module DiscourseTheme class Client THEME_CREATOR_REGEX = /^https:\/\/$/i def initialize(dir, settings, reset:) @reset = reset @url = guess_url(settings) @api_key = guess_api_key(settings) raise "Missing site to synchronize with!" if !@url raise "Missing api key!" if !@api_key @is_theme_creator = !!(THEME_CREATOR_REGEX =~ @url) if !self.class.has_needed_version?(discourse_version, "2.3.0.beta1") "discourse_theme is designed for Discourse 2.3.0.beta1 or above" "download will not function, and syncing destination will be unpredictable" end end # From def self.has_needed_version?(current, needed) current_split = current.split('.') needed_split = needed.split('.') (0..[current_split.size, needed_split.size].max).each do |idx| current_str = current_split[idx] || '' c0 = (needed_split[idx] || '').sub('beta', '').to_i c1 = (current_str || '').sub('beta', '').to_i # beta is less than stable return false if current_str.include?('beta') && (c0 == 0) && (c1 > 0) return true if c1 > c0 return false if c0 > c1 end true end def get_themes_list endpoint = root + if @is_theme_creator "/user_themes.json" else "/admin/customize/themes.json" end response = request(, never_404: true) json = JSON.parse(response.body) @is_theme_creator ? json["user_themes"] : json["themes"] end def get_raw_theme_export(id) endpoint = root + if @is_theme_creator "/user_themes/#{id}/export" else "/admin/customize/themes/#{id}/export" end response = request( endpoint) raise "Error downloading theme: #{response.code}" unless response.code.to_i == 200 raise "Error downloading theme: no content disposition" unless response["content-disposition"] [response.body, response["content-disposition"].match(/filename=(\"?)(.+)\1/)[2]] end def update_theme(id, args) endpoint = root + if @is_theme_creator "/user_themes/#{id}" else "/admin/themes/#{id}" end put =, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') put.body = args.to_json request(put) end def upload_full_theme(tgz, theme_id:, components:) endpoint = root + if @is_theme_creator "/user_themes/import.json" else "/admin/themes/import.json" end post = endpoint, "theme_id" => theme_id, "components" => components, "bundle" =>, "application/tar+gzip", "bundle.tar.gz") ) request(post) end def discourse_version endpoint = "#{root}/about.json" response = request(, never_404: true) json = JSON.parse(response.body) json["about"]["version"] end def root @url end def is_theme_creator @is_theme_creator end private def request(request, never_404: false) uri = URI.parse(@url) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = URI::HTTPS === uri add_headers(request) http.request(request).tap do |response| if response.code == '404' && never_404 raise "Error: Incorrect site URL, or API key does not have the correct privileges" elsif !['200', '201'].include?(response.code) errors = JSON.parse(response.body)["errors"].join(', ') rescue nil raise "Error #{response.code} for #{request.path.split("?")[0]}#{(": " + errors) if errors}" end end rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED raise "Connection refused for #{request.path}" end def add_headers(request) if @is_theme_creator request["User-Api-Key"] = @api_key else request["Api-Key"] = @api_key end end def guess_url(settings) url = ENV['DISCOURSE_URL'] if url Cli.progress "Using #{url} from DISCOURSE_URL" end if !url && settings.url url = settings.url Cli.progress "Using #{url} from #{DiscourseTheme::Cli::SETTINGS_FILE}" end if !url || @reset url = Cli.ask("What is the root URL of your Discourse site?", default: url).strip url = "http://#{url}" unless url =~ /^https?:\/\// # maybe this is an HTTPS redirect uri = URI.parse(url) if URI::HTTP === uri && uri.port == 80 && is_https_redirect?(url) "Detected that #{url} should be accessed over https" url = url.sub("http", "https") end if Cli.yes?("Would you like this site name stored in #{DiscourseTheme::Cli::SETTINGS_FILE}?") settings.url = url else settings.url = nil end end url end def guess_api_key(settings) api_key = ENV['DISCOURSE_API_KEY'] if api_key Cli.progress "Using api key from DISCOURSE_API_KEY" end if !api_key && settings.api_key api_key = settings.api_key Cli.progress "Using api key from #{DiscourseTheme::Cli::SETTINGS_FILE}" end if !api_key || @reset api_key = Cli.ask("What is your API key?", default: api_key).strip if Cli.yes?("Would you like this API key stored in #{DiscourseTheme::Cli::SETTINGS_FILE}?") settings.api_key = api_key else settings.api_key = nil end end api_key end def is_https_redirect?(url) url = URI.parse(url) path = url.path path = "/" if path.empty? req ="/") response = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) { |http| http.request(req) } Net::HTTPRedirection === response && response['location'] =~ /^https/i end end end