# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ~/assets/themes/j1/modules/lightGallery/js/core/lightgallery.js
# Provides the lightGallery Main JS module
# Product/Info:
# https://jekyll.one
# Copyright (C) 2023 Sachin Neravath
# Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 Juergen Adams
# J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License.
# See: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md
# lightGallery is licensed under the GPLv3 license
# See: https://github.com/sachinchoolur/lightGallery/blob/master/LICENSE
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* lightgallery | 2.7.2 | September 20th 2023
* http://www.lightgalleryjs.com/
* Copyright (c) 2020 Sachin Neravath;
* @license GPLv3
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.lightGallery = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
***************************************************************************** */
var __assign = function() {
__assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
function __spreadArrays() {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
* List of lightGallery events
* All events should be documented here
* Below interfaces are used to build the website documentations
* */
var lGEvents = {
afterAppendSlide: 'lgAfterAppendSlide',
init: 'lgInit',
hasVideo: 'lgHasVideo',
containerResize: 'lgContainerResize',
updateSlides: 'lgUpdateSlides',
afterAppendSubHtml: 'lgAfterAppendSubHtml',
beforeOpen: 'lgBeforeOpen',
afterOpen: 'lgAfterOpen',
slideItemLoad: 'lgSlideItemLoad',
beforeSlide: 'lgBeforeSlide',
afterSlide: 'lgAfterSlide',
posterClick: 'lgPosterClick',
dragStart: 'lgDragStart',
dragMove: 'lgDragMove',
dragEnd: 'lgDragEnd',
beforeNextSlide: 'lgBeforeNextSlide',
beforePrevSlide: 'lgBeforePrevSlide',
beforeClose: 'lgBeforeClose',
afterClose: 'lgAfterClose',
rotateLeft: 'lgRotateLeft',
rotateRight: 'lgRotateRight',
flipHorizontal: 'lgFlipHorizontal',
flipVertical: 'lgFlipVertical',
autoplay: 'lgAutoplay',
autoplayStart: 'lgAutoplayStart',
autoplayStop: 'lgAutoplayStop',
var lightGalleryCoreSettings = {
mode: 'lg-slide',
easing: 'ease',
speed: 400,
licenseKey: '0000-0000-000-0000',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
addClass: '',
startClass: 'lg-start-zoom',
backdropDuration: 300,
container: '',
startAnimationDuration: 400,
zoomFromOrigin: true,
hideBarsDelay: 0,
showBarsAfter: 10000,
slideDelay: 0,
supportLegacyBrowser: true,
allowMediaOverlap: false,
videoMaxSize: '1280-720',
loadYouTubePoster: true,
defaultCaptionHeight: 0,
ariaLabelledby: '',
ariaDescribedby: '',
resetScrollPosition: true,
hideScrollbar: false,
closable: true,
swipeToClose: true,
closeOnTap: true,
showCloseIcon: true,
showMaximizeIcon: false,
loop: true,
escKey: true,
keyPress: true,
trapFocus: true,
controls: true,
slideEndAnimation: true,
hideControlOnEnd: false,
mousewheel: false,
getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt: true,
appendSubHtmlTo: '.lg-sub-html',
subHtmlSelectorRelative: false,
preload: 2,
numberOfSlideItemsInDom: 10,
selector: '',
selectWithin: '',
nextHtml: '',
prevHtml: '',
index: 0,
iframeWidth: '100%',
iframeHeight: '100%',
iframeMaxWidth: '100%',
iframeMaxHeight: '100%',
download: true,
counter: true,
appendCounterTo: '.lg-toolbar',
swipeThreshold: 50,
enableSwipe: true,
enableDrag: true,
dynamic: false,
dynamicEl: [],
extraProps: [],
exThumbImage: '',
isMobile: undefined,
mobileSettings: {
controls: false,
showCloseIcon: false,
download: false,
plugins: [],
strings: {
closeGallery: 'Close gallery',
toggleMaximize: 'Toggle maximize',
previousSlide: 'Previous slide',
nextSlide: 'Next slide',
download: 'Download',
playVideo: 'Play video',
mediaLoadingFailed: 'Oops... Failed to load content...',
function initLgPolyfills() {
(function () {
if (typeof window.CustomEvent === 'function')
return false;
function CustomEvent(event, params) {
params = params || {
bubbles: false,
cancelable: false,
detail: null,
var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail);
return evt;
window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent;
(function () {
if (!Element.prototype.matches) {
Element.prototype.matches =
Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ||
var lgQuery = /** @class */ (function () {
function lgQuery(selector) {
this.cssVenderPrefixes = [
this.selector = this._getSelector(selector);
this.firstElement = this._getFirstEl();
return this;
lgQuery.generateUUID = function () {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
lgQuery.prototype._getSelector = function (selector, context) {
if (context === void 0) { context = document; }
if (typeof selector !== 'string') {
return selector;
context = context || document;
var fl = selector.substring(0, 1);
if (fl === '#') {
return context.querySelector(selector);
else {
return context.querySelectorAll(selector);
lgQuery.prototype._each = function (func) {
if (!this.selector) {
return this;
if (this.selector.length !== undefined) {
[].forEach.call(this.selector, func);
else {
func(this.selector, 0);
return this;
lgQuery.prototype._setCssVendorPrefix = function (el, cssProperty, value) {
// prettier-ignore
var property = cssProperty.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function (s, group1) {
return group1.toUpperCase();
if (this.cssVenderPrefixes.indexOf(property) !== -1) {
el.style[property.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + property.slice(1)] = value;
el.style['webkit' + property] = value;
el.style['moz' + property] = value;
el.style['ms' + property] = value;
el.style['o' + property] = value;
else {
el.style[property] = value;
lgQuery.prototype._getFirstEl = function () {
if (this.selector && this.selector.length !== undefined) {
return this.selector[0];
else {
return this.selector;
lgQuery.prototype.isEventMatched = function (event, eventName) {
var eventNamespace = eventName.split('.');
return event
.filter(function (e) { return e; })
.every(function (e) {
return eventNamespace.indexOf(e) !== -1;
lgQuery.prototype.attr = function (attr, value) {
if (value === undefined) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return '';
return this.firstElement.getAttribute(attr);
this._each(function (el) {
el.setAttribute(attr, value);
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.find = function (selector) {
return $LG(this._getSelector(selector, this.selector));
lgQuery.prototype.first = function () {
if (this.selector && this.selector.length !== undefined) {
return $LG(this.selector[0]);
else {
return $LG(this.selector);
lgQuery.prototype.eq = function (index) {
return $LG(this.selector[index]);
lgQuery.prototype.parent = function () {
return $LG(this.selector.parentElement);
lgQuery.prototype.get = function () {
return this._getFirstEl();
lgQuery.prototype.removeAttr = function (attributes) {
var attrs = attributes.split(' ');
this._each(function (el) {
attrs.forEach(function (attr) { return el.removeAttribute(attr); });
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.wrap = function (className) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return this;
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.className = className;
this.firstElement.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, this.firstElement);
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.addClass = function (classNames) {
if (classNames === void 0) { classNames = ''; }
this._each(function (el) {
// IE doesn't support multiple arguments
classNames.split(' ').forEach(function (className) {
if (className) {
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.removeClass = function (classNames) {
this._each(function (el) {
// IE doesn't support multiple arguments
classNames.split(' ').forEach(function (className) {
if (className) {
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.hasClass = function (className) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return false;
return this.firstElement.classList.contains(className);
lgQuery.prototype.hasAttribute = function (attribute) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return false;
return this.firstElement.hasAttribute(attribute);
lgQuery.prototype.toggleClass = function (className) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return this;
if (this.hasClass(className)) {
else {
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.css = function (property, value) {
var _this = this;
this._each(function (el) {
_this._setCssVendorPrefix(el, property, value);
return this;
// Need to pass separate namespaces for separate elements
lgQuery.prototype.on = function (events, listener) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.selector) {
return this;
events.split(' ').forEach(function (event) {
if (!Array.isArray(lgQuery.eventListeners[event])) {
lgQuery.eventListeners[event] = [];
_this.selector.addEventListener(event.split('.')[0], listener);
return this;
// @todo - test this
lgQuery.prototype.once = function (event, listener) {
var _this = this;
this.on(event, function () {
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.off = function (event) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.selector) {
return this;
Object.keys(lgQuery.eventListeners).forEach(function (eventName) {
if (_this.isEventMatched(event, eventName)) {
lgQuery.eventListeners[eventName].forEach(function (listener) {
_this.selector.removeEventListener(eventName.split('.')[0], listener);
lgQuery.eventListeners[eventName] = [];
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.trigger = function (event, detail) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return this;
var customEvent = new CustomEvent(event.split('.')[0], {
detail: detail || null,
return this;
// Does not support IE
lgQuery.prototype.load = function (url) {
var _this = this;
.then(function (res) { return res.text(); })
.then(function (html) {
_this.selector.innerHTML = html;
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.html = function (html) {
if (html === undefined) {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return '';
return this.firstElement.innerHTML;
this._each(function (el) {
el.innerHTML = html;
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.append = function (html) {
this._each(function (el) {
if (typeof html === 'string') {
el.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);
else {
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.prepend = function (html) {
this._each(function (el) {
el.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html);
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.remove = function () {
this._each(function (el) {
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.empty = function () {
this._each(function (el) {
el.innerHTML = '';
return this;
lgQuery.prototype.scrollTop = function (scrollTop) {
if (scrollTop !== undefined) {
document.body.scrollTop = scrollTop;
document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;
return this;
else {
return (window.pageYOffset ||
document.documentElement.scrollTop ||
document.body.scrollTop ||
lgQuery.prototype.scrollLeft = function (scrollLeft) {
if (scrollLeft !== undefined) {
document.body.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
document.documentElement.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
return this;
else {
return (window.pageXOffset ||
document.documentElement.scrollLeft ||
document.body.scrollLeft ||
lgQuery.prototype.offset = function () {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return {
left: 0,
top: 0,
var rect = this.firstElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var bodyMarginLeft = $LG('body').style().marginLeft;
// Minus body margin - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30711548/is-getboundingclientrect-left-returning-a-wrong-value
return {
left: rect.left - parseFloat(bodyMarginLeft) + this.scrollLeft(),
top: rect.top + this.scrollTop(),
lgQuery.prototype.style = function () {
if (!this.firstElement) {
return {};
return (this.firstElement.currentStyle ||
// Width without padding and border even if box-sizing is used.
