate_aggregate_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_table_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_table_stats_request() { buffer *table_stats_request = create_table_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0 ); assert_int_equal( validate_table_stats_request( table_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( table_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_table_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_table_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_table_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_table_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_table_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_table_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_table_stats_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; uint16_t stats_len; list_element *expected_list; struct ofp_table_stats *stats[ 2 ]; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ); stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 0 ]->table_id = 1; strcpy( stats[ 0 ]->name, "Table 1" ); stats[ 0 ]->wildcards = OFPFW_ALL; stats[ 0 ]->max_entries = 10000; stats[ 0 ]->active_count = 1000; stats[ 0 ]->lookup_count = 100000; stats[ 0 ]->matched_count = 10000; memcpy( stats[ 1 ], stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); stats[ 1 ]->table_id = 2; strcpy( stats[ 1 ]->name, "Table 2" ); create_list( &expected_list ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 1 ] ); expected_message = create_table_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, expected_list ); ret_val = validate_table_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); xfree( stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( expected_list ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_port_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_port_stats_request() { uint16_t port_no = 1; buffer *port_stats_request = create_port_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, port_no ); assert_int_equal( validate_port_stats_request( port_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( port_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_port_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_port_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_port_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_port_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_port_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_port_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_port_stats_reply() { void *expected_data; uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; uint16_t stats_len; list_element *expected_list; struct ofp_port_stats *stats[ 2 ]; buffer *expected_message = NULL; int ret_val; stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ); stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 0 ]->port_no = 1; stats[ 0 ]->rx_packets = 10000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_packets = 20000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_bytes = 30000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_bytes = 40000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_dropped = 50000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_dropped = 60000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_errors = 70000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_errors = 80000; stats[ 0 ]->rx_frame_err = 1; stats[ 0 ]->rx_over_err = 2; stats[ 0 ]->rx_crc_err = 1; stats[ 0 ]->collisions = 3; memcpy( stats[ 1 ], stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); stats[ 1 ]->port_no = 2; create_list( &expected_list ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &expected_list, stats[ 1 ] ); expected_data = xcalloc( 1, ( size_t ) ( stats_len * 2 ) ); memcpy( expected_data, stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); memcpy( ( char * ) expected_data + stats_len, stats[ 1 ], stats_len ); expected_message = create_port_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, expected_list ); ret_val = validate_port_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); xfree( stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( stats[ 1 ] ); xfree( expected_data ); delete_list( expected_list ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_DESC_message() { buffer *stats_desc_request = create_desc_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0 ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_desc_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_desc_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_FLOW_message() { uint8_t table_id = 0xff; uint16_t port_no = 1; buffer *stats_flow_request = create_flow_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, MATCH, table_id, port_no ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_flow_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_flow_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_AGGREGATE_message() { uint8_t table_id = 0xff; uint16_t port_no = 1; buffer *stats_addregate_request = create_aggregate_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, MATCH, table_id, port_no ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_addregate_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_addregate_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_TABLE_message() { buffer *stats_table_request = create_table_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0 ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_table_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_table_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_PORT_message() { uint16_t port_no = 1; buffer *stats_port_request = create_port_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, port_no ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_port_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_port_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_QUEUE_message() { uint16_t port_no = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; buffer *stats_queue_request = create_queue_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, port_no, queue_id ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_queue_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_queue_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_VENDOR_message() { buffer *stats_vendor_request = create_vendor_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( stats_vendor_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_vendor_request ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_stats_request_fails_with_unsupported_stats_type() { buffer *broken_stats_request = create_vendor_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) broken_stats_request->data; const uint16_t unsupported_stats_type = ( uint16_t ) -2; stats_request->type = htons( unsupported_stats_type ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_request( broken_stats_request ), ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_STATS_TYPE ); free_buffer( broken_stats_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_stats_reply() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_DESC_message() { const char mfr_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "Trema Corporation"; const char hw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "Switching Hub type:B - for Trema"; const char sw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "System - b - OS version 1.0.0"; const char serial_num[ SERIAL_NUM_LEN ] = "SN101224"; const char dp_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "readble datapath 1012-1103"; buffer *desc_stats_reply = create_desc_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0, mfr_desc, hw_desc, sw_desc, serial_num, dp_desc ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( desc_stats_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( desc_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_FLOW_message() { list_element *flow_stats_list; struct ofp_flow_stats *flow_stats[ 2 ]; struct ofp_action_output *action; uint16_t flow_stats_len = offsetof( struct ofp_flow_stats, actions ) + sizeof( struct ofp_action_output ); flow_stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, flow_stats_len ); flow_stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, flow_stats_len ); flow_stats[ 0 ]->length = flow_stats_len; flow_stats[ 0 ]->table_id = 1; flow_stats[ 0 ]->pad = 0; flow_stats[ 0 ]->match = MATCH; flow_stats[ 0 ]->duration_sec = 60; flow_stats[ 0 ]->duration_nsec = 10000; flow_stats[ 0 ]->priority = PRIORITY; flow_stats[ 0 ]->idle_timeout = ONE_MINUTES_TIMEOUT; flow_stats[ 0 ]->hard_timeout = ( uint16_t ) ( ONE_MINUTES_TIMEOUT * 60 ); flow_stats[ 0 ]->cookie = ISSUED_COOKIE; flow_stats[ 0 ]->packet_count = RECEIVED_PACKETS; flow_stats[ 0 ]->byte_count = RECEIVED_BYTES; action = ( struct ofp_action_output * ) flow_stats[ 0 ]->actions; action->type = OFPAT_OUTPUT; action->len = 8; action->port = 1; action->max_len = 2048; memcpy( flow_stats[ 1 ], flow_stats[ 0 ], flow_stats_len ); ( ( struct ofp_action_output * ) flow_stats[ 1 ]->actions )->port = 2; create_list( &flow_stats_list ); append_to_tail( &flow_stats_list, flow_stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &flow_stats_list, flow_stats[ 1 ] ); buffer *flow_stats_reply = create_flow_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPSF_REPLY_MORE, flow_stats_list ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( flow_stats_reply ), 0 ); xfree( flow_stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( flow_stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( flow_stats_list ); free_buffer( flow_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_AGGREGATE_message() { uint32_t flow_count = 1000; uint64_t packet_count = RECEIVED_PACKETS; uint64_t byte_count = RECEIVED_BYTES; buffer *aggregate_stats_reply = create_aggregate_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0, packet_count, byte_count, flow_count ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( aggregate_stats_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( aggregate_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_TABLE_message() { uint16_t table_stats_len; list_element *table_stats_list; struct ofp_table_stats *table_stats[ 2 ]; table_stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_table_stats ); table_stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, table_stats_len ); table_stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, table_stats_len ); table_stats[ 0 ]->table_id = 1; strcpy( table_stats[ 0 ]->name, "Name of Flow Table No.1" ); table_stats[ 0 ]->wildcards = OFPFW_ALL; table_stats[ 0 ]->max_entries = SUPPORTED_ENTRIES_IN_OFPST_TABLE; table_stats[ 0 ]->active_count = ACTIVE_ENTRIES_IN_OFPST_TABLE; table_stats[ 0 ]->lookup_count = PACKETS_LOOK_UP_IN_OFPST_TABLE; table_stats[ 0 ]->matched_count = PACKETS_HIT_OFPST_TABLE; memcpy( table_stats[ 1 ], table_stats[ 0 ], table_stats_len ); table_stats[ 1 ]->table_id = 2; strcpy( table_stats[ 1 ]->name, "Name of Flow Table No.2" ); create_list( &table_stats_list ); append_to_tail( &table_stats_list, table_stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &table_stats_list, table_stats[ 1 ] ); buffer *table_stats_reply = create_table_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPSF_REPLY_MORE, table_stats_list ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( table_stats_reply ), 0 ); xfree( table_stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( table_stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( table_stats_list ); free_buffer( table_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_PORT_message() { list_element *port_stats_list; struct ofp_port_stats *port_stats[ 2 ]; uint16_t