Path: README.rdoc
Last Update: Fri Jun 26 13:56:45 -0600 2009

Muck Users


The muck users engine is part of the muck framework and relies upon the muck_engine as well as authlogic. Both gems should be installed automatically when you install the muck_users engine.

  sudo gem install muck-users

Use search logic for searching users. Add this to environment.rb:

  config.gem "binarylogic-searchlogic",
      :lib     => 'searchlogic',
      :source  => '',
      :version => '~> 2.0.0'

In addition, you will need to install the ssl_requirement plugin ( into your Rails project:

  ruby script/plugin install ssl_requirement

If you used the muck template to create your rails application you will have a global_config.yml file. If not then you will need to create a global_config.yml file and then add the following to environment.rb right above do |config|

  require 'ostruct'
  require 'yaml'
  ::GlobalConfig ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/global_config.yml")[RAILS_ENV])

Inside of global_config.yml add the following changing the emails to match your application:

  default: &DEFAULT

    # Sent in emails to users
    application_name: 'Name of my application'
    from_email: ''
    support_email: ''
    admin_email: ''


There are a couple of routes that muck-users will look for:

Route to the site home page:

  map.root '', :controller => 'default', :action => 'index'

Route to a public user page (this could also go to home etc. if needed)

  map.public_user_path '/profiles/:id', :controller => 'profiles', :action => 'show'

This is the path that a user will be redirected to if they attempt to access another user‘s dashboard page.

muck-users sends out emails that need to be able to generate links. Be sure to set a value for application_url in global_config.yml

General information

This engine implements authlogic. Some of the code contained was taken from here: and here

Inspiration also came from:



After installing the engine just create a user model thus:

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base

Then you will be able to go to: http//:localhost:3000/login http//:localhost:3000/signup

Copyright (c) 2009 Justin Ball, released under the MIT license