lgQuery.prototype.width = function () {
var style = this.style();
return (this.firstElement.clientWidth -
parseFloat(style.paddingLeft) -
// Height without padding and border even if box-sizing is used.
lgQuery.prototype.height = function () {
var style = this.style();
return (this.firstElement.clientHeight -
parseFloat(style.paddingTop) -
lgQuery.eventListeners = {};
return lgQuery;
function $LG(selector) {
return new lgQuery(selector);
var defaultDynamicOptions = [
// Convert html data-attribute to camalcase
function convertToData(attr) {
// FInd a way for lgsize
if (attr === 'href') {
return 'src';
attr = attr.replace('data-', '');
attr = attr.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + attr.slice(1);
attr = attr.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); });
return attr;
var utils = {
* get possible width and height from the lgSize attribute. Used for ZoomFromOrigin option
getSize: function (el, container, spacing, defaultLgSize) {
if (spacing === void 0) { spacing = 0; }
var LGel = $LG(el);
var lgSize = LGel.attr('data-lg-size') || defaultLgSize;
if (!lgSize) {
var isResponsiveSizes = lgSize.split(',');
// if at-least two viewport sizes are available
if (isResponsiveSizes[1]) {
var wWidth = window.innerWidth;
for (var i = 0; i < isResponsiveSizes.length; i++) {
var size_1 = isResponsiveSizes[i];
var responsiveWidth = parseInt(size_1.split('-')[2], 10);
if (responsiveWidth > wWidth) {
lgSize = size_1;
// take last item as last option
if (i === isResponsiveSizes.length - 1) {
lgSize = size_1;
var size = lgSize.split('-');
var width = parseInt(size[0], 10);
var height = parseInt(size[1], 10);
var cWidth = container.width();
var cHeight = container.height() - spacing;
var maxWidth = Math.min(cWidth, width);
var maxHeight = Math.min(cHeight, height);
var ratio = Math.min(maxWidth / width, maxHeight / height);
return { width: width * ratio, height: height * ratio };
* @desc Get transform value based on the imageSize. Used for ZoomFromOrigin option
* @param {jQuery Element}
* @returns {String} Transform CSS string
getTransform: function (el, container, top, bottom, imageSize) {
if (!imageSize) {
var LGel = $LG(el).find('img').first();
if (!LGel.get()) {
var containerRect = container.get().getBoundingClientRect();
var wWidth = containerRect.width;
// using innerWidth to include mobile safari bottom bar
var wHeight = container.height() - (top + bottom);
var elWidth = LGel.width();
var elHeight = LGel.height();
var elStyle = LGel.style();
var x = (wWidth - elWidth) / 2 -
LGel.offset().left +
(parseFloat(elStyle.paddingLeft) || 0) +
(parseFloat(elStyle.borderLeft) || 0) +
$LG(window).scrollLeft() +
var y = (wHeight - elHeight) / 2 -
LGel.offset().top +
(parseFloat(elStyle.paddingTop) || 0) +
(parseFloat(elStyle.borderTop) || 0) +
$LG(window).scrollTop() +
var scX = elWidth / imageSize.width;
var scY = elHeight / imageSize.height;
var transform = 'translate3d(' +
(x *= -1) +
'px, ' +
(y *= -1) +
'px, 0) scale3d(' +
scX +
', ' +
scY +
', 1)';
return transform;
getIframeMarkup: function (iframeWidth, iframeHeight, iframeMaxWidth, iframeMaxHeight, src, iframeTitle) {
var title = iframeTitle ? 'title="' + iframeTitle + '"' : '';
return "
\n \n
getImgMarkup: function (index, src, altAttr, srcset, sizes, sources) {
var srcsetAttr = srcset ? "srcset=\"" + srcset + "\"" : '';
var sizesAttr = sizes ? "sizes=\"" + sizes + "\"" : '';
var imgMarkup = "";
var sourceTag = '';
if (sources) {
var sourceObj = typeof sources === 'string' ? JSON.parse(sources) : sources;
sourceTag = sourceObj.map(function (source) {
var attrs = '';
Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) {
// Do not remove the first space as it is required to separate the attributes
attrs += " " + key + "=\"" + source[key] + "\"";
return "";
return "" + sourceTag + imgMarkup;
// Get src from responsive src
getResponsiveSrc: function (srcItms) {
var rsWidth = [];
var rsSrc = [];
var src = '';
for (var i = 0; i < srcItms.length; i++) {
var _src = srcItms[i].split(' ');
// Manage empty space
if (_src[0] === '') {
_src.splice(0, 1);
var wWidth = window.innerWidth;
for (var j = 0; j < rsWidth.length; j++) {
if (parseInt(rsWidth[j], 10) > wWidth) {
src = rsSrc[j];
return src;
isImageLoaded: function (img) {
if (!img)
return false;
// During the onload event, IE correctly identifies any images that
// weren’t downloaded as not complete. Others should too. Gecko-based
// browsers act like NS4 in that they report this incorrectly.
if (!img.complete) {
return false;
// However, they do have two very useful properties: naturalWidth and
// naturalHeight. These give the true size of the image. If it failed
// to load, either of these should be zero.
if (img.naturalWidth === 0) {
return false;
// No other way of checking: assume it’s ok.
