module Crucible module Tests class ConnectathonPatchTrackTest < BaseSuite def id 'ConnectathonPatchTrackTest' end def description 'Connectathon PATCH Test.' end def initialize(client1, client2=nil) super(client1, client2) @tags.append('connectathon') @category = {id: 'connectathon', title: 'Connectathon'} end def setup @medication_order = = nil # clear the identifier, in case the server checks for duplicates @medication_order.identifier = nil # clear the identifier, in case the server checks for duplicates reply = @client.create(@medication_order) assert_response_ok(reply) @medication_order_id = end def teardown @client.destroy(FHIR::MedicationRequest, @medication_order_id) unless @medication_order_id.nil? end ['JSON','XML'].each do |fmt| # # Get the MedicationRequest that was just created. # test "C12PATCH_1_(#{fmt})","Get Existing MedicationRequest by #{fmt}" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#read" links "#{BASE_SPEC_LINK}/medicationorder.html" links '' requires resource: 'MedicationRequest', methods: ['read'] validates resource: 'MedicationRequest', methods: ['read'] } reply =, @medication_order_id, resource_format(fmt)) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_resource_type(reply, FHIR::MedicationRequest) assert_resource_content_type(reply, fmt.downcase) warning { assert(!reply.resource.meta.nil?, 'Last Updated and VersionId not present.') assert(!reply.resource.meta.versionId.nil?, 'VersionId not present.') @previous_version_id = reply.resource.meta.versionId assert(!reply.resource.meta.lastUpdated.nil?, 'Last Updated not present.') } end # # Patch the MedicationRequest. # test "C12PATCH_2_(#{fmt})","#{fmt} Patch Existing MedicationRequest" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#patch" links '' requires resource: 'MedicationRequest', methods: ['read'] validates resource: 'MedicationRequest', methods: ['read'] } patchset = [{ op: "replace", path: "MedicationRequest/status", value: "completed" }] reply = @client.partial_update(FHIR::MedicationRequest, @medication_order_id, patchset, {}, resource_format(fmt)) assert_response_ok(reply) warning { assert_resource_type(reply, FHIR::MedicationRequest) assert_resource_content_type(reply, fmt.downcase) } reply =, @medication_order_id, resource_format(fmt)) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_equal(reply.resource.status, 'completed', 'Status not updated from patch.') warning { assert(reply.resource.meta.versionId != @previous_version_id, 'VersionId not updated after patch.') unless @previous_version_id.nil? } end # # Attempt to PATCH the MedicationRequest with an old Version Id. # test "C12PATCH_3_(#{fmt})","#{fmt} Patching Medication Order with old Version Id should result in error" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#patch" links '' requires resource: 'MedicationRequest', methods: ['read'] validates resource: 'MedicationRequest', methods: ['read'] } skip if @previous_version_id.nil? patchset = [{ op: "replace", path: "MedicationRequest/status", value: "active" }] # # According to the FHIR spec, the If-Match eTag for version id should be weak. options = { 'If-Match' => "W/\"#{@previous_version_id}\"" } reply = @client.partial_update(FHIR::MedicationRequest, @medication_order_id, patchset, options, resource_format(fmt)) assert_response_conflict(reply) reply =, @medication_order_id, resource_format(fmt)) assert_response_ok(reply) assert_equal(reply.resource.status, 'completed', 'Resource should not have been patched because version id was stale.') end end def resource_format(f) "FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_#{f}".constantize end end end end