# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module Tapioca module Commands class Dsl < Command include SorbetHelper include RBIFilesHelper sig do params( requested_constants: T::Array[String], outpath: Pathname, only: T::Array[String], exclude: T::Array[String], file_header: T::Boolean, compiler_path: String, tapioca_path: String, should_verify: T::Boolean, quiet: T::Boolean, verbose: T::Boolean, number_of_workers: T.nilable(Integer), auto_strictness: T::Boolean, gem_dir: String, rbi_formatter: RBIFormatter ).void end def initialize( requested_constants:, outpath:, only:, exclude:, file_header:, compiler_path:, tapioca_path:, should_verify: false, quiet: false, verbose: false, number_of_workers: nil, auto_strictness: true, gem_dir: DEFAULT_GEM_DIR, rbi_formatter: DEFAULT_RBI_FORMATTER ) @requested_constants = requested_constants @outpath = outpath @only = only @exclude = exclude @file_header = file_header @compiler_path = compiler_path @tapioca_path = tapioca_path @should_verify = should_verify @quiet = quiet @verbose = verbose @number_of_workers = number_of_workers @auto_strictness = auto_strictness @gem_dir = gem_dir @rbi_formatter = rbi_formatter super() @loader = T.let(nil, T.nilable(Runtime::Loader)) end sig { override.void } def execute load_dsl_extensions load_application(eager_load: @requested_constants.empty?) abort_if_pending_migrations! load_dsl_compilers if @should_verify say("Checking for out-of-date RBIs...") else say("Compiling DSL RBI files...") end say("") outpath = @should_verify ? Pathname.new(Dir.mktmpdir) : @outpath rbi_files_to_purge = existing_rbi_filenames(@requested_constants) pipeline = Tapioca::Dsl::Pipeline.new( requested_constants: constantize(@requested_constants), requested_compilers: constantize_compilers(@only), excluded_compilers: constantize_compilers(@exclude), error_handler: ->(error) { say_error(error, :bold, :red) }, number_of_workers: @number_of_workers ) processed_files = pipeline.run do |constant, contents| constant_name = T.must(Tapioca::Runtime::Reflection.name_of(constant)) if @verbose && !@quiet say_status(:processing, constant_name, :yellow) end compile_dsl_rbi( constant_name, contents, outpath: outpath, quiet: @should_verify || (@quiet && !@verbose) ) end processed_files.each { |filename| rbi_files_to_purge.delete(T.must(filename)) } say("") if @should_verify perform_dsl_verification(outpath) else purge_stale_dsl_rbi_files(rbi_files_to_purge) say("Done", :green) if @auto_strictness say("") validate_rbi_files( command: default_command(:dsl, @requested_constants.join(" ")), gem_dir: @gem_dir, dsl_dir: @outpath.to_s, auto_strictness: @auto_strictness, compilers: pipeline.compilers ) end say("All operations performed in working directory.", [:green, :bold]) say("Please review changes and commit them.", [:green, :bold]) end end private sig { params(eager_load: T::Boolean).void } def load_application(eager_load:) say("Loading Rails application... ") loader.load_rails_application( environment_load: true, eager_load: eager_load ) say("Done", :green) end sig { void } def abort_if_pending_migrations! return unless File.exist?("config/application.rb") return unless defined?(::Rake) Rails.application.load_tasks if Rake::Task.task_defined?("db:abort_if_pending_migrations") Rake::Task["db:abort_if_pending_migrations"].invoke end end sig { void } def load_dsl_compilers say("Loading DSL compiler classes... ") Dir.glob([ "#{@compiler_path}/*.rb", "#{@tapioca_path}/generators/**/*.rb", # TODO: Here for backcompat, remove later "#{@tapioca_path}/compilers/**/*.rb", ]).each do |compiler| require File.expand_path(compiler) end say("Done", :green) end sig { params(requested_constants: T::Array[String], path: Pathname).returns(T::Set[Pathname]) } def existing_rbi_filenames(requested_constants, path: @outpath) filenames = if requested_constants.empty? Pathname.glob(path / "**/*.rbi") else requested_constants.map do |constant_name| dsl_rbi_filename(constant_name) end end filenames.to_set end sig { params(constant_names: T::Array[String]).returns(T::Array[Module]) } def constantize(constant_names) constant_map = constant_names.to_h do |name| [name, Object.const_get(name)] rescue NameError [name, nil] end unprocessable_constants = constant_map.select { |_, v| v.nil? } unless unprocessable_constants.empty? unprocessable_constants.each do |name, _| say("Error: Cannot find constant '#{name}'", :red) filename = dsl_rbi_filename(name) remove_file(filename) if File.file?