# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#has_text?' do it 'should be true if the given text is on the page at least once' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text('est') expect(@session).to have_text('Lorem') expect(@session).to have_text('Redirect') expect(@session).to have_text(:Redirect) end it 'should be true if scoped to an element which has the text' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect(@session).to have_text('labore') end end it 'should be false if scoped to an element which does not have the text' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect(@session).not_to have_text('monkey') end end it 'should ignore tags' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_text('exercitation ullamco laboris') expect(@session).to have_text('exercitation ullamco laboris') end it 'should search correctly normalized text' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text('text with whitespace') end it 'should search whitespace collapsed text' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text('text with whitespace', normalize_ws: true) end context 'with enabled default collapsing whitespace' do before { Capybara.default_normalize_ws = true } it 'should search unnormalized text' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text('text with whitespace', normalize_ws: false) end it 'should search whitespace collapsed text' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text('text with whitespace') end end it 'should be false if the given text is not on the page' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_text('xxxxyzzz') expect(@session).not_to have_text('monkey') end it 'should handle single quotes in the text' do @session.visit('/with-quotes') expect(@session).to have_text("can't") end it 'should handle double quotes in the text' do @session.visit('/with-quotes') expect(@session).to have_text('"No," he said') end it 'should handle mixed single and double quotes in the text' do @session.visit('/with-quotes') expect(@session).to have_text(%q("you can't do that.")) end it 'should be false if text is in the title tag in the head' do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session).not_to have_text('with_js') end it 'should be false if text is inside a script tag in the body' do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session).not_to have_text('a javascript comment') expect(@session).not_to have_text('aVar') end it 'should be false if the given text is on the page but not visible' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_text('Inside element with hidden ancestor') end it 'should be true if :all given and text is invisible.' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text(:all, 'Some of this text is hidden!') end it 'should be true if `Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false` and text is invisible.' do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text('Some of this text is hidden!') end it 'should be true if the text in the page matches given regexp' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text(/Lorem/) end it "should be false if the text in the page doesn't match given regexp" do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_text(/xxxxyzzz/) end context 'with object implementing to_s and to_hash' do it 'should work if the object is passed alone' do with_to_hash = Class.new do def to_s; '42' end def to_hash; { value: 'Other hash' } end end.new @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text(with_to_hash) end it 'should work if passed with empty options' do with_to_hash = Class.new do def to_s; '42' end def to_hash; { value: 'Other hash' } end end.new @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text(:visible, with_to_hash, **{}) end end context 'with exact: true option' do it 'should be true if text matches exactly' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.find(:id, 'h2one')).to have_text('Header Class Test One', exact: true) end it "should be false if text doesn't match exactly" do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.find(:id, 'h2one')).not_to have_text('Header Class Test On', exact: true) end end it 'should escape any characters that would have special meaning in a regexp' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_text('.orem') end it 'should accept non-string parameters' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text(42) end it 'should be true when passed nil' do # nil is converted to '' when to_s is invoked @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_text(nil) end it 'should warn when passed nil' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect_any_instance_of(Kernel).to receive(:warn).with(/Checking for expected text of nil is confusing/) # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance expect(@session).to have_text(nil) end it 'should wait for text to appear', requires: [:js] do Capybara.using_wait_time(3) do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') expect(@session).to have_text('Has been clicked') end end context 'with between' do it 'should be true if the text occurs within the range given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', between: 1..3) expect(@session).to have_text(/count/, between: 2..2) end it 'should be false if the text occurs more or fewer times than range' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', between: 0..1) expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', between: 3..10) expect(@session).not_to have_text(/count/, between: 2...2) end end context 'with count' do it 'should be true if the text occurs the given number of times' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', count: 2) expect(@session).to have_text('count').exactly(2).times end it 'should be false if the text occurs a different number of times than the given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', count: 0) expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', count: 1) expect(@session).not_to have_text('count').once expect(@session).not_to have_text(/count/, count: 3) end it 'should coerce count to an integer' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', count: '2') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', count: '3') end end context 'with maximum' do it 'should be true when text occurs same or fewer times than given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', maximum: 2) expect(@session).to have_text('count').at_most(2).times expect(@session).to have_text(/count/, maximum: 3) end it 'should be false when text occurs more times than given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', maximum: 1) expect(@session).not_to have_text('count').at_most(1).times expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', maximum: 0) end it 'should coerce maximum to an integer' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', maximum: '2') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', maximum: '1') end end context 'with minimum' do it 'should be true when text occurs same or more times than given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', minimum: 2) expect(@session).to have_text('count').at_least(2).times expect(@session).to have_text(/count/, minimum: 0) end it 'should be false when text occurs fewer times than given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', minimum: 3) expect(@session).not_to have_text('count').at_least(3).times end it 'should coerce minimum to an integer' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session).to have_text('count', minimum: '2') expect(@session).not_to have_text('count', minimum: '3') end end context 'with wait', requires: [:js] do it 'should find element if it appears before given wait duration' do Capybara.using_wait_time(0.1) do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') expect(@session).to have_text('Has been clicked', wait: 3) end end end it 'should raise an error if an invalid option is passed' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do expect(@session).to have_text('Lorem', invalid: true) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#has_no_text?' do it 'should be false if the given text is on the page at least once' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('est') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('Lorem') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('Redirect') end it 'should be false if scoped to an element which has the text' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('labore') end end it 'should be true if scoped to an element which does not have the text' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect(@session).to have_no_text('monkey') end end it 'should ignore tags' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_no_text('exercitation ullamco laboris') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('exercitation ullamco laboris') end it 'should be true if the given text is not on the page' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_no_text('xxxxyzzz') expect(@session).to have_no_text('monkey') end it 'should handle single quotes in the text' do @session.visit('/with-quotes') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text("can't") end it 'should handle double quotes in the text' do @session.visit('/with-quotes') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('"No," he said') end it 'should handle mixed single and double quotes in the text' do @session.visit('/with-quotes') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text(%q("you can't do that.")) end it 'should be true if text is in the title tag in the head' do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session).to have_no_text('with_js') end it 'should be true if text is inside a script tag in the body' do @session.visit('/with_js') expect(@session).to have_no_text('a javascript comment') expect(@session).to have_no_text('aVar') end it 'should be true if the given text is on the page but not visible' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_no_text('Inside element with hidden ancestor') end it 'should be false if :all given and text is invisible.' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text(:all, 'Some of this text is hidden!') end it 'should be false if `Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false` and text is invisible.' do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text('Some of this text is hidden!') end it "should be true if the text in the page doesn't match given regexp" do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_no_text(/xxxxyzzz/) end it 'should be false if the text in the page matches given regexp' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).not_to have_no_text(/Lorem/) end it 'should escape any characters that would have special meaning in a regexp' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session).to have_no_text('.orem') end it 'should wait for text to disappear', requires: [:js] do Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 2 @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') expect(@session).to have_no_text('I changed it') end context 'with wait', requires: [:js] do it 'should not find element if it appears after given wait duration' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') expect(@session).to have_no_text('Has been clicked', wait: 0.05) end end end