port_stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_port_stats ); port_stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, port_stats_len ); port_stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, port_stats_len ); port_stats[ 0 ]->port_no = 1; port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_packets = RECEIVED_PACKETS; port_stats[ 0 ]->tx_packets = TRANSMITTED_PACKETS; port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_bytes = RECEIVED_BYTES; port_stats[ 0 ]->tx_bytes = TRANSMITTED_BYTES; // Not packets dropped. port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_dropped = NO_ERROR; port_stats[ 0 ]->tx_dropped = NO_ERROR; // Not packet errors. port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_errors = NO_ERROR; port_stats[ 0 ]->tx_errors = NO_ERROR; // Not frame alignment errors. port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_frame_err = NO_ERROR; // Not packets with RX overrun. port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_over_err = NO_ERROR; // Not CRC errors. port_stats[ 0 ]->rx_crc_err = NO_ERROR; // Not collisions. port_stats[ 0 ]->collisions = NO_ERROR; memcpy( port_stats[ 1 ], port_stats[ 0 ], port_stats_len ); port_stats[ 1 ]->port_no = 2; create_list( &port_stats_list ); append_to_tail( &port_stats_list, port_stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &port_stats_list, port_stats[ 1 ] ); buffer *port_stats_reply = create_port_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPSF_REPLY_MORE, port_stats_list ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( port_stats_reply ), 0 ); xfree( port_stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( port_stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( port_stats_list ); free_buffer( port_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_QUEUE_message() { list_element *queue_stats_list; uint16_t queue_stats_len; struct ofp_queue_stats *queue_stats[ 2 ]; queue_stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_queue_stats ); queue_stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_stats_len ); queue_stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_stats_len ); queue_stats[ 0 ]->port_no = 1; queue_stats[ 0 ]->queue_id = 2; queue_stats[ 0 ]->tx_bytes = TRANSMITTED_BYTES; queue_stats[ 0 ]->tx_packets = TRANSMITTED_PACKETS; // Not packets dropped. queue_stats[ 0 ]->tx_errors = NO_ERROR; memcpy( queue_stats[ 1 ], queue_stats[ 0 ], queue_stats_len ); queue_stats[ 1 ]->queue_id = 3; create_list( &queue_stats_list ); append_to_tail( &queue_stats_list, queue_stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &queue_stats_list, queue_stats[ 1 ] ); buffer *queue_stats_reply = create_queue_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPSF_REPLY_MORE, queue_stats_list ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( queue_stats_reply ), 0 ); xfree( queue_stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( queue_stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( queue_stats_list ); free_buffer( queue_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_VENDOR_message() { buffer *vendor_body = alloc_buffer_with_length( 128 ); append_back_buffer( vendor_body, 128 ); memset( vendor_body->data, 0xa1, vendor_body->length ); buffer *vendor_stats_reply = create_vendor_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0, VENDOR_ID, vendor_body ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( vendor_stats_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( vendor_body ); free_buffer( vendor_stats_reply ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_stats_reply( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_stats_reply_fails_with_unsupported_stats_type() { buffer *broken_stats_reply = create_vendor_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); struct ofp_stats_reply *stats_reply = ( struct ofp_stats_reply * ) broken_stats_reply->data; const uint16_t unsupported_stats_type = ( uint16_t ) -2; stats_reply->type = htons( unsupported_stats_type ); assert_int_equal( validate_stats_reply( broken_stats_reply ), ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_STATS_TYPE ); free_buffer( broken_stats_reply ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_queue_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_queue_stats_request() { buffer *port_stats_request = create_queue_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, OFPP_ALL, OFPQ_ALL ); assert_int_equal( validate_queue_stats_request( port_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( port_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_queue_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_queue_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_queue_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_queue_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_queue_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_queue_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_queue_stats_reply() { uint16_t flags = OFPSF_REPLY_MORE; list_element *list; uint16_t stats_len; struct ofp_queue_stats *stats[ 2 ]; buffer *expected_message; int ret_val; stats_len = sizeof( struct ofp_queue_stats ); stats[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, stats_len ); stats[ 0 ]->port_no = 1; stats[ 0 ]->queue_id = 2; stats[ 0 ]->tx_bytes = 100000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_packets = 60000; stats[ 0 ]->tx_errors = 80; memcpy( stats[ 1 ], stats[ 0 ], stats_len ); stats[ 1 ]->queue_id = 3; create_list( &list ); append_to_tail( &list, stats[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &list, stats[ 1 ] ); expected_message = create_queue_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, flags, list ); ret_val = validate_queue_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); xfree( stats[ 0 ] ); xfree( stats[ 1 ] ); delete_list( list ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_vendor_stats_request() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_vendor_stats_request() { buffer *vendor_stats_request = create_vendor_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, VENDOR_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_vendor_stats_request( vendor_stats_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( vendor_stats_request ); } static void test_validate_vendor_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_vendor_stats_request( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_vendor_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_vendor_stats_request() { buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NULL ); assert_int_equal( validate_vendor_stats_request( echo_request ), ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_vendor_stats_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_vendor_stats_reply() { uint32_t expected_vendor = VENDOR_ID; buffer *expected_message, *body; struct ofp_stats_reply; int ret_val; body = alloc_buffer_with_length( 128 ); append_back_buffer( body, 128 ); memset( body->data, 0xa1, body->length ); expected_message = create_vendor_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, expected_vendor, body ); ret_val = validate_vendor_stats_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( body ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_barrier_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_barrier_reply() { buffer *expected_message; int ret_val; expected_message = create_barrier_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); ret_val = validate_barrier_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_queue_get_config_reply() test. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_queue_get_config_reply() { size_t queue_len; uint16_t port = 1; list_element *list; buffer *expected_message; struct ofp_packet_queue *queue[ 2 ]; struct ofp_queue_prop_header *prop_header; int ret_val; queue_len = offsetof( struct ofp_packet_queue, properties ) + sizeof( struct ofp_queue_prop_header ); queue[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_len ); queue[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_len ); queue[ 0 ]->queue_id = 1; queue[ 0 ]->len = 16; prop_header = queue[ 0 ]->properties; prop_header->property = OFPQT_NONE; prop_header->len = 8; queue[ 1 ]->queue_id = 2; queue[ 1 ]->len = 16; prop_header = queue[ 1 ]->properties; prop_header->property = OFPQT_NONE; prop_header->len = 8; create_list( &list ); append_to_tail( &list, queue[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &list, queue[ 1 ] ); expected_message = create_queue_get_config_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port, list ); ret_val = validate_queue_get_config_reply( expected_message ); assert_int_equal( ret_val, 0 ); xfree( queue[ 0 ] ); xfree( queue[ 1 ] ); delete_list( list ); free_buffer( expected_message ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_output() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_output() { uint16_t port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, port, MAX_LENGTH_OF_SEND_PACKET ); struct ofp_action_output action_output; hton_action_output( &action_output, ( struct ofp_action_output * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_output( &action_output ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_output_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_src( actions, HW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_dl_addr action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_output( ( struct ofp_action_output * ) &action_dl_addr ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_output_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_output() { uint16_t port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, port, MAX_LENGTH_OF_SEND_PACKET ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_output ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_output * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_output too_short_action_output; hton_action_output( &too_short_action_output, ( struct ofp_action_output * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_output( &too_short_action_output ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_OUTPUT ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_output_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_output() { uint16_t port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, port, MAX_LENGTH_OF_SEND_PACKET ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_output ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_output * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_output too_long_action_output; hton_action_output( &too_long_action_output, ( struct ofp_action_output * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_output( &too_long_action_output ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_OUTPUT ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_output_fails_with_invalid_port_no() { uint16_t port = 0; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, port, MAX_LENGTH_OF_SEND_PACKET ); struct ofp_action_output action_output; hton_action_output( &action_output, ( struct ofp_action_output * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_output( &action_output ), ERROR_INVALID_PORT_NO ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_vlan_vid() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint16_t vlan_vid = 0x0001; append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ); struct ofp_action_vlan_vid action_vlan_vid; hton_action_vlan_vid( &action_vlan_vid, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_vid( &action_vlan_vid ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_vid( ( struct ofp_action_vlan_vid * ) &action_nw_addr ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_invalid_vlan_vid() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint16_t vlan_vid = 0x0001; append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ); uint16_t invalid_vlan_vid = 0x1000; ( ( struct ofp_action_vlan_vid * ) actions->list->data )->vlan_vid = invalid_vlan_vid; struct ofp_action_vlan_vid action_vlan_vid; hton_action_vlan_vid( &action_vlan_vid, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_vid( &action_vlan_vid ), ERROR_INVALID_VLAN_VID ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_vlan_vid() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint16_t vlan_vid = 0x0001; append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ); struct ofp_action_vlan_vid *too_short_action_length = ( struct ofp_action_vlan_vid * ) actions->list->data; too_short_action_length->len = ( uint16_t ) ( too_short_action_length->len - 1 ); struct ofp_action_vlan_vid too_short_action_vlan_vid; hton_action_vlan_vid( &too_short_action_vlan_vid, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_vid( &too_short_action_vlan_vid ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_VLAN_VID ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_vlan_vid() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint16_t vlan_vid = 0x0001; append_action_set_vlan_vid( actions, vlan_vid ); struct ofp_action_vlan_vid *too_long_action_length = ( struct ofp_action_vlan_vid * ) actions->list->data; too_long_action_length->len = ( uint16_t ) ( too_long_action_length->len + 1 ); struct ofp_action_vlan_vid too_long_action_vlan_vid; hton_action_vlan_vid( &too_long_action_vlan_vid, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_vid( &too_long_action_vlan_vid ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_VLAN_VID ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_vlan_pcp() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint8_t vlan_pcp = 0x01; append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ); struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp action_vlan_pcp; hton_action_vlan_pcp( &action_vlan_pcp, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_pcp( &action_vlan_pcp ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_pcp( ( struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp * ) &action_nw_addr ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_invalid_vlan_pcp() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint8_t vlan_pcp = 0x01; append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ); uint8_t invalid_vlan_pcp = 0x08; ( ( struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp * ) actions->list->data )->vlan_pcp = invalid_vlan_pcp; struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp action_vlan_pcp; hton_action_vlan_pcp( &action_vlan_pcp, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_pcp( &action_vlan_pcp ), ERROR_INVALID_VLAN_PCP ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_vlan_pcp() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint8_t vlan_pcp = 0x01; append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ); struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp *too_short_action_length = ( struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp * ) actions->list->data; too_short_action_length->len = ( uint16_t ) ( too_short_action_length->len - 1 ); struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp too_short_action_vlan_pcp; hton_action_vlan_pcp( &too_short_action_vlan_pcp, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_pcp( &too_short_action_vlan_pcp ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_VLAN_PCP ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_vlan_pcp() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); uint8_t vlan_pcp = 0x01; append_action_set_vlan_pcp( actions, vlan_pcp ); struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp *too_long_action_length = ( struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp * ) actions->list->data; too_long_action_length->len = ( uint16_t ) ( too_long_action_length->len + 1 ); struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp too_long_action_vlan_pcp; hton_action_vlan_pcp( &too_long_action_vlan_pcp, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_vlan_pcp( &too_long_action_vlan_pcp ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_VLAN_PCP ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_strip_vlan() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_strip_vlan() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_strip_vlan( actions ); struct ofp_action_header action_strip_vlan; hton_action_strip_vlan( &action_strip_vlan, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_strip_vlan( &action_strip_vlan ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_strip_vlan_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_strip_vlan( ( struct ofp_action_header * ) &action_nw_addr ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_strip_vlan_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_header() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_strip_vlan( actions ); struct ofp_action_header *too_short_action_length = ( struct ofp_action_header * ) actions->list->data; too_short_action_length->len = ( uint16_t ) ( too_short_action_length->len - 1 ); struct ofp_action_header too_short_action_header; hton_action_strip_vlan( &too_short_action_header, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_strip_vlan( &too_short_action_header ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_STRIP_VLAN ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_strip_vlan_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_header() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_strip_vlan( actions ); struct ofp_action_header *too_long_action_length = ( struct ofp_action_header * ) actions->list->data; too_long_action_length->len = ( uint16_t ) ( too_long_action_length->len + 1 ); struct ofp_action_header too_long_action_header; hton_action_strip_vlan( &too_long_action_header, actions->list->data ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_strip_vlan( &too_long_action_header ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_STRIP_VLAN ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_dl_src() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_dl_src() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_src( actions, HW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_dl_addr action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_src( &action_dl_addr ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_dl_src_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_src( ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) &action_nw_addr ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_dl_src_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_dl_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_src( actions, HW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_dl_addr ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_dl_addr too_short_action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &too_short_action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_src( &too_short_action_dl_addr ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_DL_SRC ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_dl_src_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_dl_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_src( actions, HW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_dl_addr ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_dl_addr too_long_action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &too_long_action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_src( &too_long_action_dl_addr ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_DL_SRC ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_dl_dst() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_dl_dst() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_dst( actions, HW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_dl_addr action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_dst( &action_dl_addr ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_dl_dst_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_dst( ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) &action_nw_addr ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_dl_dst_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_dl_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_dst( actions, HW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_dl_addr ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_dl_addr too_short_action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &too_short_action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_dst( &too_short_action_dl_addr ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_DL_DST ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_dl_dst_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_dl_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_dl_dst( actions, HW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_dl_addr ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_dl_addr too_long_action_dl_addr; hton_action_dl_addr( &too_long_action_dl_addr, ( struct ofp_action_dl_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_dl_dst( &too_long_action_dl_addr ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_DL_DST ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_nw_src() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_nw_src() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_src( &action_nw_addr ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_src_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, NW_TOS ); struct ofp_action_nw_tos action_nw_tos; hton_action_nw_tos( &action_nw_tos, ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_src( ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) &action_nw_tos ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_src_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_nw_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_addr ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_nw_addr too_short_action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &too_short_action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_src( &too_short_action_nw_addr ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_SRC ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_src_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_nw_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_src( actions, NW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_addr ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_nw_addr too_long_action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &too_long_action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_src( &too_long_action_nw_addr ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_NW_SRC ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_nw_dst() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_nw_dst() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); struct ofp_action_nw_addr action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_dst( &action_nw_addr ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_dst_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, NW_TOS ); struct ofp_action_nw_tos action_nw_tos; hton_action_nw_tos( &action_nw_tos, ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_dst( ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) &action_nw_tos ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_dst_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_nw_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_addr ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_nw_addr