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E E EexitENavigating PryEPop the previous binding.Ep Usage: exit [OPTIONS] [--help] Aliases: quit Pop the previous binding (does NOT exit program). It can be useful to exit a context with a user-provided value. For instance an exit value can be used to determine program flow. exit "pry this" exit  EprocessE exit-all Eprocess_pop_and_returnEself)EquitEPryECommandE ClassCommandEExitE_pry_E binding_stackEone?E arg_stringE run_commandE popped_objectEpopEevalEempty?EtargetEmatchEgroupE descriptionEbannerEcore#define_methodEcommand_optionsECommandsE add_commandE alias_commandE keep_retval(Bax .E`'H_w<_{