module IB module Models # Base class for tableless IB data Models extends ActiveModel API class Model extend ActiveModel::Naming extend ActiveModel::Callbacks include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Serialization include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON # IB Models can be either database-backed, or not # require 'ib-ruby/db' # to make all IB models database-backed # If you plan to persist only specific Models, select those subclasses here: def self.for subclass if DB # && [:contract, :order, :order_state].include? subclass ActiveRecord::Base else Model end end #attr_accessor :attributes # If a opts hash is given, keys are taken as attribute names, values as data. # The model instance fields are then set automatically from the opts Hash. def initialize attributes={}, opts={} run_callbacks :initialize do error "Argument must be a Hash", :args unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.attributes = default_attributes.merge(attributes) end end # ActiveModel API (for serialization) def attributes @attributes ||= end def attributes= attrs attrs.keys.each { |key| self.send("#{key}=", attrs[key]) } end # ActiveModel-style read/write_attribute accessors def [] key attributes[key.to_sym] end def []= key, val attributes[key.to_sym] = val end def to_model self end def new_record? true end def save valid? end alias save! save ### ActiveRecord::Base association API mocks def self.belongs_to model, *args attr_accessor model end def self.has_one model, *args attr_accessor model end def self.has_many models, *args attr_accessor models define_method(models) do self.instance_variable_get("@#{models}") || self.instance_variable_set("@#{models}", []) end end def self.find *args [] end ### ActiveRecord::Base callback API mocks define_model_callbacks :initialize, :only => :after ### ActiveRecord::Base misc def self.serialize *properties end end # Model end # module Models end # module IB