return true;
getVideoPosterMarkup: function (_poster, dummyImg, videoContStyle, playVideoString, _isVideo) {
var videoClass = '';
if (_isVideo && _isVideo.youtube) {
videoClass = 'lg-has-youtube';
else if (_isVideo && _isVideo.vimeo) {
videoClass = 'lg-has-vimeo';
else {
videoClass = 'lg-has-html5';
return "
\n \n \n \n
\n " + (dummyImg || '') + "\n \n
getFocusableElements: function (container) {
var elements = container.querySelectorAll('a[href]:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), input[type="text"]:not([disabled]), input[type="radio"]:not([disabled]), input[type="checkbox"]:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled])');
var visibleElements = [].filter.call(elements, function (element) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(element);
return style.display !== 'none' && style.visibility !== 'hidden';
return visibleElements;
* @desc Create dynamic elements array from gallery items when dynamic option is false
* It helps to avoid frequent DOM interaction
* and avoid multiple checks for dynamic elments
* @returns {Array} dynamicEl
getDynamicOptions: function (items, extraProps, getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt, exThumbImage) {
var dynamicElements = [];
var availableDynamicOptions = __spreadArrays(defaultDynamicOptions, extraProps);
[].forEach.call(items, function (item) {
var dynamicEl = {};
for (var i = 0; i < item.attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = item.attributes[i];
if (attr.specified) {
var dynamicAttr = convertToData(attr.name);
var label = '';
if (availableDynamicOptions.indexOf(dynamicAttr) > -1) {
label = dynamicAttr;
if (label) {
dynamicEl[label] = attr.value;
var currentItem = $LG(item);
var alt = currentItem.find('img').first().attr('alt');
var title = currentItem.attr('title');
var thumb = exThumbImage
? currentItem.attr(exThumbImage)
: currentItem.find('img').first().attr('src');
dynamicEl.thumb = thumb;
if (getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt && !dynamicEl.subHtml) {
dynamicEl.subHtml = title || alt || '';
dynamicEl.alt = alt || title || '';
return dynamicElements;
isMobile: function () {
return /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
* @desc Check the given src is video
* @param {String} src
* @return {Object} video type
* Ex:{ youtube : ["//www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0asJgSyxcY", "c0asJgSyxcY"] }
* @todo - this information can be moved to dynamicEl to avoid frequent calls
isVideo: function (src, isHTML5VIdeo, index) {
if (!src) {
if (isHTML5VIdeo) {
return {
html5: true,
else {
console.error('lightGallery :- data-src is not provided on slide item ' +
(index + 1) +
'. Please make sure the selector property is properly configured. More info - https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/demos/html-markup/');
var youtube = src.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:\.be|be\.com|be-nocookie\.com)\/(?:watch\?v=|embed\/)?([a-z0-9\-\_\%]+)([\&|?][\S]*)*/i);
var vimeo = src.match(/\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:player\.)?vimeo.com\/(?:video\/)?([0-9a-z\-_]+)(.*)?/i);
var wistia = src.match(/https?:\/\/(.+)?(wistia\.com|wi\.st)\/(medias|embed)\/([0-9a-z\-_]+)(.*)/);
if (youtube) {
return {
youtube: youtube,
else if (vimeo) {
return {
vimeo: vimeo,
else if (wistia) {
return {
wistia: wistia,
// @ref - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3971841/how-to-resize-images-proportionally-keeping-the-aspect-ratio
// @ref - https://2ality.com/2017/04/setting-up-multi-platform-packages.html
// Unique id for each gallery
var lgId = 0;
var LightGallery = /** @class */ (function () {
function LightGallery(element, options) {
this.lgOpened = false;
this.index = 0;
// lightGallery modules
this.plugins = [];
// false when lightGallery load first slide content;
this.lGalleryOn = false;
// True when a slide animation is in progress
this.lgBusy = false;
this.currentItemsInDom = [];
// Scroll top value before lightGallery is opened
this.prevScrollTop = 0;
this.bodyPaddingRight = 0;
this.isDummyImageRemoved = false;
this.dragOrSwipeEnabled = false;
this.mediaContainerPosition = {
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
if (!element) {
return this;
this.lgId = lgId;
this.el = element;
this.LGel = $LG(element);
// When using dynamic mode, ensure dynamicEl is an array
if (this.settings.dynamic &&
this.settings.dynamicEl !== undefined &&
!Array.isArray(this.settings.dynamicEl)) {
throw 'When using dynamic mode, you must also define dynamicEl as an Array.';
this.galleryItems = this.getItems();
// Gallery items
return this;
LightGallery.prototype.generateSettings = function (options) {
// lightGallery settings
this.settings = __assign(__assign({}, lightGalleryCoreSettings), options);
if (this.settings.isMobile &&
typeof this.settings.isMobile === 'function'
? this.settings.isMobile()
: utils.isMobile()) {
var mobileSettings = __assign(__assign({}, this.settings.mobileSettings), this.settings.mobileSettings);
this.settings = __assign(__assign({}, this.settings), mobileSettings);
LightGallery.prototype.normalizeSettings = function () {
if (this.settings.slideEndAnimation) {
this.settings.hideControlOnEnd = false;
if (!this.settings.closable) {
this.settings.swipeToClose = false;
// And reset it on close to get the correct value next time
this.zoomFromOrigin = this.settings.zoomFromOrigin;
// At the moment, Zoom from image doesn't support dynamic options
// @todo add zoomFromOrigin support for dynamic images
if (this.settings.dynamic) {
this.zoomFromOrigin = false;
if (!this.settings.container) {
this.settings.container = document.body;
// settings.preload should not be grater than $item.length
this.settings.preload = Math.min(this.settings.preload, this.galleryItems.length);
LightGallery.prototype.init = function () {
var _this = this;
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.init, {
instance: this,
if (this.settings.keyPress) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
if (this.settings.mousewheel) {
if (!this.settings.dynamic) {
LightGallery.prototype.openGalleryOnItemClick = function () {
var _this = this;
var _loop_1 = function (index) {
var element = this_1.items[index];
var $element = $LG(element);
// Using different namespace for click because click event should not unbind if selector is same object('this')
// @todo manage all event listners - should have namespace that represent element
var uuid = lgQuery.generateUUID();
.attr('data-lg-id', uuid)
.on("click.lgcustom-item-" + uuid, function (e) {
var currentItemIndex = _this.settings.index || index;
_this.openGallery(currentItemIndex, element);
var this_1 = this;
// Using for loop instead of using bubbling as the items can be any html element.
for (var index = 0; index < this.items.length; index++) {
* Module constructor
* Modules are build incrementally.
* Gallery should be opened only once all the modules are initialized.
* use moduleBuildTimeout to make sure this
LightGallery.prototype.buildModules = function () {
var _this = this;
this.settings.plugins.forEach(function (plugin) {
_this.plugins.push(new plugin(_this, $LG));
LightGallery.prototype.validateLicense = function () {
if (!this.settings.licenseKey) {
console.error('Please provide a valid license key');
else if (this.settings.licenseKey === '0000-0000-000-0000') {
// jadams: disabled license warning
// console.warn("lightGallery: " + " license key not valid for business use: " + this.settings.licenseKey);
LightGallery.prototype.getSlideItem = function (index) {
return $LG(this.getSlideItemId(index));
LightGallery.prototype.getSlideItemId = function (index) {
return "#lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + index;
LightGallery.prototype.getIdName = function (id) {
return id + "-" + this.lgId;
LightGallery.prototype.getElementById = function (id) {
return $LG("#" + this.getIdName(id));
LightGallery.prototype.manageSingleSlideClassName = function () {
if (this.galleryItems.length < 2) {
else {
LightGallery.prototype.buildStructure = function () {
var _this = this;
var container = this.$container && this.$container.get();
if (container) {
var controls = '';
var subHtmlCont = '';
// Create controls
if (this.settings.controls) {
controls = "\n ";
if (this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo !== '.lg-item') {
subHtmlCont =
var addClasses = '';
if (this.settings.allowMediaOverlap) {
// Do not remove space before last single quote
addClasses += 'lg-media-overlap ';
var ariaLabelledby = this.settings.ariaLabelledby
? 'aria-labelledby="' + this.settings.ariaLabelledby + '"'
: '';
var ariaDescribedby = this.settings.ariaDescribedby
? 'aria-describedby="' + this.settings.ariaDescribedby + '"'
: '';
var containerClassName = "lg-container " + this.settings.addClass + " " + (document.body !== this.settings.container ? 'lg-inline' : '');
var closeIcon = this.settings.closable && this.settings.showCloseIcon
? ""
: '';
var maximizeIcon = this.settings.showMaximizeIcon
? ""
: '';
var template = "\n
\n ";
if (document.body !== this.settings.container) {
$LG(this.settings.container).css('position', 'relative');
this.outer = this.getElementById('lg-outer');
this.$lgComponents = this.getElementById('lg-components');
this.$backdrop = this.getElementById('lg-backdrop');
this.$container = this.getElementById('lg-container');
this.$inner = this.getElementById('lg-inner');
this.$content = this.getElementById('lg-content');
this.$toolbar = this.getElementById('lg-toolbar');
this.$backdrop.css('transition-duration', this.settings.backdropDuration + 'ms');
var outerClassNames = this.settings.mode + " ";
if (this.settings.enableDrag) {
outerClassNames += 'lg-grab ';
this.$inner.css('transition-timing-function', this.settings.easing);
this.$inner.css('transition-duration', this.settings.speed + 'ms');
if (this.settings.download) {
$LG(window).on("resize.lg.global" + this.lgId + " orientationchange.lg.global" + this.lgId, function () {
LightGallery.prototype.refreshOnResize = function () {
if (this.lgOpened) {
var currentGalleryItem = this.galleryItems[this.index];
var __slideVideoInfo = currentGalleryItem.__slideVideoInfo;
this.mediaContainerPosition = this.getMediaContainerPosition();
var _a = this.mediaContainerPosition, top_1 = _a.top, bottom = _a.bottom;
this.currentImageSize = utils.getSize(this.items[this.index], this.outer, top_1 + bottom, __slideVideoInfo && this.settings.videoMaxSize);
if (__slideVideoInfo) {
this.resizeVideoSlide(this.index, this.currentImageSize);
if (this.zoomFromOrigin && !this.isDummyImageRemoved) {
var imgStyle = this.getDummyImgStyles(this.currentImageSize);
.find('.lg-current .lg-dummy-img')
.attr('style', imgStyle);
LightGallery.prototype.resizeVideoSlide = function (index, imageSize) {
var lgVideoStyle = this.getVideoContStyle(imageSize);
var currentSlide = this.getSlideItem(index);
currentSlide.find('.lg-video-cont').attr('style', lgVideoStyle);
* Update slides dynamically.
