#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2155 # Copyright (c) 2011 Float Mobile Learning # http://www.floatlearning.com/ # Extension Copyright (c) 2013 Weptun Gmbh # http://www.weptun.de # # Extended by Ronan O Ciosoig January 2012 # # Extended by Patrick Blitz, April 2013 # # Extended by John Turnipseed and Matthew Nespor, November 2014 # http://nanonation.net/ # # Extended by Nicolas Bachschmidt, October 2015 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Please let us know about any improvements you make to this script! # ./floatsign source "iPhone Distribution: Name" -p "path/to/profile" [-d "display name"] [-e entitlements] [-k keychain] [-b "BundleIdentifier"] outputIpa # # # Modifed 26th January 2012 # # new features January 2012: # 1. change the app display name # # new features April 2013 # 1. specify the target bundleId on the command line # 2. correctly handles entitlements for keychain-enabled resigning # # new features November 2014 # 1. now re-signs embedded iOS frameworks, if present, prior to re-signing the application itself # 2. extracts the team-identifier from provisioning profile and uses it to update previous entitlements # 3. fixed bug in packaging if -e flag is used # 4. renamed 'temp' directory and made it a variable so it can be easily modified # 5. various code formatting and logging adjustments # # new features October 2015 # 1. now re-signs nested applications and app extensions, if present, prior to re-signing the application itself # 2. enables the -p option to be used more than once # 3. ensures the provisioning profile's bundle-identifier matches the app's bundle identifier # 4. extracts the entitlements from the provisioning profile # 5. copy the entitlements as archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent inside the app bundle (because Xcode does too) # # new features November 2018 # 1. only create the archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file if the version of Xcode < 9.3 as Xcode 10 does not create it. # # new features January 2019 # 1. fixed bug where the com.apple.icloud-container-environment entitlement was being assigned an incorrect value # # new features March 2019 # 1. two more fixes for only creating the archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file if the version of Xcode < 9.3 as Xcode 10 does not create it. # # new features June 2020 # 1. enable (re)signing of OnDemandResources when ipa has been built for the appstore # # new features August 2020 # 1. fixes usage for users with GNU-sed in their $PATH # # new features May 2021 # 1. fix entitlements merging when changing team # # new features June 2021 # 1. fix the way app entitlements are extracted # # new features October 2021 # 1. change codesign signatue to use --generate-entitlement-der to include DER encoded entitlements # Logging functions log() { # Make sure it returns 0 code even when verose mode is off (test 1) # To use like [[ condition ]] && log "x" && something if [[ -n "$VERBOSE" ]]; then echo -e "$@"; else test 1; fi } error() { echo "$@" >&2 exit 1 } warning() { echo "$@" >&2 } function checkStatus { # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Encountered an error, aborting!" fi } usage() { echo -e "Usage: $(basename "$0") source identity -p|--provisioning provisioning" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[-e|--entitlements entitlements]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[-k|--keychain keychain]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[-d|--display-name displayName]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[-n|--version-number version]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[--short-version shortVersion]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[--bundle-version bundleVersion]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[-b|--bundle-id bundleId]" >&2 echo -e "\t\t[--use-app-entitlements]" >&2 echo -e "\t\toutputIpa" >&2 echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") -h|--help" >&2 echo "Options:" >&2 echo -e "\t-p, --provisioning provisioning\t\tProvisioning profile option, may be provided multiple times." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\tYou can specify provisioning profile file name." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-p xxx.mobileprovision" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\tAlternatively you may provide multiple provisioning profiles if the application contains" >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\tnested applications or app extensions, which need their own provisioning" >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\tprofile. You can do so by providing -p option multiple times specifying" >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\told bundle identifier and new provisioning profile for that bundle id joined with '='." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-p com.main-app=main-app.mobileprovision" >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-p com.nested-app=nested-app.mobileprovision" >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-p com.nested-extension=nested-extension.mobileprovision" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo -e "\t-e, --entitlements entitlements\t\tSpecify entitlements file path for code signing." >&2 echo -e "\t-k, --keychain keychain\t\t\tSpecify keychain for code signing." >&2 echo -e "\t-d, --display-name displayName\t\tSpecify new display name." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWarning: will apply for all nested apps and extensions." >&2 echo -e "\t-n, --version-number version\t\tSpecify new version number." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWill set CFBundleShortVersionString and CFBundleVersion values in Info.plist." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWill apply for all nested apps and extensions." >&2 echo -e "\t --short-version shortVersion\tSpecify new short version string (CFBundleShortVersionString)." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWill apply for all nested apps and extensions." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCan't use together with '-n, --version-number' option." >&2 echo -e "\t --bundle-version bundleVersion\tSpecify new bundle version (CFBundleVersion) number." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWill apply for all nested apps and extensions." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCan't use together with '-n, --version-number' option." >&2 echo -e "\t-b, --bundle-id bundleId\t\tSpecify new bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier)." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWarning: will NOT apply for nested apps and extensions." >&2 echo -e "\t --use-app-entitlements\t\tExtract app bundle codesigning entitlements and combine with entitlements from new provisionin profile." >&2 echo -e "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCan't use together with '-e, --entitlements' option." >&2 echo -e "\t--keychain-path path\t\t\tSpecify the path to a keychain that /usr/bin/codesign should use." >&2 echo -e "\t-v, --verbose\t\t\t\tVerbose output." >&2 echo -e "\t-h, --help\t\t\t\tDisplay help message." >&2 exit 2 } if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then usage fi ORIGINAL_FILE="$1" CERTIFICATE="$2" ENTITLEMENTS= BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="" DISPLAY_NAME="" KEYCHAIN="" VERSION_NUMBER="" SHORT_VERSION= BUNDLE_VERSION= KEYCHAIN_PATH= RAW_PROVISIONS=() PROVISIONS_BY_ID=() DEFAULT_PROVISION="" TEMP_DIR="_floatsignTemp" USE_APP_ENTITLEMENTS="" XCODE_VERSION="$(xcodebuild -version | grep "Xcode" | /usr/bin/cut -f 2 -d ' ')" # List of plist keys used for reference to and from nested apps and extensions NESTED_APP_REFERENCE_KEYS=(":WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier" ":NSExtension:NSExtensionAttributes:WKAppBundleIdentifier") # options start index shift 2 # Parse args while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in -p | --provisioning ) shift RAW_PROVISIONS+=("$1") ;; -e | --entitlements ) shift ENTITLEMENTS="$1" ;; -d | --display-name ) shift DISPLAY_NAME="$1" ;; -b | --bundle-id ) shift BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="$1" ;; -k | --keychain ) shift KEYCHAIN="$1" ;; -n | --version-number ) shift VERSION_NUMBER="$1" ;; --short-version ) shift SHORT_VERSION="$1" ;; --bundle-version ) shift BUNDLE_VERSION="$1" ;; --use-app-entitlements ) USE_APP_ENTITLEMENTS="YES" ;; --keychain-path ) shift KEYCHAIN_PATH="$1" ;; -v | --verbose ) VERBOSE="--verbose" ;; -h | --help ) usage ;; * ) [[ -n "$NEW_FILE" ]] && error "Multiple output file names specified!" [[ -z "$NEW_FILE" ]] && NEW_FILE="$1" ;; esac # Next arg shift done KEYCHAIN_FLAG= if [ -n "$KEYCHAIN_PATH" ]; then KEYCHAIN_FLAG="--keychain $KEYCHAIN_PATH" fi # Log the options for provision in "${RAW_PROVISIONS[@]}"; do if [[ "$provision" =~ .+=.