// Stacking, functions.. .light (@a) when (lightness(@a) > 50%) { color: white; } .light (@a) when (lightness(@a) < 50%) { color: black; } .light (@a) { margin: 1px; } .light1 { .light(#ddd) } .light2 { .light(#444) } // Arguments against each other .max (@a, @b) when (@a > @b) { width: @a; } .max (@a, @b) when (@a < @b) { width: @b; } .max1 { .max(3, 6) } .max2 { .max(8, 1) } // Globals inside guards @g: auto; .glob (@a) when (@a = @g) { margin: @a @g; } .glob1 { .glob(auto) } // Other operators .ops (@a) when (@a >= 0) { height: gt-or-eq; } .ops (@a) when (@a =< 0) { height: lt-or-eq; } .ops (@a) when not(@a = 0) { height: not-eq; } .ops1 { .ops(0) } .ops2 { .ops(1) } .ops3 { .ops(-1) } // Scope and default values @a: auto; .default (@a: inherit) when (@a = inherit) { content: default; } .default1 { .default } // true & false keywords .test (@a) when (@a) { content: "true."; } .test (@a) when not (@a) { content: "false."; } .test1 { .test(true) } .test2 { .test(false) } .test3 { .test(1) } .test4 { .test(boo) } .test5 { .test("true") } // Boolean expressions .bool () when (true) and (false) { content: true and false } // FALSE .bool () when (true) and (true) { content: true and true } // TRUE .bool () when (true) { content: true } // TRUE .bool () when (false) and (false) { content: true } // FALSE .bool () when (false), (true) { content: false, true } // TRUE .bool () when (false) and (true) and (true), (true) { content: false and true and true, true } // TRUE .bool () when (true) and (true) and (false), (false) { content: true and true and false, false } // FALSE .bool () when (false), (true) and (true) { content: false, true and true } // TRUE .bool () when (false), (false), (true) { content: false, false, true } // TRUE .bool () when (false), (false) and (true), (false) { content: false, false and true, false } // FALSE .bool () when (false), (true) and (true) and (true), (false) { content: false, true and true and true, false } // TRUE .bool () when not (false) { content: not false } .bool () when not (true) and not (false) { content: not true and not false } .bool () when not (true) and not (true) { content: not true and not true } .bool () when not (false) and (false), not (false) { content: not false and false, not false } .bool1 { .bool }