begin require "rails" rescue LoadError end if defined?(::Rails) # Defualt the rails logger to nothing, each test shoould be # responsible for setting up the logger logger = # change to STDOUT to see rails logs Rails.logger = logger class RailsApp < Rails::Application if ::Rails.version =~ /^3\./ config.secret_token = '1e05af2b349457936a41427e63450937' else config.secret_key_base = '1e05af2b349457936a41427e63450937' end # This ensures our tests fail, otherwise exceptions get swallowed by ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr config.eager_load = false end RailsApp.initialize! module Support module Rails def dispatch_rails_request(path, additional_env_options = {}) application = ::Rails.application env = application.respond_to?(:env_config) ? application.env_config.clone : application.env_defaults.clone env["rack.request.cookie_hash"] = {}.with_indifferent_access env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 100 env["REMOTE_ADDR"] = "123.456.789.10" env["HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID"] = "unique-request-id-1234" env["action_dispatch.request_id"] = env["HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID"] env = env.merge(additional_env_options), env) end def with_rails_logger(logger) old_logger = ::Rails.logger # We have to set these again because rails set's these after initialization. # Since we've already booted the rails app we need to update them all as we # change the logger. # # You can see here that they use simple class attribute, hence the reason we need # to update all of them: ::ActionCable::Server::Base.logger = logger if defined?(::ActionCable::Server::Base) && ::ActionCable::Server::Base.respond_to?(:logger=) ::ActionController::Base.logger = logger if defined?(::ActionController::Base) && ::ActionController::Base.respond_to?(:logger=) ::ActionMailer::Base.logger = logger if defined?(::ActionMailer::Base) && ::ActionMailer::Base.respond_to?(:logger=) ::ActionView::Base.logger = logger if defined?(::ActionView::Base) && ::ActionView::Base.respond_to?(:logger=) ::ActiveRecord::Base.logger = logger if defined?(::ActiveRecord::Base) && ::ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:logger=) ::Rails.logger = logger yield ::Rails.logger = old_logger end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Support::Rails end end