require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/clickatell' class FakeHttp def start(&block) yield self end end module Clickatell describe "API Command" do before do @command ='cmdname') end after do Clickatell::API.api_service_host = nil end it "should return encoded URL for the specified command and parameters" do url = @command.with_params(:param_one => 'abc', :param_two => '123') url.should == URI.parse("¶m_two=123") end it "should URL encode any special characters in parameters" do url = @command.with_params(:param_one => 'abc', :param_two => 'hello world & goodbye cruel world ') url.should == URI.parse("¶m_two=hello+world+%26+goodbye+cruel+world+%3Cgrin%3E") end it "should use a custom host when constructing command URLs if specified" do Clickatell::API.api_service_host = '' url = @command.with_params(:param_one => 'abc', :param_two => '123') url.should == URI.parse("¶m_two=123") end it "should use the default host if specified custom host is nil" do Clickatell::API.api_service_host = nil url = @command.with_params(:param_one => 'abc', :param_two => '123') url.should == URI.parse("¶m_two=123") end it "should use the default host if specified custom host is an empty string" do Clickatell::API.api_service_host = '' url = @command.with_params(:param_one => 'abc', :param_two => '123') url.should == URI.parse("¶m_two=123") end end describe "Secure API Command" do before do @command ='cmdname', 'http', :secure => true) end it "should use HTTPS" do url = @command.with_params(:param_one => 'abc', :param_two => '123') url.should == URI.parse("¶m_two=123") end end describe "Command executor" do before do API.proxy_host = false API.test_mode = false end it "should create an API command with the given params" do executor = => '12345') executor.stubs(:get_response).returns([]) API.secure_mode = false API::Command.expects(:new).with('cmdname', 'http', :secure => false).returns(command = stub('Command')) command.expects(:with_params).with(:param_one => 'foo', :session_id => '12345').returns(stub_everything('URI')) executor.execute('cmdname', 'http', :param_one => 'foo') end it "should send the URI generated by the created command via HTTP get and return the response" do executor = => '12345') command_uri = URI.parse('') API::Command.stubs(:new).returns(command = stub('Command', :with_params => command_uri)) Net::HTTP.stubs(:new).with(, command_uri.port).returns(http = http.stubs(:use_ssl=) http.stubs(:get).with('/path?foo=bar').returns([response = stub('HTTP Response'), 'response body']) executor.execute('cmdname', 'http').should == response end it "should send the command over a secure HTTPS connection if :secure option is set to true" do API.secure_mode = true executor ={:session_id => '12345'}) Net::HTTP.stubs(:new).returns(http = mock('HTTP')) http.expects(:use_ssl=).with(true) http.expects(:ca_path=) http.expects(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER) http.stubs(:start).returns([]) executor.execute('cmdname', 'http') end end describe "API" do before do API.debug_mode = false API.secure_mode = false API.test_mode = false @executor = mock('command executor') @api = => '1234') API::CommandExecutor.stubs(:new).with({:session_id => '1234'}).returns(@executor) end it "should use the api_id, username and password to authenticate and return the new session id" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('auth', 'http', :api_id => '1234', :user => 'joebloggs', :password => 'superpass' ).returns(response = stub('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('OK' => 'new_session_id') @api.authenticate('1234', 'joebloggs', 'superpass').should == 'new_session_id' end it "should support ping, using the current session_id" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('ping', 'http', :session_id => 'abcdefg').returns(response = stub('response'))'abcdefg').should == response end it "should support sending messages to a specified number, returning the message id" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', :to => '4477791234567', :text => 'hello world & goodbye' ).returns(response = stub('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 'hello world & goodbye').should == 'message_id' end it "should support sending messages to a multiple numbers, returning the message ids" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', :to => '4477791234567,447779999999', :text => 'hello world & goodbye' ).returns(response = stub('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns([{'ID' => 'message_1_id'}, {'ID' => 'message_2_id'}]) @api.send_message(['4477791234567', '447779999999'], 'hello world & goodbye').should == ['message_1_id', 'message_2_id'] end it "should set the :from parameter and set the :req_feat to 48 when using a custom from string when sending a message" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', has_entries(:from => 'LUKE', :req_feat => '48')).returns(response = stub('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 'hello world', :from => 'LUKE') end it "should set the :concat parameter when the message is longer than 160 characters" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', has_entries(:concat => 2)).returns(response = stub('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 't'*180) end it "should set the callback flag to the number passed in the options hash" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', has_entry(:callback => 1)).returns(response=mock('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 'hello world', :callback => 1) end it "should set the client message id to the number passed in the options hash" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', has_entry(:climsgid => 12345678)).returns(response=mock('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 'hello world', :client_message_id => 12345678) end it "should set the concat flag to the number passed in the options hash" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', has_entry(:concat => 3)).returns(response=mock('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 'hello world', :concat => 3) end it "should ignore any invalid parameters when sending a message" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('sendmsg', 'http', Not(has_key(:any_old_param))).returns(response = stub('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).returns('ID' => 'foo') @api.send_message('4477791234567', 'hello world', :from => 'LUKE', :any_old_param => 'test') end it "should support message status query for a given message id, returning the message status" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('querymsg', 'http', :apimsgid => 'messageid').returns(response = stub('response')) Response.expects(:parse).with(response).returns('ID' => 'message_id', 'Status' => 'message_status') @api.message_status('messageid').should == 'message_status' end it "should support balance query, returning number of credits as a float" do @executor.expects(:execute).with('getbalance', 'http', {}).returns(response=mock('response')) Response.stubs(:parse).with(response).returns('Credit' => '10.0') @api.account_balance.should == 10.0 end it "should raise an API::Error if the response parser raises" do @executor.stubs(:execute) Response.stubs(:parse).raises('', '')) proc { @api.account_balance }.should raise_error(Clickatell::API::Error) end end describe API, ' when authenticating' do it "should authenticate to retrieve a session_id and return a new API instance using that session id" do API.stubs(:new).returns(api = mock('api')) api.stubs(:authenticate).with('my_api_key', 'joebloggs', 'mypassword').returns('new_session_id') api.expects(:auth_options=).with(:session_id => 'new_session_id') API.authenticate('my_api_key', 'joebloggs', 'mypassword') end end describe API, ' with no authentication options set' do it "should build commands with no authentication options" do api = API::CommandExecutor.stubs(:new).with({}).returns(executor = stub('command executor')) executor.stubs(:execute)'1234') end end describe API, ' in secure mode' do it "should execute commands securely" do API.secure_mode = true api = API::CommandExecutor.expects(:new).with({}).returns(executor = stub('command executor')) executor.stubs(:execute)'1234') end end describe "API Error" do it "should parse http response string to create error" do response_string = "ERR: 001, Authentication error" error = Clickatell::API::Error.parse(response_string) error.code.should == '001' error.message.should == 'Authentication error' end end describe API, "#test_mode" do before(:each) do API.secure_mode = false API.test_mode = true @api = end it "should create a new CommandExecutor with test_mode parameter set to true" do API::CommandExecutor.expects(:new).with({}).once.returns(executor = mock('command executor')) executor.stubs(:execute) executor.stubs(:sms_requests).returns([])'1234') end it "should record all commands" do'1234') @api.sms_requests.should_not be_empty end it "should return the recorded commands in a flattened array" do'1234') @api.sms_requests.size.should == 1 @api.sms_requests.first.should_not be_instance_of(Array) end end end