# Slappy

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This gem support to make slack bot, inspire from [hubot](https://github.com/github/hubot) and [sinatra](https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra).

Use the Slack Realtime API and Web API(see the [official-documentation](https://api.slack.com)).

## Quick Start

### 1. Generate Slack API Token

Slack API Token generate from [official page](https://api.slack.com/web).

### 2. Set environment variable to Slack API Token

Slappy references `ENV['SLACK_TOKEN']` when use token.

(If you want to setting in code, we offer way to you).

### 3. Written Code

require 'slappy'
require 'slappy/dsl'

# catch pattern
hear '^hello, slappy!' do |event|
  say 'hello!!', channel: event.channel #=> respond message to channel


## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'slappy'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install slappy

## Usage
### ENV
Store configuration value in environment variables. They are easy to change between deploys without changing any code.

SLACK_TOKEN - required (when not configured)

### Configure
Configure default settings.
There configrations effect on send message to slack when use `say` method and should override when option given.

#### Example

require 'slappy'

Slappy.configure do |config|
  config.username   = 'slappy'
  config.channel    = '#general'
  config.icon_emoji = ':slappy:'

Slappy.say 'hello!' #=> username: slappy, channel: '#general', icon_emoji: ':slappy:'

#### Configuration Parameters

token      - default: ENV['SLACK_TOKEN']
botname    - not effect now
username   - default: 'slappy'
icon_emoji - default: nil
channel    - default: '#general'
icon_url   - default: nil

### Example
#### Basic

require 'slappy'

# called when start up
Slappy.hello do
  puts 'successfly connected'

# called when match message
Slappy.hear 'foo' do
  puts 'foo'

# use regexp in string literal
Slappy.hear 'bar (.*)' do |event|
  puts event.matches[1] #=> Event#matches return MatchData object

# event object is slack event JSON (convert to Hashie::Mash)
Slappy.hear '^bar (.*)' do |event|
  puts event.channel #=> channel id
  Slappy.say 'slappy!', channel: event.channel #=> to received message channel
  Slappy.say 'slappy!', channel: '#general'
  Slappy.say 'slappy!', username: 'slappy!', icon_emoji: ':slappy:'

# use regexp literal
Slappy.hear /^foobar/ do
  puts 'slappppy!'


#### Use Slappy DSL

Please require `'slappy/dsl'`, if you want short code

require 'slappy'
require 'slappy/dsl'

# Omit 'Slappy' keyward, when delegator required
hear 'foo' do
  say 'slappy!'


## Feature

- [ ] Support private channel
- [ ] Support Schedule event (cron like)
- [ ] Generate template settings
- [ ] CLI commands
- [ ] Add bot name
- [ ] client#respond (hubot#respond like)

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( http://github.com/yuemori/slappy/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).