* Add, edit or delete slides dynamically when lightGallery is opened.
* Modify the current gallery items and pass it via updateSlides method
* @note
* - Do not mutate existing lightGallery items directly.
* - Always pass new list of gallery items
* - You need to take care of thumbnails outside the gallery if any
* - user this method only if you want to update slides when the gallery is opened. Otherwise, use `refresh()` method.
* @param items Gallery items
* @param index After the update operation, which slide gallery should navigate to
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery();
* // Adding slides dynamically
* let galleryItems = [
* // Access existing lightGallery items
* // galleryItems are automatically generated internally from the gallery HTML markup
* // or directly from galleryItems when dynamic gallery is used
* ...plugin.galleryItems,
* ...[
* {
* src: 'img/img-1.png',
* thumb: 'img/thumb1.png',
* },
* ],
* ];
* plugin.updateSlides(
* galleryItems,
* plugin.index,
* );
* // Remove slides dynamically
* galleryItems = JSON.parse(
* JSON.stringify(updateSlideInstance.galleryItems),
* );
* galleryItems.shift();
* updateSlideInstance.updateSlides(galleryItems, 1);
* @see Demo
LightGallery.prototype.updateSlides = function (items, index) {
if (this.index > items.length - 1) {
this.index = items.length - 1;
if (items.length === 1) {
this.index = 0;
if (!items.length) {
var currentSrc = this.galleryItems[index].src;
this.galleryItems = items;
this.currentItemsInDom = [];
var _index = 0;
// Find the current index based on source value of the slide
this.galleryItems.some(function (galleryItem, itemIndex) {
if (galleryItem.src === currentSrc) {
_index = itemIndex;
return true;
return false;
this.currentItemsInDom = this.organizeSlideItems(_index, -1);
this.loadContent(_index, true);
this.index = _index;
// Get gallery items based on multiple conditions
LightGallery.prototype.getItems = function () {
// Gallery items
this.items = [];
if (!this.settings.dynamic) {
if (this.settings.selector === 'this') {
else if (this.settings.selector) {
if (typeof this.settings.selector === 'string') {
if (this.settings.selectWithin) {
var selectWithin = $LG(this.settings.selectWithin);
this.items = selectWithin
else {
this.items = this.el.querySelectorAll(this.settings.selector);
else {
this.items = this.settings.selector;
else {
this.items = this.el.children;
return utils.getDynamicOptions(this.items, this.settings.extraProps, this.settings.getCaptionFromTitleOrAlt, this.settings.exThumbImage);
else {
return this.settings.dynamicEl || [];
LightGallery.prototype.shouldHideScrollbar = function () {
return (this.settings.hideScrollbar &&
document.body === this.settings.container);
LightGallery.prototype.hideScrollbar = function () {
if (!this.shouldHideScrollbar()) {
this.bodyPaddingRight = parseFloat($LG('body').style().paddingRight);
var bodyRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - bodyRect.width;
$LG(document.body).css('padding-right', scrollbarWidth + this.bodyPaddingRight + 'px');
LightGallery.prototype.resetScrollBar = function () {
if (!this.shouldHideScrollbar()) {
$LG(document.body).css('padding-right', this.bodyPaddingRight + 'px');
* Open lightGallery.
* Open gallery with specific slide by passing index of the slide as parameter.
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
* @param {HTMLElement} element - Which image lightGallery should zoom from
* @example
* const $dynamicGallery = document.getElementById('dynamic-gallery-demo');
* const dynamicGallery = lightGallery($dynamicGallery, {
* dynamic: true,
* dynamicEl: [
* {
* src: 'img/1.jpg',
* thumb: 'img/thumb-1.jpg',
* subHtml: '
Image 1 title
Image 1 descriptions.
* },
* ...
* ],
* });
* $dynamicGallery.addEventListener('click', function () {
* // Starts with third item.(Optional).
* // This is useful if you want use dynamic mode with
* // custom thumbnails (thumbnails outside gallery),
* dynamicGallery.openGallery(2);
* });
LightGallery.prototype.openGallery = function (index, element) {
var _this = this;
if (index === void 0) { index = this.settings.index; }
// prevent accidental double execution
if (this.lgOpened)
this.lgOpened = true;
// Add display block, but still has opacity 0
var itemsToBeInsertedToDom = this.getItemsToBeInsertedToDom(index, index);
this.currentItemsInDom = itemsToBeInsertedToDom;
var items = '';
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.forEach(function (item) {
items = items + ("");
var transform = '';
this.mediaContainerPosition = this.getMediaContainerPosition();
var _a = this.mediaContainerPosition, top = _a.top, bottom = _a.bottom;
if (!this.settings.allowMediaOverlap) {
this.setMediaContainerPosition(top, bottom);
var __slideVideoInfo = this.galleryItems[index].__slideVideoInfo;
if (this.zoomFromOrigin && element) {
this.currentImageSize = utils.getSize(element, this.outer, top + bottom, __slideVideoInfo && this.settings.videoMaxSize);
transform = utils.getTransform(element, this.outer, top, bottom, this.currentImageSize);
if (!this.zoomFromOrigin || !transform) {
var timeout = this.settings.zoomFromOrigin
? 100
: this.settings.backdropDuration;
setTimeout(function () {
}, timeout);
this.index = index;
// add class lg-current to remove initial transition
this.lGalleryOn = false;
// Store the current scroll top value to scroll back after closing the gallery..
this.prevScrollTop = $LG(window).scrollTop();
setTimeout(function () {
// Need to check both zoomFromOrigin and transform values as we need to set set the
// default opening animation if user missed to add the lg-size attribute
if (_this.zoomFromOrigin && transform) {
var currentSlide_1 = _this.getSlideItem(index);
currentSlide_1.css('transform', transform);
setTimeout(function () {
.addClass('lg-start-progress lg-start-end-progress')
.css('transition-duration', _this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 'ms');
setTimeout(function () {
currentSlide_1.css('transform', 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)');
}, 100);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10);
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.settings.trapFocus &&
document.body === _this.settings.container) {
}, _this.settings.backdropDuration + 50);
// lg-visible class resets gallery opacity to 1
if (!_this.zoomFromOrigin || !transform) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, _this.settings.backdropDuration);
// initiate slide function
_this.slide(index, false, false, false);
if (document.body === this.settings.container) {
* Note - Changing the position of the media on every slide transition creates a flickering effect.
* Therefore, The height of the caption is calculated dynamically, only once based on the first slide caption.