+ ]]; then log "Specified provisioning profile: '${provision#*=}' for bundle identifier: '${provision%%=*}'" else log "Specified provisioning profile: '$provision'" fi done log "Original file: '$ORIGINAL_FILE'" log "Certificate: '$CERTIFICATE'" [[ -n "${DISPLAY_NAME}" ]] && log "Specified display name: '$DISPLAY_NAME'" [[ -n "${ENTITLEMENTS}" ]] && log "Specified signing entitlements: '$ENTITLEMENTS'" [[ -n "${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}" ]] && log "Specified bundle identifier: '$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER'" [[ -n "${KEYCHAIN}" ]] && log "Specified keychain to use: '$KEYCHAIN'" [[ -n "${VERSION_NUMBER}" ]] && log "Specified version number to use: '$VERSION_NUMBER'" [[ -n "${SHORT_VERSION}" ]] && log "Specified short version to use: '$SHORT_VERSION'" [[ -n "${BUNDLE_VERSION}" ]] && log "Specified bundle version to use: '$BUNDLE_VERSION'" [[ -n "${KEYCHAIN_FLAG}" ]] && log "Specified keychain to use: '$KEYCHAIN_PATH'" [[ -n "${NEW_FILE}" ]] && log "Output file name: '$NEW_FILE'" [[ -n "${USE_APP_ENTITLEMENTS}" ]] && log "Extract app entitlements: YES" # Check that version number option is not clashing with short or bundle version options [[ -n "$VERSION_NUMBER" && (-n "$SHORT_VERSION" || -n "$BUNDLE_VERSION") ]] && error "versionNumber option cannot be used in combination with shortVersion or bundleVersion options" # Check that --use-app-entitlements and -e, --entitlements are not used at the same time [[ -n "${USE_APP_ENTITLEMENTS}" && -n ${ENTITLEMENTS} ]] && error "--use-app-entitlements option cannot be used in combination with -e, --entitlements option." # Check output file name if [ -z "$NEW_FILE" ]; then error "Output file name required" fi if [[ "${#RAW_PROVISIONS[*]}" == "0" ]]; then error "-p 'xxxx.mobileprovision' argument is required" fi # Check for and remove the temporary directory if it already exists if [ -d "$TEMP_DIR" ]; then log "Removing previous temporary directory: '$TEMP_DIR'" rm -Rf "$TEMP_DIR" fi filename=$(basename "$ORIGINAL_FILE") extension="${filename##*.}" filename="${filename%.*}" # Check if the supplied file is an ipa or an app file if [ "${extension}" = "ipa" ]; then # Unzip the old ipa quietly unzip -q "$ORIGINAL_FILE" -d $TEMP_DIR checkStatus elif [ "${extension}" = "app" ]; then # Copy the app file into an ipa-like structure mkdir -p "$TEMP_DIR/Payload" cp -Rf "${ORIGINAL_FILE}" "$TEMP_DIR/Payload/${filename}.app" checkStatus else error "Error: Only can resign .app files and .ipa files." fi # check the keychain if [ "${KEYCHAIN}" != "" ]; then security list-keychains -s "$KEYCHAIN" security unlock "$KEYCHAIN" security default-keychain -s "$KEYCHAIN" fi # Set the app name # In Payload directory may be another file except .app file, such as StoreKit folder. # Search the first .app file within the Payload directory # shellcheck disable=SC2010 APP_NAME=$(ls "$TEMP_DIR/Payload/" | grep ".app$" | head -1) # Make sure that PATH includes the location of the PlistBuddy helper tool as its location is not standard export PATH=$PATH:/usr/libexec # Test whether two bundle identifiers match # The first one may contain the wildcard character '*', in which case pattern matching will be used unless the third parameter is "STRICT" function does_bundle_id_match { # shellcheck disable=SC2049 if [[ "$1" == "$2" ]]; then return 0 elif [[ "$3" != STRICT && "$1" =~ \* ]]; then local PATTERN0="${1//\./\\.}" # com.example.* -> com\.example\.* local PATTERN1="${PATTERN0//\*/.*}" # com\.example\.* -> com\.example\..* if [[ "$2" =~ ^$PATTERN1$ ]]; then return 0 fi fi return 1 } # Find the provisioning profile for a given bundle identifier function provision_for_bundle_id { for ARG in "${PROVISIONS_BY_ID[@]}"; do if does_bundle_id_match "${ARG%%=*}" "$1" "$2"; then echo "${ARG#*=}" break fi done } # Find the bundle identifier contained inside a provisioning profile function bundle_id_for_provision { local FULL_BUNDLE_ID=$(PlistBuddy -c 'Print :Entitlements:application-identifier' /dev/stdin <<< "$(security cms -D -i "$1")") checkStatus echo "${FULL_BUNDLE_ID#*.}" } # Add given provisioning profile and bundle identifier to the search list function add_provision_for_bundle_id { local PROVISION="$1" local BUNDLE_ID="$2" local CURRENT_PROVISION=$(provision_for_bundle_id "$BUNDLE_ID" STRICT) if [[ "$CURRENT_PROVISION" != "" && "$CURRENT_PROVISION" != "$PROVISION" ]]; then error "Conflicting provisioning profiles '$PROVISION' and '$CURRENT_PROVISION' for bundle identifier '$BUNDLE_ID'." fi PROVISIONS_BY_ID+=("$BUNDLE_ID=$PROVISION") } # Add given provisioning profile to the search list function add_provision { local PROVISION="$1" if [[ "$1" =~ .+=.+ ]]; then PROVISION="${1#*=}" add_provision_for_bundle_id "$PROVISION" "${1%%=*}" elif [[ "$DEFAULT_PROVISION" == "" ]]; then DEFAULT_PROVISION="$PROVISION" fi if [[ ! -e "$PROVISION" ]]; then error "Provisioning profile '$PROVISION' file does not exist" fi local BUNDLE_ID=$(bundle_id_for_provision "$PROVISION") add_provision_for_bundle_id "$PROVISION" "$BUNDLE_ID" } # Load bundle identifiers from provisioning profiles for ARG in "${RAW_PROVISIONS[@]}"; do add_provision "$ARG" done # Resign the given application function resign { local APP_PATH="$1" local NESTED="$2" local BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" local NEW_PROVISION="$NEW_PROVISION" local APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX="" local TEAM_IDENTIFIER="" if [[ "$NESTED" == NESTED ]]; then # Ignore bundle identifier for nested applications BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="" fi # Make sure that the Info.plist file is where we expect it if [ ! -e "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" ]; then error "Expected file does not exist: '$APP_PATH/Info.plist'" fi # Make a copy of old Info.plist, it will come handy later to extract some old values cp -f "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" "$TEMP_DIR/oldInfo.plist" # Read in current values from the app local CURRENT_NAME=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleDisplayName" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist") local CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleIdentifier" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist") local NEW_PROVISION=$(provision_for_bundle_id "${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER:-$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}") if [[ "$NEW_PROVISION" == "" && "$NESTED" != NESTED ]]; then NEW_PROVISION="$DEFAULT_PROVISION" fi if [[ "$NEW_PROVISION" == "" ]]; then if [[ "$NESTED" == NESTED ]]; then warning "No provisioning profile for nested application: '$APP_PATH' with bundle identifier '${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER:-$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}'" else warning "No provisioning profile for application: '$APP_PATH' with bundle identifier '${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER:-$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}'" fi error "Use the -p option (example: -p com.example.app=xxxx.mobileprovision)" fi local PROVISION_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=$(bundle_id_for_provision "$NEW_PROVISION") # Use provisioning profile's bundle identifier if [ "$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" == "" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2049 if [[ "$PROVISION_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" =~ \* ]]; then log "Bundle Identifier contains a *, using the current bundle identifier" BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" else BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="$PROVISION_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" fi fi if ! does_bundle_id_match "$PROVISION_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" "$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER"; then error "Bundle Identifier '$PROVISION_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER' in provisioning profile '$NEW_PROVISION' does not match the Bundle Identifier '$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER' for application '$APP_PATH'." fi log "Current bundle identifier is: '$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER'" log "New bundle identifier will be: '$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER'" # Update the CFBundleDisplayName property in the Info.plist if a new name has been provided if [ "${DISPLAY_NAME}" != "" ]; then if [ "${DISPLAY_NAME}" != "${CURRENT_NAME}" ]; then log "Changing display name from '$CURRENT_NAME' to '$DISPLAY_NAME'" PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleDisplayName $DISPLAY_NAME" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" fi fi # Replace the embedded mobile provisioning profile log "Validating the new provisioning profile: $NEW_PROVISION" security cms -D -i "$NEW_PROVISION" > "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist" checkStatus APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :Entitlements:application-identifier" "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist" | grep -E '^[A-Z0-9]*' -o | tr -d '\n') if [ "$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX" == "" ]; then APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :ApplicationIdentifierPrefix:0" "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist") if [ "$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX" == "" ]; then error "Failed to extract any app identifier prefix from '$NEW_PROVISION'" else warning "WARNING: extracted an app identifier prefix '$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX' from '$NEW_PROVISION', but it was not found in the profile's entitlements" fi else log "Profile app identifier prefix is '$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX'" fi # Set new app identifier prefix if such entry exists in plist file PlistBuddy -c "Set :AppIdentifierPrefix $APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX." "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" 2>/dev/null TEAM_IDENTIFIER=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :Entitlements:com.apple.developer.team-identifier" "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist" | tr -d '\n') if [ "$TEAM_IDENTIFIER" == "" ]; then TEAM_IDENTIFIER=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :TeamIdentifier:0" "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist") if [ "$TEAM_IDENTIFIER" == "" ]; then warning "Failed to extract team identifier from '$NEW_PROVISION', resigned ipa may fail on iOS 8 and higher" else warning "WARNING: extracted a team identifier '$TEAM_IDENTIFIER' from '$NEW_PROVISION', but it was not found in the profile's entitlements, resigned ipa may fail on iOS 8 and higher" fi else log "Profile team identifier is '$TEAM_IDENTIFIER'" fi # Make a copy of old embedded provisioning profile for further use cp -f "$APP_PATH/embedded.mobileprovision" "$TEMP_DIR/old-embedded.mobileprovision" # Replace embedded provisioning profile with new file cp -f "$NEW_PROVISION" "$APP_PATH/embedded.mobileprovision" #if the current bundle identifier is different from the new one in the provisioning profile, then change it. if [ "$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" != "$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" ]; then log "Updating the bundle identifier from '$CURRENT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER' to '$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER'" PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleIdentifier $BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" checkStatus fi # Update the version number properties in the Info.plist if a version number has been provided if [ "$VERSION_NUMBER" != "" ]; then CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleVersion" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist") if [ "$VERSION_NUMBER" != "$CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER" ]; then log "Updating the version from '$CURRENT_VERSION_NUMBER' to '$VERSION_NUMBER'" PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $VERSION_NUMBER" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $VERSION_NUMBER" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" fi fi # Update short version string in the Info.plist if provided if [[ -n "$SHORT_VERSION" ]]; then CURRENT_VALUE="$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleShortVersionString" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist")" # Even if the old value is same - just update, less code, less debugging log "Updating the short version string (CFBundleShortVersionString) from '$CURRENT_VALUE' to '$SHORT_VERSION'" PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleShortVersionString $SHORT_VERSION" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" fi # Update bundle version in the Info.plist if provided if [[ -n "$BUNDLE_VERSION" ]]; then CURRENT_VALUE="$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleVersion" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist")" # Even if the old value is same - just update, less code, less debugging log "Updating the bundle version (CFBundleVersion) from '$CURRENT_VALUE' to '$BUNDLE_VERSION'" PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleVersion $BUNDLE_VERSION" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" fi # Check for and resign OnDemandResource folders ODR_DIR="$(dirname "$APP_PATH")/OnDemandResources" if [ -d "$ODR_DIR" ]; then for assetpack in "$ODR_DIR"/* do if [[ "$assetpack" == *.assetpack ]]; then rm -rf $assetpack/_CodeSignature /usr/bin/codesign ${VERBOSE} --generate-entitlement-der ${KEYCHAIN_FLAG} -f -s "$CERTIFICATE" "$assetpack" checkStatus else log "Ignoring non-assetpack: $assetpack" fi done fi # Check for and resign any embedded frameworks (new feature for iOS 8 and above apps) FRAMEWORKS_DIR="$APP_PATH/Frameworks" if [ -d "$FRAMEWORKS_DIR" ]; then if [ "$TEAM_IDENTIFIER" == "" ]; then error "ERROR: embedded frameworks detected, re-signing iOS 8 (or higher) applications wihout a team identifier in the certificate/profile does not work" fi log "Resigning embedded frameworks using certificate: '$CERTIFICATE'" for framework in "$FRAMEWORKS_DIR"/* do if [[ "$framework" == *.framework || "$framework" == *.dylib ]]; then log "Resigning '$framework'" # Must not qote KEYCHAIN_FLAG because it needs to be unwrapped and passed to codesign with spaces # shellcheck disable=SC2086 /usr/bin/codesign ${VERBOSE} --generate-entitlement-der ${KEYCHAIN_FLAG} -f -s "$CERTIFICATE" "$framework" checkStatus else log "Ignoring non-framework: $framework" fi done