$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' function Get-CurrentDirectory { $thisName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName((Get-Content function:$thisName).File) } # installs gems for build and test and grabs base images function Invoke-ContainerBuildSetup { Push-Location (Get-CurrentDirectory) bundle install --path '.bundle/gems' bundle exec puppet-docker update-base-images ubuntu:16.04 Pop-Location } function Build-Container($Name, $Repository = '') { Push-Location (Join-Path (Get-CurrentDirectory) '..') bundle exec puppet-docker local-lint $Name bundle exec puppet-docker build $Name --no-cache --repository $Repository --build-arg namespace=$Repository Pop-Location } function Invoke-ContainerTest($Name, $Repository = '') { Push-Location (Join-Path (Get-CurrentDirectory) '..') bundle exec puppet-docker spec $Name --image $Repository/$Name Pop-Location } # removes any temporary containers / images used during builds function Clear-ContainerBuilds { docker container prune --force docker image prune --filter "dangling=true" --force }