* if you have dynamic captions for each media,
* you can provide an appropriate height for the captions via allowMediaOverlap option
LightGallery.prototype.getMediaContainerPosition = function () {
if (this.settings.allowMediaOverlap) {
return {
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
var top = this.$toolbar.get().clientHeight || 0;
var subHtml = this.outer.find('.lg-components .lg-sub-html').get();
var captionHeight = this.settings.defaultCaptionHeight ||
(subHtml && subHtml.clientHeight) ||
var thumbContainer = this.outer.find('.lg-thumb-outer').get();
var thumbHeight = thumbContainer ? thumbContainer.clientHeight : 0;
var bottom = thumbHeight + captionHeight;
return {
top: top,
bottom: bottom,
LightGallery.prototype.setMediaContainerPosition = function (top, bottom) {
if (top === void 0) { top = 0; }
if (bottom === void 0) { bottom = 0; }
this.$content.css('top', top + 'px').css('bottom', bottom + 'px');
LightGallery.prototype.hideBars = function () {
var _this = this;
// Hide controllers if mouse doesn't move for some period
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.settings.hideBarsDelay > 0) {
_this.outer.on('mousemove.lg click.lg touchstart.lg', function () {
// Timeout will be cleared on each slide movement also
_this.hideBarTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, _this.settings.hideBarsDelay);
}, this.settings.showBarsAfter);
LightGallery.prototype.initPictureFill = function ($img) {
if (this.settings.supportLegacyBrowser) {
try {
elements: [$img.get()],
catch (e) {
console.warn('lightGallery :- If you want srcset or picture tag to be supported for older browser please include picturefil javascript library in your document.');
* @desc Create image counter
* Ex: 1/10
LightGallery.prototype.counter = function () {
if (this.settings.counter) {
var counterHtml = "
* @desc add sub-html into the slide
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
LightGallery.prototype.addHtml = function (index) {
var subHtml;
var subHtmlUrl;
if (this.galleryItems[index].subHtmlUrl) {
subHtmlUrl = this.galleryItems[index].subHtmlUrl;
else {
subHtml = this.galleryItems[index].subHtml;
if (!subHtmlUrl) {
if (subHtml) {
// get first letter of sub-html
// if first letter starts with . or # get the html form the jQuery object
var fL = subHtml.substring(0, 1);
if (fL === '.' || fL === '#') {
if (this.settings.subHtmlSelectorRelative &&
!this.settings.dynamic) {
subHtml = $LG(this.items)
else {
subHtml = $LG(subHtml).first().html();
else {
subHtml = '';
if (this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo !== '.lg-item') {
if (subHtmlUrl) {
else {
else {
var currentSlide = $LG(this.getSlideItemId(index));
if (subHtmlUrl) {
else {
" + subHtml + "
// Add lg-empty-html class if title doesn't exist
if (typeof subHtml !== 'undefined' && subHtml !== null) {
if (subHtml === '') {
else {
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.afterAppendSubHtml, {
index: index,
* @desc Preload slides
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
* @todo preload not working for the first slide, Also, should work for the first and last slide as well
LightGallery.prototype.preload = function (index) {
for (var i = 1; i <= this.settings.preload; i++) {
if (i >= this.galleryItems.length - index) {
this.loadContent(index + i, false);
for (var j = 1; j <= this.settings.preload; j++) {
if (index - j < 0) {
this.loadContent(index - j, false);
LightGallery.prototype.getDummyImgStyles = function (imageSize) {
if (!imageSize)
return '';
return "width:" + imageSize.width + "px;\n margin-left: -" + imageSize.width / 2 + "px;\n margin-top: -" + imageSize.height / 2 + "px;\n height:" + imageSize.height + "px";
LightGallery.prototype.getVideoContStyle = function (imageSize) {
if (!imageSize)
return '';
return "width:" + imageSize.width + "px;\n height:" + imageSize.height + "px";
LightGallery.prototype.getDummyImageContent = function ($currentSlide, index, alt) {
var $currentItem;
if (!this.settings.dynamic) {
$currentItem = $LG(this.items).eq(index);
if ($currentItem) {
var _dummyImgSrc = void 0;
if (!this.settings.exThumbImage) {
_dummyImgSrc = $currentItem.find('img').first().attr('src');
else {
_dummyImgSrc = $currentItem.attr(this.settings.exThumbImage);
if (!_dummyImgSrc)
return '';
var imgStyle = this.getDummyImgStyles(this.currentImageSize);
var dummyImgContent = "";
return dummyImgContent;
return '';
LightGallery.prototype.setImgMarkup = function (src, $currentSlide, index) {
var currentGalleryItem = this.galleryItems[index];
var alt = currentGalleryItem.alt, srcset = currentGalleryItem.srcset, sizes = currentGalleryItem.sizes, sources = currentGalleryItem.sources;
// Use the thumbnail as dummy image which will be resized to actual image size and
// displayed on top of actual image
var imgContent = '';
var altAttr = alt ? 'alt="' + alt + '"' : '';
if (this.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation()) {
imgContent = this.getDummyImageContent($currentSlide, index, altAttr);
else {
imgContent = utils.getImgMarkup(index, src, altAttr, srcset, sizes, sources);
var imgMarkup = " " + imgContent + "";
LightGallery.prototype.onSlideObjectLoad = function ($slide, isHTML5VideoWithoutPoster, onLoad, onError) {
var mediaObject = $slide.find('.lg-object').first();
if (utils.isImageLoaded(mediaObject.get()) ||
isHTML5VideoWithoutPoster) {
else {
mediaObject.on('load.lg error.lg', function () {
onLoad && onLoad();
mediaObject.on('error.lg', function () {
onError && onError();
* @param $el Current slide item
* @param index
* @param delay Delay is 0 except first time
* @param speed Speed is same as delay, except it is 0 if gallery is opened via hash plugin
* @param isFirstSlide
LightGallery.prototype.onLgObjectLoad = function (currentSlide, index, delay, speed, isFirstSlide, isHTML5VideoWithoutPoster) {
var _this = this;
this.onSlideObjectLoad(currentSlide, isHTML5VideoWithoutPoster, function () {
_this.triggerSlideItemLoad(currentSlide, index, delay, speed, isFirstSlide);
}, function () {
currentSlide.addClass('lg-complete lg-complete_');
currentSlide.html('' +
_this.settings.strings['mediaLoadingFailed'] +
LightGallery.prototype.triggerSlideItemLoad = function ($currentSlide, index, delay, speed, isFirstSlide) {
var _this = this;
var currentGalleryItem = this.galleryItems[index];
// Adding delay for video slides without poster for better performance and user experience
// Videos should start playing once once the gallery is completely loaded
var _speed = isFirstSlide &&
this.getSlideType(currentGalleryItem) === 'video' &&
? speed
: 0;
setTimeout(function () {
$currentSlide.addClass('lg-complete lg-complete_');
_this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.slideItemLoad, {
index: index,
delay: delay || 0,
isFirstSlide: isFirstSlide,
}, _speed);
LightGallery.prototype.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation = function () {
return !!(!this.lGalleryOn &&
this.zoomFromOrigin &&
// Add video slideInfo
LightGallery.prototype.addSlideVideoInfo = function (items) {
var _this = this;
items.forEach(function (element, index) {
element.__slideVideoInfo = utils.isVideo(element.src, !!element.video, index);
if (element.__slideVideoInfo &&
_this.settings.loadYouTubePoster &&
!element.poster &&
element.__slideVideoInfo.youtube) {
element.poster = "//img.youtube.com/vi/" + element.__slideVideoInfo.youtube[1] + "/maxresdefault.jpg";
* Load slide content into slide.
* This is used to load content into slides that is not visible too
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide.
* @param {Boolean} rec - if true call loadcontent() function again.
LightGallery.prototype.loadContent = function (index, rec) {
var _this = this;
var currentGalleryItem = this.galleryItems[index];
var $currentSlide = $LG(this.getSlideItemId(index));
var poster = currentGalleryItem.poster, srcset = currentGalleryItem.srcset, sizes = currentGalleryItem.sizes, sources = currentGalleryItem.sources;
var src = currentGalleryItem.src;
var video = currentGalleryItem.video;
var _html5Video = video && typeof video === 'string' ? JSON.parse(video) : video;
if (currentGalleryItem.responsive) {
var srcDyItms = currentGalleryItem.responsive.split(',');
src = utils.getResponsiveSrc(srcDyItms) || src;
var videoInfo = currentGalleryItem.__slideVideoInfo;
var lgVideoStyle = '';
var iframe = !!currentGalleryItem.iframe;
var isFirstSlide = !this.lGalleryOn;
// delay for adding complete class. it is 0 except first time.
var delay = 0;
if (isFirstSlide) {
if (this.zoomFromOrigin && this.currentImageSize) {
delay = this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 10;
else {
delay = this.settings.backdropDuration + 10;
if (!$currentSlide.hasClass('lg-loaded')) {
if (videoInfo) {
var _a = this.mediaContainerPosition, top_2 = _a.top, bottom = _a.bottom;
var videoSize = utils.getSize(this.items[index], this.outer, top_2 + bottom, videoInfo && this.settings.videoMaxSize);
lgVideoStyle = this.getVideoContStyle(videoSize);
if (iframe) {
var markup = utils.getIframeMarkup(this.settings.iframeWidth, this.settings.iframeHeight, this.settings.iframeMaxWidth, this.settings.iframeMaxHeight, src, currentGalleryItem.iframeTitle);
else if (poster) {
var dummyImg = '';
var hasStartAnimation = isFirstSlide &&
this.zoomFromOrigin &&
if (hasStartAnimation) {
dummyImg = this.getDummyImageContent($currentSlide, index, '');
var markup = utils.getVideoPosterMarkup(poster, dummyImg || '', lgVideoStyle, this.settings.strings['playVideo'], videoInfo);
else if (videoInfo) {
var markup = "";
else {
this.setImgMarkup(src, $currentSlide, index);
if (srcset || sources) {
var $img = $currentSlide.find('.lg-object');
if (poster || videoInfo) {
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.hasVideo, {
index: index,
src: src,
html5Video: _html5Video,
hasPoster: !!poster,
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.afterAppendSlide, { index: index });
if (this.lGalleryOn &&
this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo === '.lg-item') {
// For first time add some delay for displaying the start animation.
var _speed = 0;
// Do not change the delay value because it is required for zoom plugin.
