require 'spec_helper' # This integration test uses some environment variables to configure which # Artifactory server to talk to, as there is no ArtifactoryZero to test against. # If those aren't present, we skip the tests. # # $TEST_STOVE_ARTIFACTORY - URL to the Chef virtual repository. # $TEST_STOVE_ARTIFACTORY_REAL - URL to the non-virtual repository. # $TEST_STOVE_ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY - API key to use. describe 'artifactory integration test', artifactory_integration: true do include RSpecCommand let(:upload_url) { ENV['TEST_STOVE_ARTIFACTORY'] } let(:delete_url) { ENV['TEST_STOVE_ARTIFACTORY_REAL'] } let(:api_key) { ENV['TEST_STOVE_ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY'] } around do |ex| WebMock.disable! request(:delete, "#{delete_url}/stove_integration_test") begin ensure request(:delete, "#{delete_url}/stove_integration_test") WebMock.enable! end end def request(method, url) uri = URI(url) req = Net::HTTP.const_get(method.to_s.capitalize).new(uri) req['X-Jfrog-Art-Api'] = api_key Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do |http| http.request(req) end end let(:upload) { JSON.parse(request(:get, "#{upload_url}/api/v1/cookbooks/stove_integration_test/versions/1.0.0").body) } describe 'help output' do command 'stove --help' its(:stdout) { include('--artifactory ').and(include('--artifactory-key ')) } end describe 'uploading a cookbook' do context 'with no key' do fixture_file 'integration_cookbook' command(nil, allow_error: true) { "stove --no-git --artifactory #{upload_url}" } it 'fails to upload' do expect(subject.exitstatus).to_not eq 0 expect(subject.stdout).to match /You did not specify and Artifactory API key/ end end context 'with $ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY' do before { _environment['ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY'] = api_key } fixture_file 'integration_cookbook' command { "stove --no-git --artifactory #{upload_url}" } it 'uploads the cookbook' do expect(subject.stdout).to eq '' expect(upload['version']).to eq '1.0.0' end end context 'with --artifactory-key=@key' do fixture_file 'integration_cookbook' file('key') { api_key } command { "stove --no-git --artifactory #{upload_url} --artifactory-key=@key" } it 'uploads the cookbook' do expect(subject.stdout).to eq '' expect(upload['version']).to eq '1.0.0' end end context 'with --artifactory-key=key' do fixture_file 'integration_cookbook' file('key') { api_key } # Using allow_error here so the command isn't shown if things fail. command(nil, allow_error: true) { "stove --no-git --artifactory #{upload_url} --artifactory-key=#{api_key}" } it 'uploads the cookbook' do expect(subject.stdout).to eq '' expect(subject.exitstatus).to eq 0 expect(upload['version']).to eq '1.0.0' end end end end