too_short_action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &too_short_action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_dst( &too_short_action_nw_addr ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_DST ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_dst_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_nw_addr() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_dst( actions, NW_ADDR ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_addr ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_nw_addr too_long_action_nw_addr; hton_action_nw_addr( &too_long_action_nw_addr, ( struct ofp_action_nw_addr * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_dst( &too_long_action_nw_addr ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_NW_DST ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_nw_tos() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_nw_tos() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, NW_TOS ); struct ofp_action_nw_tos action_nw_tos; hton_action_nw_tos( &action_nw_tos, ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_tos( &action_nw_tos ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_tos_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_src( actions, tp_port ); struct ofp_action_tp_port action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_tos( ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) &action_tp_port ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_tos_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_nw_tos() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, NW_TOS ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_tos ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_nw_tos too_short_action_nw_tos; hton_action_nw_tos( &too_short_action_nw_tos, ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_tos( &too_short_action_nw_tos ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_TOS ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_nw_tos_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_nw_tos() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_nw_tos( actions, NW_TOS ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_nw_tos ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_nw_tos too_long_action_nw_tos; hton_action_nw_tos( &too_long_action_nw_tos, ( struct ofp_action_nw_tos * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_nw_tos( &too_long_action_nw_tos ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_NW_TOS ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_tp_src() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_tp_src() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_src( actions, tp_port ); struct ofp_action_tp_port action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_src( &action_tp_port ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_tp_src_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); struct ofp_action_enqueue action_enqueue; hton_action_enqueue( &action_enqueue, ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_src( ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) &action_enqueue ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_tp_src_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_tp_port() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_src( actions, tp_port ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_tp_port ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_tp_port too_short_action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &too_short_action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_src( &too_short_action_tp_port ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_TP_SRC ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_tp_src_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_tp_port() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_src( actions, tp_port ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_tp_port ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_tp_port too_long_action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &too_long_action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_src( &too_long_action_tp_port ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_TP_SRC ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_set_tp_dst() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_set_tp_dst() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_dst( actions, tp_port ); struct ofp_action_tp_port action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_dst( &action_tp_port ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_tp_dst_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); struct ofp_action_enqueue action_enqueue; hton_action_enqueue( &action_enqueue, ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_dst( ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) &action_enqueue ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_tp_dst_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_tp_port() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_dst( actions, tp_port ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_tp_port ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_tp_port too_short_action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &too_short_action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_dst( &too_short_action_tp_port ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_TP_DST ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_set_tp_dst_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_tp_port() { uint16_t tp_port = 1; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_set_tp_dst( actions, tp_port ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_tp_port ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_tp_port too_long_action_tp_port; hton_action_tp_port( &too_long_action_tp_port, ( struct ofp_action_tp_port * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_set_tp_dst( &too_long_action_tp_port ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_TP_DST ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_enqueue() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_enqueue() { uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); struct ofp_action_enqueue action_enqueue; hton_action_enqueue( &action_enqueue, ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_enqueue( &action_enqueue ), 0 ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_enqueue_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_vendor( actions, VENDOR_ID, body ); struct ofp_action_vendor_header action_vendor; hton_action_vendor( &action_vendor, ( struct ofp_action_vendor_header * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_enqueue( ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) &action_vendor ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); free_buffer( body ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_enqueue_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_enqueue() { uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_enqueue ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * )( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_enqueue too_short_action_enqueue; hton_action_enqueue( &too_short_action_enqueue, ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_enqueue( &too_short_action_enqueue ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_ENQUEUE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_enqueue_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_enqueue() { uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); uint16_t too_long_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_enqueue ) + 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_long_action_length; struct ofp_action_enqueue too_long_action_enqueue; hton_action_enqueue( &too_long_action_enqueue, ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_enqueue( &too_long_action_enqueue ), ERROR_TOO_LONG_ACTION_ENQUEUE ); delete_actions( actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_action_vendor() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_action_vendor() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_vendor( actions, VENDOR_ID, body ); struct ofp_action_vendor_header action_vendor_header; hton_action_vendor( &action_vendor_header, ( struct ofp_action_vendor_header * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_vendor( &action_vendor_header ), 0 ); free_buffer( body ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_vendor_fails_with_invalid_action_type() { uint16_t port = 1; uint32_t queue_id = 10; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_enqueue( actions, port, queue_id ); struct ofp_action_enqueue action_enqueue; hton_action_enqueue( &action_enqueue, ( struct ofp_action_enqueue * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_vendor( ( struct ofp_action_vendor_header * ) &action_enqueue ), ERROR_INVALID_ACTION_TYPE ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_action_vendor_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_vendor_header() { buffer *body = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_vendor( actions, VENDOR_ID, body ); uint16_t too_short_action_length = sizeof( struct ofp_action_vendor_header ) - 1; ( ( struct ofp_action_vendor_header * )( actions->list->data ) )->len = too_short_action_length; struct ofp_action_vendor_header too_short_action_vendor_header; hton_action_vendor( &too_short_action_vendor_header, ( struct ofp_action_vendor_header * ) ( actions->list->data ) ); assert_int_equal( validate_action_vendor( &too_short_action_vendor_header ), ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_VENDOR ); free_buffer( body ); delete_actions( ( openflow_actions * ) actions ); } /******************************************************************************** * validate_openflow_message() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_HELLO_message() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( hello ), 0 ); free_buffer( hello ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_ERROR_message() { buffer *dummy_data = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *error = create_error( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPET_HELLO_FAILED, OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE, dummy_data ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( error ), 0 ); free_buffer( dummy_data ); free_buffer( error ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST_message() { buffer *dummy_data = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *echo_request = create_echo_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, dummy_data ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( echo_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( dummy_data ); free_buffer( echo_request ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_ECHO_REPLY_message() { buffer *dummy_data = create_dummy_data( SHORT_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *echo_reply = create_echo_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, dummy_data ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( echo_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( dummy_data ); free_buffer( echo_reply ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_VENDOR_message() { buffer *dummy_data = create_dummy_data( 32 ); buffer *vendor = create_vendor( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, VENDOR_ID, dummy_data ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( vendor ), 0 ); free_buffer( dummy_data ); free_buffer( vendor ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST_message() { buffer *features_request = create_features_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( features_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( features_request ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY_message() { uint64_t datapath_id = 0x12345600; uint32_t n_buffers = 128; uint8_t n_tables = 1; struct ofp_phy_port phy_port[ 2 ]; list_element *ports; uint32_t capabilities = ( OFPC_FLOW_STATS | OFPC_TABLE_STATS | OFPC_PORT_STATS | OFPC_QUEUE_STATS | OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP ); uint32_t actions = ( ( 1 << OFPAT_OUTPUT ) | ( 1 << OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID ) | ( 1 << OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC ) | ( 1 << OFPAT_SET_TP_DST ) ); phy_port[ 0 ].port_no = 1; memcpy( phy_port[ 0 ].hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( phy_port[ 0 ].hw_addr ) ); strcpy( phy_port[ 0 ].name, "Brown" ); phy_port[ 0 ].config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; phy_port[ 0 ].state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; phy_port[ 0 ].curr = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE; phy_port[ 0 ].advertised = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 0 ].supported = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 0 ].peer = PORT_FEATURES; create_list( &ports ); append_to_tail( &ports, &phy_port[ 0 ] ); phy_port[ 1 ].port_no = 2; memcpy( phy_port[ 1 ].hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( phy_port[ 1 ].hw_addr ) ); strcpy( phy_port[ 1 ].name, "Amber" ); phy_port[ 1 ].config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; phy_port[ 1 ].state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; phy_port[ 1 ].curr = OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE; phy_port[ 1 ].advertised = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 1 ].supported = PORT_FEATURES; phy_port[ 1 ].peer = PORT_FEATURES; append_to_tail( &ports, &phy_port[ 1 ] ); buffer *features_reply = create_features_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, datapath_id, n_buffers, n_tables, capabilities, actions, ports ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( features_reply ), 0 ); delete_list( ports ); free_buffer( features_reply ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST_message() { buffer *get_config_request = create_get_config_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( get_config_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( get_config_request ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY_message() { buffer *get_config_reply = create_get_config_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL, OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( get_config_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( get_config_reply ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_SET_CONFIG_message() { buffer *set_config = create_set_config( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL, OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( set_config ), 0 ); free_buffer( set_config ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PACKET_IN_message() { uint32_t buffer_id = 0x01020304; uint16_t in_port = 1; buffer *dummy_data = create_dummy_data( LONG_DATA_LENGTH ); uint16_t total_len = ( uint16_t ) dummy_data->length; buffer *packet_in = create_packet_in( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, buffer_id, total_len, in_port, OFPR_NO_MATCH, dummy_data ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( packet_in ), 0 ); free_buffer( dummy_data ); free_buffer( packet_in ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED_message() { uint64_t cookie = 0x0102030405060708ULL; uint16_t priority = 65535; uint32_t duration_sec = 180; uint32_t duration_nsec = 10000; uint16_t idle_timeout = 60; uint64_t packet_count = 1000; uint64_t byte_count = 100000; buffer *flow_removed = create_flow_removed( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, MATCH, cookie, priority, OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT, duration_sec, duration_nsec, idle_timeout, packet_count, byte_count ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( flow_removed ), 0 ); free_buffer( flow_removed ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PORT_STATUS_message() { struct ofp_phy_port desc; desc.port_no = 1; memcpy( desc.hw_addr, HW_ADDR, sizeof( desc.hw_addr ) ); memset( desc.name, '\0', OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN ); strcpy( desc.name, "Navy" ); desc.config = OFPPC_PORT_DOWN; desc.state = OFPPS_LINK_DOWN; desc.curr = ( OFPPF_1GB_FD | OFPPF_COPPER | OFPPF_PAUSE ); desc.advertised = PORT_FEATURES; desc.supported = PORT_FEATURES; desc.peer = PORT_FEATURES; buffer *port_status = create_port_status( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, OFPPR_ADD, desc ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( port_status ), 0 ); free_buffer( port_status ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PACKET_OUT_message() { openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, 1, 128 ); buffer *dummy_data = create_dummy_data( LONG_DATA_LENGTH ); buffer *packet_out = create_packet_out( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, BUFFER_ID, 1, actions, dummy_data ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( packet_out ), 0 ); free_buffer( dummy_data ); free_buffer( packet_out ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FLOW_MOD_message() { uint64_t cookie = 10; uint16_t hard_timeout = 10; uint16_t idle_timeout = 5; uint16_t out_port = UINT16_MAX; openflow_actions *actions = create_actions(); append_action_output( actions, 1, 128 ); buffer *flow_mod = create_flow_mod( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, MATCH, cookie, OFPFC_ADD, idle_timeout, hard_timeout, PRIORITY, BUFFER_ID, out_port, OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP | OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM, actions ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( flow_mod ), 0 ); free_buffer( flow_mod ); delete_actions( actions ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PORT_MOD_message() { uint16_t port_no = 1; uint32_t mask = 0; uint32_t advertise = 1; buffer *port_mod = create_port_mod( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port_no, HW_ADDR, OFPPC_PORT_DOWN, mask, advertise ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( port_mod ), 0 ); free_buffer( port_mod ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_STATS_REQUEST_message() { buffer *stats_desc_request = create_desc_stats_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, 0 ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( stats_desc_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_desc_request ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_STATS_REPLY_message() { const char mfr_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "NEC Corporation"; const char hw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "OpenFlow Switch Hardware"; const char sw_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "OpenFlow Switch Software"; const char serial_num[ SERIAL_NUM_LEN ] = "1234"; const char dp_desc[ DESC_STR_LEN ] = "Datapath 0"; buffer *stats_desc_reply = create_desc_stats_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, NO_FLAGS, mfr_desc, hw_desc, sw_desc, serial_num, dp_desc ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( stats_desc_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( stats_desc_reply ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST_message() { buffer *barrier_request = create_barrier_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( barrier_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( barrier_request ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY_message() { buffer *barrier_reply = create_barrier_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( barrier_reply ), 0 ); free_buffer( barrier_reply ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST_message() { uint16_t port = 1; buffer *queue_get_config_request = create_queue_get_config_request( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( queue_get_config_request ), 0 ); free_buffer( queue_get_config_request ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY_message() { size_t queue_len; uint16_t port = 1; list_element *list; struct ofp_packet_queue *queue[ 2 ]; queue_len = offsetof( struct ofp_packet_queue, properties ) + sizeof( struct ofp_queue_prop_header ); queue[ 0 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_len ); queue[ 1 ] = xcalloc( 1, queue_len ); queue[ 0 ]->queue_id = 1; queue[ 0 ]->len = 16; struct ofp_queue_prop_header *prop_header = queue[ 0 ]->properties; prop_header->property = OFPQT_NONE; prop_header->len = 8; queue[ 1 ]->queue_id = 2; queue[ 1 ]->len = 16; prop_header = queue[ 1 ]->properties; prop_header->property = OFPQT_NONE; prop_header->len = 8; create_list( &list ); append_to_tail( &list, queue[ 0 ] ); append_to_tail( &list, queue[ 1 ] ); buffer *queue_get_config_reply = create_queue_get_config_reply( MY_TRANSACTION_ID, port, list ); assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( queue_get_config_reply ), 0 ); xfree( queue[ 0 ] ); xfree( queue[ 1 ] ); delete_list( list ); free_buffer( queue_get_config_reply ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_fails_with_undefined_type_message() { uint8_t dummy_type = UINT8_MAX; buffer *undefined_type = create_dummy_data( sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ) ); struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) undefined_type->data; stats_request->header.type = dummy_type; assert_int_equal( validate_openflow_message( undefined_type ), ERROR_UNDEFINED_TYPE ); free_buffer( undefined_type ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_fails_if_message_is_NULL() { expect_assert_failure( validate_openflow_message( NULL ) ); } static void test_validate_openflow_message_fails_if_data_is_NULL() { buffer *buf = alloc_buffer( ); expect_assert_failure( validate_openflow_message( buf ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } /******************************************************************************** * valid_openflow_message() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_valid_openflow_message() { buffer *hello = create_hello( MY_TRANSACTION_ID ); assert_int_equal( valid_openflow_message( hello ), true ); free_buffer( hello ); } static void test_valid_openflow_message_fails_with_undefined_type_message() { uint8_t dummy_type = UINT8_MAX; buffer *undefined_type = create_dummy_data( sizeof( struct ofp_stats_request ) ); struct ofp_stats_request *stats_request = ( struct ofp_stats_request * ) undefined_type->data; stats_request->header.type = dummy_type; assert_int_equal( valid_openflow_message( undefined_type ), false ); free_buffer( undefined_type ); } /******************************************************************************** * get_error_type_and_code() tests. ********************************************************************************/ static void test_get_error_type_and_code_succeeds_with_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST_and_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION() { uint16_t error_type = 0; uint16_t error_code = 0; assert_int_equal( get_error_type_and_code( OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, &error_type, &error_code ), true ); assert_int_equal( error_type, OFPET_BAD_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( error_code, OFPBRC_BAD_VERSION ); } static void test_get_error_type_and_code_succeeds_with_invalid_type_and_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION() { uint16_t error_type = 0; uint16_t error_code = 0; uint8_t dummy_type = 56; assert_int_equal( get_error_type_and_code( dummy_type, ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, &error_type, &error_code ), true ); assert_int_equal( error_type, OFPET_BAD_REQUEST ); assert_int_equal( error_code, OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE ); } static void test_get_error_type_and_code_fails_with_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST_and_ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_SRC() { uint16_t error_type = 0; uint16_t error_code = 0; assert_int_equal( get_error_type_and_code( OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_SRC, &error_type, &error_code ), false ); } /******************************************************************************** * set_match_from_packet() tests. ********************************************************************************/ const char macda[] = { ( char ) 0xff, ( char ) 0xff, ( char ) 0xff, ( char ) 0xff, ( char ) 0xff, ( char ) 0xff }; const char macsa[] = { ( char ) 0x00, ( char ) 0xd0, ( char ) 0x09, ( char ) 0x20, ( char ) 0x09, ( char ) 0xF7 }; const char snap_data[] = { ( char ) 0xaa, ( char ) 0xaa, ( char ) 0x03, ( char ) 0x00, ( char ) 0x00, ( char ) 0x00, ( char ) 0x08, ( char ) 0x00 }; const uint16_t src_port = 1024; const uint16_t dst_port = 2048; const size_t ipv4_length = sizeof( ether_header_t ) + sizeof( ipv4_header_t ); static buffer * setup_ether_packet( size_t length, uint16_t type ) { size_t l2_length = sizeof( ether_header_t ); if ( type == ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ) { length += sizeof( vlantag_header_t ); l2_length += sizeof( vlantag_header_t ); } /* Create the packet for test. */ buffer *buf = alloc_buffer_with_length( length ); append_back_buffer( buf, length ); ether_header_t *ether = buf->data; ether->type = htons( type ); memcpy( ( char * ) ether->macda, macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); memcpy( ( char * ) ether->macsa, macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); vlantag_header_t *vtag = ( vlantag_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); if ( type == ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ) { vtag->tci = htons( 20483 ); // prio(3bit):010,cfi(1bit):1,vid(12bit):000000000011 } /* Create the pakcet_info data for verification. */ if ( buf->user_data == NULL ) { calloc_packet_info( buf ); } packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; memcpy( packet_info0->eth_macda, macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); memcpy( packet_info0->eth_macsa, macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); packet_info0->eth_type = type; packet_info0->vlan_tci = 20483; packet_info0->vlan_tpid = type; packet_info0->vlan_prio = 2; packet_info0->vlan_cfi = 1; packet_info0->vlan_vid = 3; packet_info0->format |= ETH_DIX; packet_info0->l2_header = buf->data; if ( type == ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ) { packet_info0->l3_header = ( void * ) ( vtag + 1 ); packet_info0->format |= ETH_8021Q; } else { packet_info0->l3_header = ( void * ) ( ether + 1 ); } return buf; } static buffer * setup_ipv4_packet( size_t length, uint16_t type ) { buffer *buf = setup_ether_packet( length, type ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; /* Fill arp values into the test packet. */ if ( type == ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ) { ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; vlantag_header_t *vtag = ( vlantag_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); vtag->type = htons( ETH_ETHTYPE_IPV4 ); } ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; ipv4->version = IPVERSION; ipv4->ihl = sizeof( ipv4_header_t ) / 4; ipv4->tos = 0; ipv4->tot_len = htons( sizeof( ipv4_header_t ) ); ipv4->ttl = 0; ipv4->csum = 0; ipv4->saddr = htonl( 0xC0A80067 ); ipv4->daddr = htonl( 0xC0A80036 ); ipv4->frag_off = htons( 0 ); packet_info0->l4_header = ( void * ) ( ipv4 + 1 ); switch ( type ) { case IPPROTO_ICMP: ipv4->protocol = ( uint8_t ) IPPROTO_ICMP; icmp_header_t *icmpv4 = packet_info0->l4_header; icmpv4->type = ICMP_TYPE_UNREACH; icmpv4->code = ICMP_CODE_PORTUNREACH; break; case IPPROTO_UDP: ipv4->protocol = ( uint8_t ) IPPROTO_UDP; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; udp->src_port = ntohs( src_port ); udp->dst_port = ntohs( dst_port ); break; case IPPROTO_TCP: ipv4->protocol = ( uint8_t ) IPPROTO_TCP; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; tcp->src_port = ntohs( src_port ); tcp->dst_port = ntohs( dst_port ); break; default: break; } /* Fill ipv4/icmp/udp values into the packet_info data for verification. */ packet_info0->eth_type = ETH_ETHTYPE_IPV4; packet_info0->ipv4_version = IPVERSION; packet_info0->ipv4_ihl = sizeof( ipv4_header_t ) / 4; packet_info0->ipv4_tos = 0; packet_info0->ipv4_tot_len = sizeof( ipv4_header_t ); packet_info0->ipv4_ttl = 0; packet_info0->ipv4_checksum = 0; packet_info0->ipv4_saddr = 0xC0A80067; packet_info0->ipv4_daddr = 0xC0A80036; packet_info0->ipv4_frag_off = 0; packet_info0->ipv4_protocol = ( uint8_t ) type; packet_info0->format |= NW_IPV4; switch ( type ) { case IPPROTO_ICMP: packet_info0->icmpv4_type = ICMP_TYPE_UNREACH; packet_info0->icmpv4_code = ICMP_CODE_PORTUNREACH; packet_info0->format |= NW_ICMPV4; break; case IPPROTO_UDP: packet_info0->udp_src_port = src_port; packet_info0->udp_dst_port = dst_port; packet_info0->format |= TP_UDP; break; case IPPROTO_TCP: packet_info0->tcp_src_port = src_port; packet_info0->tcp_dst_port = dst_port; packet_info0->format |= TP_TCP; break; default: break; } return buf; } static buffer * setup_arp_packet( uint16_t type ) { buffer *buf = setup_ether_packet( sizeof( ether_header_t ) + sizeof( arp_header_t ), type ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; /* Fill arp values into the test packet. */ if ( type == ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ) { ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; vlantag_header_t *vtag = ( vlantag_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); vtag->type = htons( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); } arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; arp->ar_hrd = htons( ARPHRD_ETHER ); arp->ar_pro = htons( ETH_ETHTYPE_IPV4 ); arp->ar_hln = ETH_ADDRLEN; arp->ar_pln = IPV4_ADDRLEN; arp->ar_op = htons( ARPOP_REPLY ); arp->sha[ 0 ] = 0x00; arp->sha[ 1 ] = 0x01; arp->sha[ 2 ] = 0x02; arp->sha[ 3 ] = 0x03; arp->sha[ 4 ] = 0x04; arp->sha[ 5 ] = 0x05; arp->sip = htonl( 0x01020304 ); arp->tha[ 0 ] = 0x06; arp->tha[ 1 ] = 0x07; arp->tha[ 2 ] = 0x08; arp->tha[ 3 ] = 0x09; arp->tha[ 4 ] = 0x0a; arp->tha[ 5 ] = 0x0b; arp->tip = htonl( 0x05060708 ); /* Fill arp values into the packet_info data for verification. */ packet_info0->eth_type = ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP; packet_info0->arp_ar_hrd = ARPHRD_ETHER; packet_info0->arp_ar_pro = ETH_ETHTYPE_IPV4; packet_info0->arp_ar_hln = ETH_ADDRLEN; packet_info0->arp_ar_pln = IPV4_ADDRLEN; packet_info0->arp_ar_op = ARPOP_REPLY; packet_info0->arp_sha[ 0 ] = 0x00; packet_info0->arp_sha[ 1 ] = 0x01; packet_info0->arp_sha[ 2 ] = 0x02; packet_info0->arp_sha[ 3 ] = 0x03; packet_info0->arp_sha[ 4 ] = 0x04; packet_info0->arp_sha[ 5 ] = 0x05; packet_info0->arp_spa = 0x01020304; packet_info0->arp_tha[ 0 ] = 0x06; packet_info0->arp_tha[ 1 ] = 0x07; packet_info0->arp_tha[ 2 ] = 0x08; packet_info0->arp_tha[ 3 ] = 0x09; packet_info0->arp_tha[ 4 ] = 0x0a; packet_info0->arp_tha[ 5 ] = 0x0b; packet_info0->arp_tpa = 0x05060708; packet_info0->format |= NW_ARP; return buf; } static buffer * setup_snap_packet( uint16_t type ) { buffer *buf = setup_ether_packet( sizeof( ether_header_t ) + sizeof( snap_header_t ), type ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; size_t length = sizeof( ether_header_t ) + sizeof( snap_header_t ); ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; if ( type == ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ) { length += sizeof( vlantag_header_t ); vlantag_header_t *vtag = ( void * ) ( ether + 1 ); vtag->type = htons( ( uint16_t ) length ); } else { ether->type = htons( ( uint16_t ) length ); } snap_header_t *snap = ( snap_header_t * ) packet_info0->l3_header; memcpy( ( char * ) snap, snap_data, sizeof( snap_header_t ) ); return buf; } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_IN_PORT, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_IN_PORT ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_TYPE, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_TYPE ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_PROTO, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_PROTO ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); uint32_t ip_source_address_flag = ntohl( arp->sip ) & ( OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ip_source_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); uint32_t ip_destination_address_flag = ntohl( arp->tip ) & ( OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ip_destination_address_flag ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_TOS, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; arp_header_t *arp = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_TOS ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, ntohs( arp->ar_op ) & ARP_OP_MASK ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, ( int ) ntohl( arp->sip ) ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, ( int ) ntohl( arp->tip ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_arp_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_ARP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_ALL, buf ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, OFPFW_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, 0 ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.nw_dst, 0 ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_int_equal( ( int ) match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_IN_PORT, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_IN_PORT ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_TYPE, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_TYPE ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_PROTO, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_PROTO ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); uint32_t ip_source_address_flag = ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) & ( OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ip_source_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); uint32_t ip_destination_address_flag = ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) & ( OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ip_destination_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_TOS, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; udp_header_t *udp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_TOS ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( udp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( udp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( udp_header_t ), IPPROTO_UDP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_ALL, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, 0 ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; /* Add a tcp data into the test packet */ ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; ipv4->protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; tcp->src_port = ntohs( src_port ); tcp->dst_port = ntohs( dst_port ); /* Add the tcp data into the packet_info data for verification. */ packet_info0->ipv4_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; packet_info0->tcp_src_port = src_port; packet_info0->tcp_dst_port = dst_port; packet_info0->format |= TP_TCP; uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_IN_PORT, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_IN_PORT ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_TYPE, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_TYPE ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_PROTO, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_PROTO ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); uint32_t ip_source_address_flag = ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) & ( OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ip_source_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); uint32_t ip_destination_address_flag = ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) & ( OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ip_destination_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_TOS, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; tcp_header_t *tcp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_TOS ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, ntohs( tcp->src_port ) ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, ntohs( tcp->dst_port ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( tcp_header_t ), IPPROTO_TCP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_ALL, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, 0 ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; /* Add a icmp data into the test packet. */ ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; ipv4->protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; icmp_header_t *icmpv4 = packet_info0->l4_header; icmpv4->type = ICMP_TYPE_UNREACH; icmpv4->code = ICMP_CODE_PORTUNREACH; /* Add the icmp data into the packet_info data for verification. */ packet_info0->ipv4_protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP; packet_info0->icmpv4_type = ICMP_TYPE_UNREACH; packet_info0->icmpv4_code = ICMP_CODE_PORTUNREACH; packet_info0->format |= NW_ICMPV4; uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_IN_PORT, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_IN_PORT ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_TYPE, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_TYPE ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_PROTO, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_PROTO ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_SRC, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_SRC ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_TP_DST, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_TP_DST ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); uint32_t ip_source_address_flag = ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) & ( OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ip_source_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); uint32_t ip_destination_address_flag = ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) & ( OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL >> OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ip_destination_address_flag ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, ipv4->tos ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_NW_TOS, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; ipv4_header_t *ipv4 = packet_info0->l3_header; icmp_header_t *icmp = packet_info0->l4_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_NW_TOS ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, packet_info0->ipv4_protocol ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, ntohl( ipv4->saddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, ntohl( ipv4->daddr ) ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_type, icmp->type ); assert_int_equal( match.icmp_code, icmp->code ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL() { buffer *buf = setup_ipv4_packet( ipv4_length + sizeof( icmp_header_t ), IPPROTO_ICMP ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, OFPFW_ALL, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, OFPFW_ALL ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_tos, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_proto, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.nw_dst, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_src, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.tp_dst, 0 ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_snap_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_snap_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_netbios_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_snap_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; vlantag_header_t *vtag = ( vlantag_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); snap_header_t *snap = ( snap_header_t * ) ( vtag + 1 ); snap->llc[ 0 ] = 0xF0; snap->llc[ 1 ] = 0xF0; uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_not_llc_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_snap_packet( ETH_ETHTYPE_TPID ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; vlantag_header_t *vtag = ( vlantag_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); snap_header_t *snap = ( snap_header_t * ) ( vtag + 1 ); snap->llc[ 0 ] = 0xFF; snap->llc[ 1 ] = 0xFF; uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, packet_info0->vlan_vid ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan_pcp, packet_info0->vlan_prio ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_snap_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_snap_packet( 0 ); uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_netbios_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_snap_packet( 0 ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; snap_header_t *snap = ( snap_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); snap->llc[ 0 ] = 0xF0; snap->llc[ 1 ] = 0xF0; uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_not_llc_and_wildcards_is_zero() { buffer *buf = setup_snap_packet( 1 ); packet_info *packet_info0 = buf->user_data; ether_header_t *ether = packet_info0->l2_header; snap_header_t *snap = ( snap_header_t * ) ( ether + 1 ); snap->llc[ 0 ] = 0x00; snap->llc[ 1 ] = 0x00; uint16_t expected_in_port = 1; struct ofp_match match; set_match_from_packet( &match, expected_in_port, 0, buf ); assert_int_equal( match.wildcards, 0 ); assert_int_equal( match.in_port, expected_in_port ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_src, ether->macsa, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_memory_equal( match.dl_dst, ether->macda, ETH_ADDRLEN ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_vlan, UINT16_MAX ); assert_int_equal( match.dl_type, packet_info0->eth_type ); free_buffer( buf ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_fails_if_packet_data_is_NULL() { struct ofp_match match; expect_assert_failure( set_match_from_packet( &match, 1, 0, NULL ) ); } static void test_set_match_from_packet_fails_if_packet_is_not_parsed_yet() { struct ofp_match match; buffer *buf = alloc_buffer( ); expect_assert_failure( set_match_from_packet( &match, 1, 0, buf ) ); free_buffer( buf ); } /******************************************************************************** * Run tests. ********************************************************************************/ int main() { const UnitTest tests[] = { unit_test( test_init_openflow_message ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_transaction_id, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_transaction_id_if_id_overflows, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_cookie, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_cookie_if_cookie_overflows, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_hello, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_hello, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_hello_fails_with_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_hello_fails_with_non_hello_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_error, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_error_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_echo_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_echo_request_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_echo_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_echo_request_fails_with_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_echo_request_fails_with_non_echo_request_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_echo_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_echo_reply_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_echo_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_echo_reply_fails_with_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_echo_reply_fails_with_non_echo_reply_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_vendor, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_vendor_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_features_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_get_config_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_get_config_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_set_config, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_flow_removed, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_port_status, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_port_mod, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_and_delete_actions, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_output, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_vlan_vid, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_vlan_pcp, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_strip_vlan, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_dl_src, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_dl_dst, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_nw_src, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_nw_dst, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_nw_tos, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_tp_src, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_set_tp_dst, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_enqueue, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_vendor, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_append_action_vendor_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_packet_out, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_packet_out_without_actions, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_flow_mod, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_flow_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_flow_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_aggregate_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_aggregate_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_aggregate_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_aggregate_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_aggregate_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_aggregate_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_port_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_port_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_queue_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_queue_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_desc_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_desc_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_table_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_table_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_barrier_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_barrier_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_queue_get_config_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_queue_get_config_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_vendor_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_vendor_stats_request_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_create_vendor_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_error, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