// If gallery opened from direct url (hash) speed value should be 0
if (delay && !$LG(document.body).hasClass('lg-from-hash')) {
_speed = delay;
// Only for first slide and zoomFromOrigin is enabled
if (this.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation()) {
setTimeout(function () {
.removeClass('lg-start-end-progress lg-start-progress')
}, this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 100);
if (!$currentSlide.hasClass('lg-loaded')) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.getSlideType(currentGalleryItem) === 'image') {
var alt = currentGalleryItem.alt;
var altAttr = alt ? 'alt="' + alt + '"' : '';
.append(utils.getImgMarkup(index, src, altAttr, srcset, sizes, currentGalleryItem.sources));
if (srcset || sources) {
var $img = $currentSlide.find('.lg-object');
if (_this.getSlideType(currentGalleryItem) === 'image' ||
(_this.getSlideType(currentGalleryItem) === 'video' &&
poster)) {
_this.onLgObjectLoad($currentSlide, index, delay, _speed, true, false);
// load remaining slides once the slide is completely loaded
_this.onSlideObjectLoad($currentSlide, !!(videoInfo && videoInfo.html5 && !poster), function () {
_this.loadContentOnFirstSlideLoad(index, $currentSlide, _speed);
}, function () {
_this.loadContentOnFirstSlideLoad(index, $currentSlide, _speed);
}, this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 100);
// SLide content has been added to dom
if (!this.isFirstSlideWithZoomAnimation() ||
(this.getSlideType(currentGalleryItem) === 'video' && !poster)) {
this.onLgObjectLoad($currentSlide, index, delay, _speed, isFirstSlide, !!(videoInfo && videoInfo.html5 && !poster));
// When gallery is opened once content is loaded (second time) need to add lg-complete class for css styling
if ((!this.zoomFromOrigin || !this.currentImageSize) &&
$currentSlide.hasClass('lg-complete_') &&
!this.lGalleryOn) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, this.settings.backdropDuration);
// Content loaded
// Need to set lGalleryOn before calling preload function
this.lGalleryOn = true;
if (rec === true) {
if (!$currentSlide.hasClass('lg-complete_')) {
.on('load.lg error.lg', function () {
else {
* @desc Remove dummy image content and load next slides
* Called only for the first time if zoomFromOrigin animation is enabled
* @param index
* @param $currentSlide
* @param speed
LightGallery.prototype.loadContentOnFirstSlideLoad = function (index, $currentSlide, speed) {
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function () {
_this.isDummyImageRemoved = true;
}, speed + 300);
LightGallery.prototype.getItemsToBeInsertedToDom = function (index, prevIndex, numberOfItems) {
var _this = this;
if (numberOfItems === void 0) { numberOfItems = 0; }
var itemsToBeInsertedToDom = [];
// Minimum 2 items should be there
var possibleNumberOfItems = Math.max(numberOfItems, 3);
possibleNumberOfItems = Math.min(possibleNumberOfItems, this.galleryItems.length);
var prevIndexItem = "lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + prevIndex;
if (this.galleryItems.length <= 3) {
this.galleryItems.forEach(function (_element, index) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + _this.lgId + "-" + index);
return itemsToBeInsertedToDom;
if (index < (this.galleryItems.length - 1) / 2) {
for (var idx = index; idx > index - possibleNumberOfItems / 2 && idx >= 0; idx--) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + idx);
var numberOfExistingItems = itemsToBeInsertedToDom.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx < possibleNumberOfItems - numberOfExistingItems; idx++) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + (index + idx + 1));
else {
for (var idx = index; idx <= this.galleryItems.length - 1 &&
idx < index + possibleNumberOfItems / 2; idx++) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + idx);
var numberOfExistingItems = itemsToBeInsertedToDom.length;
for (var idx = 0; idx < possibleNumberOfItems - numberOfExistingItems; idx++) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + (index - idx - 1));
if (this.settings.loop) {
if (index === this.galleryItems.length - 1) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + 0);
else if (index === 0) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + (this.galleryItems.length - 1));
if (itemsToBeInsertedToDom.indexOf(prevIndexItem) === -1) {
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.push("lg-item-" + this.lgId + "-" + prevIndex);
return itemsToBeInsertedToDom;
LightGallery.prototype.organizeSlideItems = function (index, prevIndex) {
var _this = this;
var itemsToBeInsertedToDom = this.getItemsToBeInsertedToDom(index, prevIndex, this.settings.numberOfSlideItemsInDom);
itemsToBeInsertedToDom.forEach(function (item) {
if (_this.currentItemsInDom.indexOf(item) === -1) {
this.currentItemsInDom.forEach(function (item) {
if (itemsToBeInsertedToDom.indexOf(item) === -1) {
$LG("#" + item).remove();
return itemsToBeInsertedToDom;
* Get previous index of the slide
LightGallery.prototype.getPreviousSlideIndex = function () {
var prevIndex = 0;
try {
var currentItemId = this.outer
prevIndex = parseInt(currentItemId.split('-')[3]) || 0;
catch (error) {
prevIndex = 0;
return prevIndex;
LightGallery.prototype.setDownloadValue = function (index) {
if (this.settings.download) {
var currentGalleryItem = this.galleryItems[index];
var hideDownloadBtn = currentGalleryItem.downloadUrl === false ||
currentGalleryItem.downloadUrl === 'false';
if (hideDownloadBtn) {
else {
var $download = this.getElementById('lg-download');
$download.attr('href', currentGalleryItem.downloadUrl ||
if (currentGalleryItem.download) {
$download.attr('download', currentGalleryItem.download);
LightGallery.prototype.makeSlideAnimation = function (direction, currentSlideItem, previousSlideItem) {
var _this = this;
if (this.lGalleryOn) {
setTimeout(function () {
// remove all transitions
.removeClass('lg-prev-slide lg-next-slide');
if (direction === 'prev') {
else {
// next slide
// give 50 ms for browser to add/remove class
setTimeout(function () {
// reset all transitions
}, 50);
}, this.lGalleryOn ? this.settings.slideDelay : 0);
* Goto a specific slide.
* @param {Number} index - index of the slide
* @param {Boolean} fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event or mouse drag
* @param {Boolean} fromThumb - true if slide function called via thumbnail click
* @param {String} direction - Direction of the slide(next/prev)
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery();
* // to go to 3rd slide
* plugin.slide(2);
LightGallery.prototype.slide = function (index, fromTouch, fromThumb, direction) {
var _this = this;
var prevIndex = this.getPreviousSlideIndex();
this.currentItemsInDom = this.organizeSlideItems(index, prevIndex);
// Prevent multiple call, Required for hsh plugin
if (this.lGalleryOn && prevIndex === index) {
var numberOfGalleryItems = this.galleryItems.length;
if (!this.lgBusy) {
if (this.settings.counter) {
var currentSlideItem = this.getSlideItem(index);
var previousSlideItem_1 = this.getSlideItem(prevIndex);
var currentGalleryItem = this.galleryItems[index];
var videoInfo = currentGalleryItem.__slideVideoInfo;
this.outer.attr('data-lg-slide-type', this.getSlideType(currentGalleryItem));
if (videoInfo) {
var _a = this.mediaContainerPosition, top_3 = _a.top, bottom = _a.bottom;
var videoSize = utils.getSize(this.items[index], this.outer, top_3 + bottom, videoInfo && this.settings.videoMaxSize);
this.resizeVideoSlide(index, videoSize);
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.beforeSlide, {
prevIndex: prevIndex,
index: index,
fromTouch: !!fromTouch,
fromThumb: !!fromThumb,
this.lgBusy = true;
if (!direction) {
if (index < prevIndex) {
direction = 'prev';
else if (index > prevIndex) {
direction = 'next';
if (!fromTouch) {
this.makeSlideAnimation(direction, currentSlideItem, previousSlideItem_1);
else {
.removeClass('lg-prev-slide lg-current lg-next-slide');
var touchPrev = void 0;
var touchNext = void 0;
if (numberOfGalleryItems > 2) {
touchPrev = index - 1;
touchNext = index + 1;
if (index === 0 && prevIndex === numberOfGalleryItems - 1) {
// next slide
touchNext = 0;
touchPrev = numberOfGalleryItems - 1;
else if (index === numberOfGalleryItems - 1 &&
prevIndex === 0) {
// prev slide
touchNext = 0;
touchPrev = numberOfGalleryItems - 1;
else {
touchPrev = 0;
touchNext = 1;
if (direction === 'prev') {
else {
// Do not put load content in set timeout as it needs to load immediately when the gallery is opened
if (!this.lGalleryOn) {
this.loadContent(index, true);
else {
setTimeout(function () {
_this.loadContent(index, true);
// Add title if this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo === lg-sub-html
if (_this.settings.appendSubHtmlTo !== '.lg-item') {
}, this.settings.speed + 50 + (fromTouch ? 0 : this.settings.slideDelay));
setTimeout(function () {
_this.lgBusy = false;
_this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.afterSlide, {
prevIndex: prevIndex,
index: index,
fromTouch: fromTouch,
fromThumb: fromThumb,
}, (this.lGalleryOn ? this.settings.speed + 100 : 100) + (fromTouch ? 0 : this.settings.slideDelay));
this.index = index;
LightGallery.prototype.updateCurrentCounter = function (index) {
this.getElementById('lg-counter-current').html(index + 1 + '');
LightGallery.prototype.updateCounterTotal = function () {
this.getElementById('lg-counter-all').html(this.galleryItems.length + '');
LightGallery.prototype.getSlideType = function (item) {
if (item.__slideVideoInfo) {
return 'video';
else if (item.iframe) {
return 'iframe';
else {
return 'image';
LightGallery.prototype.touchMove = function (startCoords, endCoords, e) {
