# require 'ffmprb/util/synchro' require 'ffmprb/util/thread' require 'ffmprb/util/threaded_io_buffer' require 'open3' module Ffmprb module Util class TimeLimitError < Error; end class << self attr_accessor :ffmpeg_cmd, :ffprobe_cmd attr_accessor :cmd_timeout def ffprobe(*args, limit: nil, timeout: cmd_timeout) sh *ffprobe_cmd, *args, limit: limit, timeout: timeout end def ffmpeg(*args, limit: nil, timeout: cmd_timeout, ignore_broken_pipe: false) args = ['-loglevel', 'debug'] + args if Ffmprb.debug sh *ffmpeg_cmd, *args, output: :stderr, limit: limit, timeout: timeout, ignore_broken_pipe: ignore_broken_pipe end def sh(*cmd, output: :stdout, log: :stderr, limit: nil, timeout: cmd_timeout, ignore_broken_pipe: false) cmd = cmd.map &:to_s unless cmd.size == 1 cmd_str = cmd.size != 1 ? cmd.map{|c| "\"#{c}\""}.join(' ') : cmd.first timeout = [timeout, limit].compact.min thr = Thread.new "`#{cmd_str}`" do Ffmprb.logger.info "Popening `#{cmd_str}`..." Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| begin stdin.close log_cmd = cmd.first.upcase if log stdout_r = Reader.new(stdout, output == :stdout, log == :stdout && log_cmd) stderr_r = Reader.new(stderr, true, log == :stderr && log_cmd) Thread.timeout_or_live(limit, log: "while waiting for `#{cmd_str}`", timeout: timeout) do |time| value = wait_thr.value status = value.exitstatus # NOTE blocking if status != 0 if ignore_broken_pipe && value.signaled? && value.termsig == Signal.list['PIPE'] Ffmprb.logger.debug "Ignoring broken pipe: #{cmd_str}" else fail Error, "#{cmd_str} (#{status || "sig##{value.termsig}"}):\n#{stderr_r.read}" end end end Ffmprb.logger.debug "FINISHED: #{cmd_str}" Thread.join_children! limit, timeout: timeout # NOTE only one of them will return non-nil, see above stdout_r.read || stderr_r.read ensure process_dead! wait_thr, cmd_str, limit end end end thr.value end protected def process_dead!(wait_thr, cmd_str, limit) grace = limit ? limit/4 : 1 return unless wait_thr.alive? # NOTE a simplistic attempt to gracefully terminate a child process # the successful completion is via exception... begin Ffmprb.logger.info "Sorry it came to this, but I'm terminating `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid})..." ::Process.kill 'TERM', wait_thr.pid sleep grace Ffmprb.logger.info "Very sorry it came to this, but I'm terminating `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid}) again..." ::Process.kill 'TERM', wait_thr.pid sleep grace Ffmprb.logger.warn "Die `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid}), die!.. (killing amok)" ::Process.kill 'KILL', wait_thr.pid sleep grace Ffmprb.logger.warn "Checking if `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid}) finally dead..." ::Process.kill 0, wait_thr.pid Ffmprb.logger.error "Still alive -- `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid}), giving up..." rescue Errno::ESRCH Ffmprb.logger.info "Apparently `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid}) is dead..." end fail Error, "System error or something: waiting for the thread running `#{cmd_str}`(#{wait_thr.pid})..." unless wait_thr.join limit end end class Reader < Thread def initialize(input, store=false, log=nil) @output = '' @queue = Queue.new super "reader" do begin while s = input.gets Ffmprb.logger.debug "#{log}: #{s.chomp}" if log @output << s if store end @queue.enq @output rescue Exception @queue.enq Error.new("Exception in a reader thread") end end end def read case res = @queue.deq when Exception fail res when '' nil else res end end end end end