(filename) end raise Thor::Error, "" end constant_map.values end sig { params(compiler_names: T::Array[String]).returns(T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)]) } def constantize_compilers(compiler_names) compiler_map = compiler_names.to_h do |name| [name, resolve(name)] end unprocessable_compilers = compiler_map.select { |_, v| v.nil? } unless unprocessable_compilers.empty? message = unprocessable_compilers.map do |name, _| set_color("Error: Cannot find compiler '#{name}'", :red) end.join("\n") raise Thor::Error, message end T.cast(compiler_map.values, T::Array[T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler)]) end sig { params(name: String).returns(T.nilable(T.class_of(Tapioca::Dsl::Compiler))) } def resolve(name) # Try to find built-in tapioca compiler first, then globally defined compiler. potentials = Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::NAMESPACES.map do |namespace| Object.const_get(namespace + name) rescue NameError # Skip if we can't find compiler by the potential name nil end potentials.compact.first end sig do params( constant_name: String, rbi: RBI::File, outpath: Pathname, quiet: T::Boolean ).returns(T.nilable(Pathname)) end def compile_dsl_rbi(constant_name, rbi, outpath: @outpath, quiet: false) return if rbi.empty? filename = outpath / rbi_filename_for(constant_name) @rbi_formatter.write_header!( rbi, generate_command_for(constant_name), reason: "dynamic methods in `#{constant_name}`" ) if @file_header rbi_string = @rbi_formatter.print_file(rbi) create_file(filename, rbi_string, verbose: !quiet) filename end sig { params(dir: Pathname).void } def perform_dsl_verification(dir) diff = verify_dsl_rbi(tmp_dir: dir) report_diff_and_exit_if_out_of_date(diff, :dsl) ensure FileUtils.remove_entry(dir) end sig { params(files: T::Set[Pathname]).void } def purge_stale_dsl_rbi_files(files) if files.any? say("Removing stale RBI files...") files.sort.each do |filename| remove_file(filename) end say("") end end sig { params(constant_name: String).returns(Pathname) } def dsl_rbi_filename(constant_name) @outpath / "#{underscore(constant_name)}.rbi" end sig { params(tmp_dir: Pathname).returns(T::Hash[String, Symbol]) } def verify_dsl_rbi(tmp_dir:) diff = {} existing_rbis = rbi_files_in(@outpath) new_rbis = rbi_files_in(tmp_dir) added_files = (new_rbis - existing_rbis) added_files.each do |file| diff[file] = :added end removed_files = (existing_rbis - new_rbis) removed_files.each do |file| diff[file] = :removed end common_files = (existing_rbis & new_rbis) changed_files = common_files.map do |filename| filename unless FileUtils.identical?(@outpath / filename, tmp_dir / filename) end.compact changed_files.each do |file| diff[file] = :changed end diff end sig { params(cause: Symbol, files: T::Array[String]).returns(String) } def build_error_for_files(cause, files) filenames = files.map do |file| @outpath / file end.join("\n - ") " File(s) #{cause}:\n - #{filenames}" end sig { params(diff: T::Hash[String, Symbol], command: Symbol).void } def report_diff_and_exit_if_out_of_date(diff, command) if diff.empty? say("Nothing to do, all RBIs are up-to-date.") else reasons = diff.group_by(&:last).sort.map do |cause, diff_for_cause| build_error_for_files(cause, diff_for_cause.map(&:first)) end.join("\n") raise Thor::Error, <<~ERROR #{set_color("RBI files are out-of-date. In your development environment, please run:", :green)} #{set_color("`#{default_command(command)}`", [:green, :bold])} #{set_color("Once it is complete, be sure to commit and push any changes", :green)} #{set_color("Reason:", :red)} #{reasons} ERROR end end sig { params(path: Pathname).returns(T::Array[Pathname]) } def rbi_files_in(path) Pathname.glob(path / "**/*.rbi").map do |file| file.relative_path_from(path) end.sort end sig { returns(Runtime::Loader) } def loader @loader ||= Runtime::Loader.new end sig { params(class_name: String).returns(String) } def underscore(class_name) return class_name unless /[A-Z-]|::/.match?(class_name) word = class_name.to_s.gsub("::", "/") word.gsub!(/([A-Z\d]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') word.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') word.tr!("-", "_") word.downcase! word end sig { params(constant: String).returns(String) } def rbi_filename_for(constant) underscore(constant) + ".rbi" end sig { params(constant: String).returns(String) } def generate_command_for(constant) default_command(:dsl, constant) end sig { void } def load_dsl_extensions Dir["#{__dir__}/../dsl/extensions/*.rb"].sort.each { |f| require(f) } end end end end