module Hydra #:nodoc: # Trace output when in verbose mode. module Trace module ClassMethods # Make a class traceable. Takes one parameter, # which is the prefix for the trace to identify this class def traceable(prefix = self.class.to_s) include Hydra::Trace::InstanceMethods class << self; attr_accessor :_traceable_prefix; end self._traceable_prefix = prefix $stdout.sync = true end end module InstanceMethods # Trace some output with the class's prefix and a newline. # Checks to ensure we're running verbosely. def trace(str) $stdout.write "#{} #{self.class._traceable_prefix}| #{str}\n" if @verbose prefix = self.class._traceable_prefix.upcase unless (prefix == 'MASTER' || prefix == 'SYNC') $stdout.write "\n" end end end end end Object.extend(Hydra::Trace::ClassMethods)