_fails_if_message_is_not_vendor_header, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_features_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_features_request_fails_with_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_features_request_fails_with_non_features_request_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_features_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_get_config_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_get_config_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_get_config_request_fails_if_message_is_not_get_config_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_get_config_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_set_config, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_set_config_fails_with_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_set_config_fails_with_non_set_config_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_packet_in, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_removed, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_status, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_packet_out, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_packet_out_without_data, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_packet_out_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_packet_out_fails_if_message_is_not_packet_out, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_mod, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_mod_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_mod_fails_if_message_is_not_flow_mod, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_mod, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_mod_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_mod_fails_if_message_is_not_port_mod, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_desc_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_desc_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_desc_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_desc_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_desc_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_flow_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_flow_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_aggregate_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_table_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_table_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_table_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_table_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_table_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_port_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_port_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_queue_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_queue_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_queue_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_queue_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_queue_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_not_vendor_stats_request, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_vendor_stats_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_DESC_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_FLOW_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_AGGREGATE_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_TABLE_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_PORT_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_QUEUE_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_sucseed_with_OFPST_VENDOR_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_request_fails_with_unsupported_stats_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_DESC_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_FLOW_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_AGGREGATE_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_TABLE_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_PORT_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_QUEUE_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_with_OFPST_VENDOR_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_stats_reply_fails_with_unsupported_stats_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_barrier_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_queue_get_config_reply, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_output, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_output_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_output_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_output, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_output_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_output, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_output_fails_with_invalid_port_no, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_invalid_vlan_vid, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_vlan_vid, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_vid_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_vlan_vid, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_invalid_vlan_pcp, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_vlan_pcp, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_vlan_pcp_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_vlan_pcp, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_strip_vlan, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_strip_vlan_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_strip_vlan_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_header, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_strip_vlan_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_header, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_src, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_src_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_src_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_dl_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_src_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_dl_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_dst, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_dst_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_dst_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_dl_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_dl_dst_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_dl_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_src, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_src_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_src_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_nw_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_src_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_nw_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_dst, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_dst_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_dst_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_nw_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_dst_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_nw_addr, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_tos, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_tos_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_tos_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_nw_tos, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_nw_tos_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_nw_tos, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_src, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_src_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_src_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_tp_port, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_src_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_tp_port, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_dst, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_dst_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_dst_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_tp_port, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_set_tp_dst_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_tp_port, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_enqueue, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_enqueue_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_enqueue_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_enqueue, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_enqueue_fails_with_too_long_ofp_action_enqueue, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_vendor, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_vendor_fails_with_invalid_action_type, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_action_vendor_fails_with_too_short_ofp_action_vendor_header, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_HELLO_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_ERROR_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_ECHO_REPLY_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_VENDOR_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_SET_CONFIG_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PACKET_IN_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PORT_STATUS_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PACKET_OUT_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_FLOW_MOD_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_PORT_MOD_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_STATS_REQUEST_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_STATS_REPLY_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_succeeds_with_valid_OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_fails_with_undefined_type_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_fails_if_message_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_validate_openflow_message_fails_if_data_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_valid_openflow_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_valid_openflow_message_fails_with_undefined_type_message, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_error_type_and_code_succeeds_with_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST_and_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_error_type_and_code_succeeds_with_invalid_type_and_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_get_error_type_and_code_fails_with_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST_and_ERROR_TOO_SHORT_ACTION_NW_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_arp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_udp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_tcp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_IN_PORT, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_TYPE, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_PROTO, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_SRC, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_TP_DST, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_NW_TOS, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ipv4_icmp_and_wildcards_is_OFPFW_ALL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_snap_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_snap_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_netbios_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_netbios_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_not_llc_tag_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_succeeds_if_datatype_is_ieee8023_not_llc_and_wildcards_is_zero, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_fails_if_packet_data_is_NULL, init, teardown ), unit_test_setup_teardown( test_set_match_from_packet_fails_if_packet_is_not_parsed_yet, init, teardown ), }; return run_tests( tests ); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */