# ### Here are some config samples to use rails_amp. # -------------------------------------------------- # To enable amp on specific controllers and actions. # -------------------------------------------------- # ### Enable amp on users all actions. # targets: # users: # # ### Enable amp on users#index, users#show, posts#index, posts#show. # ### controller: action1 action2 action3 ... # targets: # users: index show # posts: index show # # ### Enable amp on all controllers and actions. # targets: # application: all # # ### Disable amp completely. # targets: # targets: users: index show # -------------------------------------------------- # To set initial configurations. # -------------------------------------------------- # ### Enable Google Analytics page tracking. Set your Google Analytics Account. # analytics: UA-*****-* # # ### Change default amp format. The default value is amp. # ### If you want to use 'mobile' as amp format, set 'mobile' to default_format. # ### And you can access the amp page like /users/index.mobile # default_format: mobile # # ### Set formats that used as amp. The default is html. # ### These formats are used in the order, when the amp specialized view like 'users/index.amp.erb' is not found. # lookup_formats: html xhtml