module StorageRoom # Module that contains attributes methods shared between StorageRoom::Resource and StorageRoom::Embedded module Accessors extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do self.send(:extend, ::ActiveModel::Callbacks) self.send(:define_model_callbacks, :initialize_from_response_data) end module ClassMethods # Is the passed hash of response data a real object or only an association with a URL but no actual data def response_data_is_association?(hash) hash.size == 2 && hash.include?('@type') && hash.include?('url') end # Load an object with the specified URL from the API def load(url, parameters = {}) return nil if url.blank? StorageRoom.log("Loading #{url}") httparty = get(url, parameters) handle_critical_response_errors(httparty) new_from_response_data(httparty.parsed_response.first[1]) end # Build an object out of a local file def new_from_json_file(path) json = new_from_json_string(json) end # Build an object out of the POST body def new_from_json_string(json_string) hash = JSON.parse(json_string) new_from_response_data(hash.first[1]) end # Creates a new object of the correct class and initializes it from the response data def new_from_response_data(response_data) object = StorageRoom.class_for_name(response_data['@type']).new.set_from_response_data(response_data) if object.is_a?(Entry) && !object.loaded? && !object.proxy? StorageRoom.log("Return #{response_data['url']} proxied") else object end end # Defines a basic key for a Resource def key(name, options = {}) options.merge!(:type => :key, :default => nil) define_attribute_methods(name, options) end # Defines a to-one association for a Resource (embedded or association) def one(name, options = {}) options.merge!(:type => :one, :default => nil) define_attribute_methods(name, options) end # Defines a to-many association for a Resource (embedded or association) def many(name, options = {}) options.merge!(:type => :many, :default => []) define_attribute_methods(name, options) end # Creates getter and setter for an attribute def define_attribute_methods(name, options) # :nodoc: define_method name do attributes[name] || options[:default] end define_method "#{name}=" do |object| attributes[name] = object end self.attribute_options[name] = options end def attribute_options @attribute_options ||= {} end def attribute_options_including_superclasses hash = attribute_options.dup hash.merge!(superclass.attribute_options_including_superclasses) if superclass.respond_to?(:attribute_options_including_superclasses) hash end end # Optionally pass attributes to set up the object def initialize(hash={}) self.attributes = hash end # Shortcut to get an attribute. def [](name) self.response_data[name] end # Takes a response data hash, saves it in the record and initializes the class from the response data def set_from_response_data(hash) self.response_data = hash self.initialize_from_response_data self end # Return all of the objects attributes def response_data @_response_data ||= end # Set the objects attributes with a hash. Only attributes passed in the hash are changed, existing ones are not overridden. def response_data=(hash = {}) response_data.merge!(hash) end # The attributes as they were defined with key, one, many def attributes @_attributes ||= end def attributes=(args = {}) attributes.merge!(args) end def as_json(args = {}) # :nodoc: to_hash(args) end # ActiveSupport seemed to cause problems when just using as_json, so using to_hash def to_hash(args = {}) # :nodoc: args ||= {} hash = {} self.attributes.each do |name, value| hash[name] = if value.is_a?(::Array) {|x| x.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? call_method_with_optional_parameters(x, :to_hash, :nested => true) : x} elsif value.respond_to?(:to_hash) call_method_with_optional_parameters(value, :to_hash, :nested => true) elsif value.respond_to?(:as_json) value.as_json(:nested => true) else value end end hash end def inspect # :nodoc: body ={|k, v| "#{k}: #{attribute_for_inspect(v)}"}.join(', ') "#<#{self.class} #{body}>" end # Reset an object to its initial state with all attributes unset def reset! @_response_data = @_attributes = true end # Has a Resource been loaded from the API def loaded? self.response_data.present? end def proxy? # :nodoc: false end # Compare Resources by comparing their attributes def eql?(object) self.class.equal?(object.class) && attributes == object.attributes end alias == eql? def hash self.class.hash ^ self.attributes.hash end protected # Helper to not call to_hash with the wrong number of arguments def call_method_with_optional_parameters(object, method_name, parameters) if object.respond_to?(method_name) if object.method(method_name).arity == -1 object.send(method_name, parameters) else object.send(method_name) end end end # Iterate over the response data and initialize the attributes def initialize_from_response_data # :nodoc: run_callbacks :initialize_from_response_data do self.class.attribute_options_including_superclasses.each do |name, options| value = if options[:type] == :key self[name].blank? ? options[:default] : self[name] elsif options[:type] == :one hash = self[name.to_s] hash && hash['@type'] ? self.class.new_from_response_data(hash) : nil elsif options[:type] == :many response_data[name] && response_data[name].map{|hash| self.class.new_from_response_data(hash)} || [] else raise "Invalid type: #{options[:type]}" end send("#{name}=", value) end end end def ensure_loaded # :nodoc: if loaded? yield if block_given? else raise StorageRoom::ResourceNotLoadedError end end def attribute_for_inspect(value) # :nodoc: if value.is_a?(String) && value.length > 50 "#{value[0..50]}...".inspect elsif value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) %("#{value.iso8601}") else value.inspect end end end end