require_relative "spec_helper" require_relative "../lib/conglomerate" class ConglomerateTestParticleSerializer include Conglomerate::RootBuilder.serializer collection do href { test_url } item "RSpec::Mocks::Double" do |item| href { item_url( } datum :description, :prompt => "awesome" datum :id datum :event_id datum :roster_id datum :team_ids datum :event_date_time datum :event_date datum :event_time datum :alternately_named_event_time, :value =>{ item.event_time } datum :is_available link :event, :href =>{ event_url(item.event_id) } link :roster, :href =>{ roster_url(item.roster_id) }, :if =>{ item.roster_id } link :teams, :href =>{ team_url(item.team_ids.join(",")) } link :users, :href =>{ users_search_url(:object_id => } end link :events, :href => { events_url } query :search, :href => { search_items_url } do datum :id end template do datum :repeats, :prompt => "true|false" datum :description, :prompt => "awesome" end end end class ConglomerateExtraTestParticleSerializer include Conglomerate::RootBuilder.serializer collection do item do datum :id end end end class ConglomerateNullParticleSerializer include Conglomerate::RootBuilder.serializer collection do end end describe Conglomerate do let(:object1) do double( "Object", :id => 1, :description => "Tasty Burgers", :event_date_time => DateTime.parse("1981-11-28T10:00:00+00:00"), :event_date => Date.parse("1981-11-28"), :event_time => Time.parse("1981-11-28T10:00:00+00:00"), :event_id => 2, :roster_id => nil, :team_ids => [1,2], :user_ids => [], :is_available => false ) end let(:object2) do double( "Object", :id => 2, :description => "Tasty Pizza", :event_date_time => DateTime.parse("1982-01-22T10:00:00+00:00"), :event_date => Date.parse("1981-01-22"), :event_time => Time.parse("1981-01-22T10:00:00+00:00"), :event_id => 3, :roster_id => nil, :team_ids => [3,4], :user_ids => [], :is_available => true ) end let(:context) do request = double("Request", :original_url => "") double( "Context", :request => request, :search_items_url => "", :populate_items_url => "", ).tap do |context| allow(context).to receive(:item_url).with(1) { "" } allow(context).to receive(:item_url).with(2) { "" } allow(context).to receive(:event_url).with(2) { "" } allow(context).to receive(:event_url).with(3) { "" } allow(context).to receive(:events_url) { "" } allow(context).to receive(:team_url).with("1,2") { ",2" } allow(context).to receive(:team_url).with("3,4") { ",4" } allow(context).to receive(:test_url) { "abc" } allow(context).to receive(:users_search_url).with(:object_id => 1) { "def" } allow(context).to receive(:users_search_url).with(:object_id => 2) { "ghi" } end end let(:test_serializer) do, :context => context).serialize end let(:extra_test_serializer) do, :context => context).serialize end let(:null_serializer) do, :context => context).serialize end let(:multi_test_serializer) do[object1, object2], :context => context).serialize end let(:test_collection) { test_serializer["collection"] } let(:extra_test_collection) { extra_test_serializer["collection"] } let(:null_collection) { null_serializer["collection"] } let(:multi_test_collection) { multi_test_serializer["collection"] } describe "#version" do it "sets version to 1.0" do expect(null_collection["version"]).to eq("1.0") expect(test_collection["version"]).to eq("1.0") end end describe "#href" do it "in context, uses the block to set the collection href" do expect(test_collection["href"]).to eq("abc") end it "isn't included if the href is nil" do expect(null_collection["href"]).to be_nil end end describe "#query" do it "doesn't include any query templates if none are provided" do expect(null_collection.keys).to_not include("queries") end it "adds a query template to the collection" do expect(test_collection["queries"]).to match_array( [ { "href" => "", "rel" => "search", "data" => [ {"name" => "id", "value" => nil} ] } ] ) end end describe "#attribute(s)" do context "items" do it "skips items if there are no attributes" do expect(null_collection.keys).to_not include("items") end it "doesn't have an items array if items is empty" do test_serializer = ConglomerateTestParticleSerializer .new(nil, :context => context) .serialize test_collection = test_serializer["collection"] expect(test_collection.keys).to_not include("items") end it "includes an items array if attributes and objects present" do expect(test_collection["items"]).to eq( [ { "href" => "", "data" => [ {"name" => "description", "value" => "Tasty Burgers", "prompt" => "awesome"}, {"name" => "id", "value" => 1}, {"name" => "event_id", "value" => 2}, {"name" => "roster_id", "value" => nil}, {"name" => "team_ids", "value" => [1,2]}, {"name" => "event_date_time", "value" => "1981-11-28T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "event_date", "value" => "1981-11-28"}, {"name" => "event_time", "value" => "1981-11-28T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "alternately_named_event_time", "value" => "1981-11-28T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "is_available", "value" => false} ], "links" => [ {"rel" => "event", "href" => ""}, {"rel" => "teams", "href" => ",2"}, {"rel" => "users", "href" => "def"} ] } ] ) end it "doesn't include links if there are none" do expect(extra_test_collection["items"]).to eq( [ { "data" => [ {"name" => "id", "value" => 1} ] } ] ) end it "correctly handles multiple items" do expect(multi_test_collection["items"]).to eq( [ { "href" => "", "data" => [ {"name" => "description", "value" => "Tasty Burgers", "prompt" => "awesome"}, {"name" => "id", "value" => 1}, {"name" => "event_id", "value" => 2}, {"name" => "roster_id", "value" => nil}, {"name" => "team_ids", "value" => [1,2]}, {"name" => "event_date_time", "value" => "1981-11-28T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "event_date", "value" => "1981-11-28"}, {"name" => "event_time", "value" => "1981-11-28T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "alternately_named_event_time", "value" => "1981-11-28T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "is_available", "value" => false} ], "links" => [ {"href" => "", "rel" => "event"}, {"href" => ",2", "rel" => "teams"}, {"href" => "def", "rel" => "users"} ] }, { "href" => "", "data" => [ {"name" => "description", "value" => "Tasty Pizza", "prompt" => "awesome"}, {"name" => "id", "value" => 2}, {"name" => "event_id", "value" => 3}, {"name" => "roster_id", "value" => nil}, {"name" => "team_ids", "value" => [3,4]}, {"name" => "event_date_time", "value" => "1982-01-22T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "event_date", "value" => "1981-01-22"}, {"name" => "event_time", "value" => "1981-01-22T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "alternately_named_event_time", "value" => "1981-01-22T10:00:00Z"}, {"name" => "is_available", "value" => true} ], "links" => [ {"href" => "", "rel" => "event"}, {"href" => ",4", "rel" => "teams"}, {"href" => "ghi", "rel" => "users"} ] } ] ) end end context "template" do it "skips template if there are no attributes for a template" do expect(null_collection.keys).to_not include("template") end it "includes a valid template if attributes have them" do expect(test_collection["template"]["data"]).to match_array( [ {"name" => "description", "value" => nil, "prompt" => "awesome"}, {"name" => "repeats", "value" => nil, "prompt" => "true|false"} ] ) end end end describe "#link" do it "skips links if there are none present" do expect(null_collection.keys).to_not include("links") end it "adds links if they are present" do expect(test_collection["links"]).to match_array( [ {"rel" => "events", "href" => ""} ] ) end end describe "#item_link" do it "adds links if they are present" do expect(test_collection["items"][0]["links"]).to include( {"rel" => "teams", "href" => ",2"} ) end end end