var distanceX = endCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX;
var distanceY = endCoords.pageY - startCoords.pageY;
var allowSwipe = false;
if (this.swipeDirection) {
allowSwipe = true;
else {
if (Math.abs(distanceX) > 15) {
this.swipeDirection = 'horizontal';
allowSwipe = true;
else if (Math.abs(distanceY) > 15) {
this.swipeDirection = 'vertical';
allowSwipe = true;
if (!allowSwipe) {
var $currentSlide = this.getSlideItem(this.index);
if (this.swipeDirection === 'horizontal') {
e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.preventDefault();
// reset opacity and transition duration
// move current slide
this.setTranslate($currentSlide, distanceX, 0);
// move next and prev slide with current slide
var width = $currentSlide.get().offsetWidth;
var slideWidthAmount = (width * 15) / 100;
var gutter = slideWidthAmount - Math.abs((distanceX * 10) / 100);
this.setTranslate(this.outer.find('.lg-prev-slide').first(), -width + distanceX - gutter, 0);
this.setTranslate(this.outer.find('.lg-next-slide').first(), width + distanceX + gutter, 0);
else if (this.swipeDirection === 'vertical') {
if (this.settings.swipeToClose) {
e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.preventDefault();
var opacity = 1 - Math.abs(distanceY) / window.innerHeight;
this.$backdrop.css('opacity', opacity);
var scale = 1 - Math.abs(distanceY) / (window.innerWidth * 2);
this.setTranslate($currentSlide, 0, distanceY, scale, scale);
if (Math.abs(distanceY) > 100) {
LightGallery.prototype.touchEnd = function (endCoords, startCoords, event) {
var _this = this;
var distance;
// keep slide animation for any mode while dragg/swipe
if (this.settings.mode !== 'lg-slide') {
// set transition duration
setTimeout(function () {
.removeClass('lg-dragging lg-hide-items')
var triggerClick = true;
if (_this.swipeDirection === 'horizontal') {
distance = endCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX;
var distanceAbs = Math.abs(endCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX);
if (distance < 0 &&
distanceAbs > _this.settings.swipeThreshold) {
triggerClick = false;
else if (distance > 0 &&
distanceAbs > _this.settings.swipeThreshold) {
triggerClick = false;
else if (_this.swipeDirection === 'vertical') {
distance = Math.abs(endCoords.pageY - startCoords.pageY);
if (_this.settings.closable &&
_this.settings.swipeToClose &&
distance > 100) {
else {
_this.$backdrop.css('opacity', 1);
if (triggerClick &&
Math.abs(endCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX) < 5) {
// Trigger click if distance is less than 5 pix
var target = $LG(event.target);
if (_this.isPosterElement(target)) {
_this.swipeDirection = undefined;
// remove slide class once drag/swipe is completed if mode is not slide
setTimeout(function () {
if (!_this.outer.hasClass('lg-dragging') &&
_this.settings.mode !== 'lg-slide') {
}, this.settings.speed + 100);
LightGallery.prototype.enableSwipe = function () {
var _this = this;
var startCoords = {};
var endCoords = {};
var isMoved = false;
var isSwiping = false;
if (this.settings.enableSwipe) {
this.$inner.on('touchstart.lg', function (e) {
_this.dragOrSwipeEnabled = true;
var $item = _this.getSlideItem(_this.index);
if (($LG(e.target).hasClass('lg-item') ||
$item.get().contains(e.target)) &&
!_this.outer.hasClass('lg-zoomed') &&
!_this.lgBusy &&
e.touches.length === 1) {
isSwiping = true;
_this.touchAction = 'swipe';
startCoords = {
pageX: e.touches[0].pageX,
pageY: e.touches[0].pageY,
this.$inner.on('touchmove.lg', function (e) {
if (isSwiping &&
_this.touchAction === 'swipe' &&
e.touches.length === 1) {
endCoords = {
pageX: e.touches[0].pageX,
pageY: e.touches[0].pageY,
_this.touchMove(startCoords, endCoords, e);
isMoved = true;
this.$inner.on('touchend.lg', function (event) {
if (_this.touchAction === 'swipe') {
if (isMoved) {
isMoved = false;
_this.touchEnd(endCoords, startCoords, event);
else if (isSwiping) {
var target = $LG(event.target);
if (_this.isPosterElement(target)) {
_this.touchAction = undefined;
isSwiping = false;
LightGallery.prototype.enableDrag = function () {
var _this = this;
var startCoords = {};
var endCoords = {};
var isDraging = false;
var isMoved = false;
if (this.settings.enableDrag) {
this.outer.on('mousedown.lg', function (e) {
_this.dragOrSwipeEnabled = true;
var $item = _this.getSlideItem(_this.index);
if ($LG(e.target).hasClass('lg-item') ||
$item.get().contains(e.target)) {
if (!_this.outer.hasClass('lg-zoomed') && !_this.lgBusy) {
if (!_this.lgBusy) {
startCoords = {
pageX: e.pageX,
pageY: e.pageY,
isDraging = true;
// ** Fix for webkit cursor issue https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=26723
_this.outer.get().scrollLeft += 1;
_this.outer.get().scrollLeft -= 1;
// *
$LG(window).on("mousemove.lg.global" + this.lgId, function (e) {
if (isDraging && _this.lgOpened) {
isMoved = true;
endCoords = {
pageX: e.pageX,
pageY: e.pageY,
_this.touchMove(startCoords, endCoords);
$LG(window).on("mouseup.lg.global" + this.lgId, function (event) {
if (!_this.lgOpened) {
var target = $LG(event.target);
if (isMoved) {
isMoved = false;
_this.touchEnd(endCoords, startCoords, event);
else if (_this.isPosterElement(target)) {
// Prevent execution on click
if (isDraging) {
isDraging = false;
LightGallery.prototype.triggerPosterClick = function () {
var _this = this;
this.$inner.on('click.lg', function (event) {
if (!_this.dragOrSwipeEnabled &&
_this.isPosterElement($LG(event.target))) {
LightGallery.prototype.manageSwipeClass = function () {
var _touchNext = this.index + 1;
var _touchPrev = this.index - 1;
if (this.settings.loop && this.galleryItems.length > 2) {
if (this.index === 0) {
_touchPrev = this.galleryItems.length - 1;
else if (this.index === this.galleryItems.length - 1) {
_touchNext = 0;
this.outer.find('.lg-item').removeClass('lg-next-slide lg-prev-slide');
if (_touchPrev > -1) {
* Go to next slide
* @param {Boolean} fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery();
* plugin.goToNextSlide();
* @see Demo
LightGallery.prototype.goToNextSlide = function (fromTouch) {
var _this = this;
var _loop = this.settings.loop;
if (fromTouch && this.galleryItems.length < 3) {
_loop = false;
if (!this.lgBusy) {
if (this.index + 1 < this.galleryItems.length) {
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.beforeNextSlide, {
index: this.index,
this.slide(this.index, !!fromTouch, false, 'next');
else {
if (_loop) {
this.index = 0;
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.beforeNextSlide, {
index: this.index,
this.slide(this.index, !!fromTouch, false, 'next');
else if (this.settings.slideEndAnimation && !fromTouch) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
* Go to previous slides
* @param {Boolean} fromTouch - true if slide function called via touch event
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery({});
* plugin.goToPrevSlide();
* @see Demo
LightGallery.prototype.goToPrevSlide = function (fromTouch) {
var _this = this;
var _loop = this.settings.loop;
if (fromTouch && this.galleryItems.length < 3) {
_loop = false;
if (!this.lgBusy) {
if (this.index > 0) {
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.beforePrevSlide, {
index: this.index,
fromTouch: fromTouch,
this.slide(this.index, !!fromTouch, false, 'prev');
else {
if (_loop) {
this.index = this.galleryItems.length - 1;
this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.beforePrevSlide, {
index: this.index,
fromTouch: fromTouch,
this.slide(this.index, !!fromTouch, false, 'prev');
else if (this.settings.slideEndAnimation && !fromTouch) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
LightGallery.prototype.keyPress = function () {
var _this = this;
$LG(window).on("keydown.lg.global" + this.lgId, function (e) {
if (_this.lgOpened &&
_this.settings.escKey === true &&
e.keyCode === 27) {
if (_this.settings.allowMediaOverlap &&
_this.outer.hasClass('lg-can-toggle') &&
_this.outer.hasClass('lg-components-open')) {
else {
if (_this.lgOpened && _this.galleryItems.length > 1) {
if (e.keyCode === 37) {
if (e.keyCode === 39) {
LightGallery.prototype.arrow = function () {
var _this = this;
this.getElementById('lg-prev').on('click.lg', function () {
this.getElementById('lg-next').on('click.lg', function () {
LightGallery.prototype.arrowDisable = function (index) {
// Disable arrows if settings.hideControlOnEnd is true
if (!this.settings.loop && this.settings.hideControlOnEnd) {
var $prev = this.getElementById('lg-prev');
var $next = this.getElementById('lg-next');
if (index + 1 === this.galleryItems.length) {
$next.attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled');
else {
if (index === 0) {
$prev.attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('disabled');
else {
LightGallery.prototype.setTranslate = function ($el, xValue, yValue, scaleX, scaleY) {
if (scaleX === void 0) { scaleX = 1; }
if (scaleY === void 0) { scaleY = 1; }
$el.css('transform', 'translate3d(' +
xValue +
'px, ' +
yValue +
'px, 0px) scale3d(' +
scaleX +
', ' +
scaleY +
', 1)');
LightGallery.prototype.mousewheel = function () {
var _this = this;
var lastCall = 0;
this.outer.on('wheel.lg', function (e) {
if (!e.deltaY || _this.galleryItems.length < 2) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (now - lastCall < 1000) {
lastCall = now;
if (e.deltaY > 0) {
else if (e.deltaY < 0) {
LightGallery.prototype.isSlideElement = function (target) {
return (target.hasClass('lg-outer') ||
target.hasClass('lg-item') ||
LightGallery.prototype.isPosterElement = function (target) {
var playButton = this.getSlideItem(this.index)
return (target.hasClass('lg-video-poster') ||
target.hasClass('lg-video-play-button') ||
(playButton && playButton.contains(target.get())));
* Maximize minimize inline gallery.
