class Admin::ActivitiesWithPricesController < Admin::ActivitiesController @activities_scaffold_configs = superclass.instance_variable_get('@activities_scaffold_configs').dup activities_scaffold_config do |config| config.label = "Invoice Activity" config.columns << [:cost, :tax] config.list.columns = [:activity, :cost, :tax, :occurred_on] config.action_links.add :move_to_invoice, :type => :record, :label => 'Move...', :crud_type => :update, :action => 'move_to_invoice' config.columns[:cost].sort_by :sql => 'cost_in_cents' config.columns[:tax].sort_by :sql => 'tax_in_cents' # This adjusts the order of the link so that move appears to the left, fugly: config.action_links.instance_eval do @set = @set.sort_by{ |l| ( l.action == "move_to_invoice" ) ? -1 : 1 } end end # We need to be sure the view is looking in the right place, this little hack should do it: def self.active_scaffold_paths super_view_path = BRISKBILLS_ROOT+'/app/views/admin/activities' @active_scaffold_overrides << super_view_path unless @active_scaffold_overrides.include? super_view_path super end # This is a little hackish - but it fixes would-be problems with the observation code @active_scaffold_observations = superclass.active_scaffold_observations def move_to_invoice @errors_during_move = [] activity = Activity.find params[:id].to_i dest_conditions = ['invoices.is_published = ?',false] dest_conditions[0] += ' AND != ?' and dest_conditions << activity.invoice_id if activity @dest_invoices = Invoice.find_with_totals( :all, :conditions => dest_conditions, :order => 'invoices.issued_on DESC, DESC', :include => [:client] ) if params.has_key? :move_to_invoice_id begin invoice_dest = Invoice.find(params[:move_to_invoice_id].to_i) activity.move_to_invoice invoice_dest do_list flash[:warning] = '%s successfully moved to "%s"' % [activity.label,invoice_dest.long_name] rescue @errors_during_move << $! end render :action => 'move_to_invoice.rjs' else render :action => 'move_to_invoice.rhtml', :layout => false end end handle_extensions activities_scaffold_init end