* @category lGPublicMethods
LightGallery.prototype.toggleMaximize = function () {
var _this = this;
this.getElementById('lg-maximize').on('click.lg', function () {
LightGallery.prototype.invalidateItems = function () {
for (var index = 0; index < this.items.length; index++) {
var element = this.items[index];
var $element = $LG(element);
$element.off("click.lgcustom-item-" + $element.attr('data-lg-id'));
LightGallery.prototype.trapFocus = function () {
var _this = this;
preventScroll: true,
$LG(window).on("keydown.lg.global" + this.lgId, function (e) {
if (!_this.lgOpened) {
var isTabPressed = e.key === 'Tab' || e.keyCode === 9;
if (!isTabPressed) {
var focusableEls = utils.getFocusableElements(_this.$container.get());
var firstFocusableEl = focusableEls[0];
var lastFocusableEl = focusableEls[focusableEls.length - 1];
if (e.shiftKey) {
if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableEl) {
else {
if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableEl) {
LightGallery.prototype.manageCloseGallery = function () {
var _this = this;
if (!this.settings.closable)
var mousedown = false;
this.getElementById('lg-close').on('click.lg', function () {
if (this.settings.closeOnTap) {
// If you drag the slide and release outside gallery gets close on chrome
// for preventing this check mousedown and mouseup happened on .lg-item or lg-outer
this.outer.on('mousedown.lg', function (e) {
var target = $LG(e.target);
if (_this.isSlideElement(target)) {
mousedown = true;
else {
mousedown = false;
this.outer.on('mousemove.lg', function () {
mousedown = false;
this.outer.on('mouseup.lg', function (e) {
var target = $LG(e.target);
if (_this.isSlideElement(target) && mousedown) {
if (!_this.outer.hasClass('lg-dragging')) {
* Close lightGallery if it is opened.
* @description If closable is false in the settings, you need to pass true via closeGallery method to force close gallery
* @return returns the estimated time to close gallery completely including the close animation duration
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery();
* plugin.closeGallery();
LightGallery.prototype.closeGallery = function (force) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.lgOpened || (!this.settings.closable && !force)) {
return 0;
if (this.settings.resetScrollPosition && !this.settings.hideScrollbar) {
var currentItem = this.items[this.index];
var transform;
if (this.zoomFromOrigin && currentItem) {
var _a = this.mediaContainerPosition, top_4 = _a.top, bottom = _a.bottom;
var _b = this.galleryItems[this.index], __slideVideoInfo = _b.__slideVideoInfo, poster = _b.poster;
var imageSize = utils.getSize(currentItem, this.outer, top_4 + bottom, __slideVideoInfo && poster && this.settings.videoMaxSize);
transform = utils.getTransform(currentItem, this.outer, top_4, bottom, imageSize);
if (this.zoomFromOrigin && transform) {
this.outer.addClass('lg-closing lg-zoom-from-image');
.css('transition-duration', this.settings.startAnimationDuration + 'ms')
.css('transform', transform);
else {
// lg-zoom-from-image is used for setting the opacity to 1 if zoomFromOrigin is true
// If the closing item doesn't have the lg-size attribute, remove this class to avoid the closing css conflicts
// Unbind all events added by lightGallery
// @todo
this.lGalleryOn = false;
this.isDummyImageRemoved = false;
this.zoomFromOrigin = this.settings.zoomFromOrigin;
this.hideBarTimeout = false;
this.outer.removeClass('lg-visible lg-components-open');
// Resetting opacity to 0 isd required as vertical swipe to close function adds inline opacity.
this.$backdrop.removeClass('in').css('opacity', 0);
var removeTimeout = this.zoomFromOrigin && transform
? Math.max(this.settings.startAnimationDuration, this.settings.backdropDuration)
: this.settings.backdropDuration;
// Once the closign animation is completed and gallery is invisible
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.zoomFromOrigin && transform) {
// Reset scrollbar
// Need to remove inline opacity as it is used in the stylesheet as well
.css('transition-duration', _this.settings.backdropDuration + 'ms');
_this.outer.removeClass("lg-closing " + _this.settings.startClass);
if (_this.lgOpened) {
_this.LGel.trigger(lGEvents.afterClose, {
instance: _this,
if (_this.$container.get()) {
_this.lgOpened = false;
}, removeTimeout + 100);
return removeTimeout + 100;
LightGallery.prototype.initModules = function () {
this.plugins.forEach(function (module) {
try {
catch (err) {
console.warn("lightGallery:- make sure lightGallery module is properly initiated");
LightGallery.prototype.destroyModules = function (destroy) {
this.plugins.forEach(function (module) {
try {
if (destroy) {
else {
module.closeGallery && module.closeGallery();
catch (err) {
console.warn("lightGallery:- make sure lightGallery module is properly destroyed");
* Refresh lightGallery with new set of children.
* @description This is useful to update the gallery when the child elements are changed without calling destroy method.
* If you are using dynamic mode, you can pass the modified array of dynamicEl as the first parameter to refresh the dynamic gallery
* @see Demo
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery();
* // Delete or add children, then call
* plugin.refresh();
LightGallery.prototype.refresh = function (galleryItems) {
if (!this.settings.dynamic) {
if (galleryItems) {
this.galleryItems = galleryItems;
else {
this.galleryItems = this.getItems();
LightGallery.prototype.updateControls = function () {
LightGallery.prototype.destroyGallery = function () {
if (!this.settings.dynamic) {
$LG(window).off(".lg.global" + this.lgId);
* Destroy lightGallery.
* Destroy lightGallery and its plugin instances completely
* @description This method also calls CloseGallery function internally. Returns the time takes to completely close and destroy the instance.
* In case if you want to re-initialize lightGallery right after destroying it, initialize it only once the destroy process is completed.
* You can use refresh method most of the times.
* @category lGPublicMethods
* @example
* const plugin = lightGallery();
* plugin.destroy();
LightGallery.prototype.destroy = function () {
var closeTimeout = this.closeGallery(true);
if (closeTimeout) {
setTimeout(this.destroyGallery.bind(this), closeTimeout);
else {
return closeTimeout;
return LightGallery;
function lightGallery(el, options) {
return new LightGallery(el, options);
return lightGallery;