fi # Check for and update bundle identifiers for extensions and associated nested apps log "Fixing nested app and extension references" for key in "${NESTED_APP_REFERENCE_KEYS[@]}"; do # Check if Info.plist has a reference to another app or extension REF_BUNDLE_ID=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print ${key}" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$REF_BUNDLE_ID" ]; then # Found a reference bundle id, now get the corresponding provisioning profile for this bundle id REF_PROVISION=$(provision_for_bundle_id "$REF_BUNDLE_ID") # Map to the new bundle id NEW_REF_BUNDLE_ID=$(bundle_id_for_provision "$REF_PROVISION") # Change if not the same and if doesn't contain wildcard # shellcheck disable=SC2049 if [[ "$REF_BUNDLE_ID" != "$NEW_REF_BUNDLE_ID" ]] && ! [[ "$NEW_REF_BUNDLE_ID" =~ \* ]]; then log "Updating nested app or extension reference for ${key} key from ${REF_BUNDLE_ID} to ${NEW_REF_BUNDLE_ID}" PlistBuddy -c "Set ${key} $NEW_REF_BUNDLE_ID" "$APP_PATH/Info.plist" fi fi done if [ "$ENTITLEMENTS" != "" ]; then if [ -n "$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX" ]; then # sanity check the 'application-identifier' is present in the provided entitlements and matches the provisioning profile value ENTITLEMENTS_APP_ID_PREFIX=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :application-identifier" "$ENTITLEMENTS" | grep -E '^[A-Z0-9]*' -o | tr -d '\n') if [ "$ENTITLEMENTS_APP_ID_PREFIX" == "" ]; then error "Provided entitlements file is missing a value for the required 'application-identifier' key" elif [ "$ENTITLEMENTS_APP_ID_PREFIX" != "$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX" ]; then error "Provided entitlements file's app identifier prefix value '$ENTITLEMENTS_APP_ID_PREFIX' does not match the provided provisioning profile's value '$APP_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX'" fi fi if [ -n "$TEAM_IDENTIFIER" ]; then # sanity check the 'com.apple.developer.team-identifier' is present in the provided entitlements and matches the provisioning profile value ENTITLEMENTS_TEAM_IDENTIFIER=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :com.apple.developer.team-identifier" "$ENTITLEMENTS" | tr -d '\n') if [ "$ENTITLEMENTS_TEAM_IDENTIFIER" == "" ]; then error "Provided entitlements file is missing a value for the required 'com.apple.developer.team-identifier' key" elif [ "$ENTITLEMENTS_TEAM_IDENTIFIER" != "$TEAM_IDENTIFIER" ]; then error "Provided entitlements file's 'com.apple.developer.team-identifier' '$ENTITLEMENTS_TEAM_IDENTIFIER' does not match the provided provisioning profile's value '$TEAM_IDENTIFIER'" fi fi log "Resigning application using certificate: '$CERTIFICATE'" log "and entitlements: $ENTITLEMENTS" if [[ "${XCODE_VERSION/.*/}" -lt 10 ]]; then log "Creating an archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file for Xcode 9 builds or earlier" cp -f "$ENTITLEMENTS" "$APP_PATH/archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent" fi /usr/bin/codesign ${VERBOSE} --generate-entitlement-der -f -s "$CERTIFICATE" --entitlements "$ENTITLEMENTS" "$APP_PATH" checkStatus elif [[ -n "${USE_APP_ENTITLEMENTS}" ]]; then # Extract entitlements from provisioning profile and from the app binary # then combine them together log "Extracting entitlements from provisioning profile" PROFILE_ENTITLEMENTS="$TEMP_DIR/profileEntitlements" PlistBuddy -x -c "Print Entitlements" "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist" > "$PROFILE_ENTITLEMENTS" checkStatus log "Extracting entitlements from the app" APP_ENTITLEMENTS="$TEMP_DIR/appEntitlements" /usr/bin/codesign -d --entitlements :"$APP_ENTITLEMENTS" "$APP_PATH" checkStatus log "\nApp entitlements for ${APP_PATH}:" log "$(cat "$APP_ENTITLEMENTS")" # Get the old and new app identifier (prefix) APP_ID_KEY="application-identifier" # Extract just the identifier from the value # Use the fact that we are after some identifier, which is always at the start of the string OLD_APP_ID=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print $APP_ID_KEY" "$APP_ENTITLEMENTS" | grep -E '^[A-Z0-9]*' -o | tr -d '\n') NEW_APP_ID=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print $APP_ID_KEY" "$PROFILE_ENTITLEMENTS" | grep -E '^[A-Z0-9]*' -o | tr -d '\n') # Get the old and the new team ID # Old team ID is not part of app entitlements, have to get it from old embedded provisioning profile security cms -D -i "$TEMP_DIR/old-embedded.mobileprovision" > "$TEMP_DIR/old-embedded-profile.plist" OLD_TEAM_ID=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :TeamIdentifier:0" "$TEMP_DIR/old-embedded-profile.plist") # New team ID is part of profile entitlements NEW_TEAM_ID=$(PlistBuddy -c "Print com.apple.developer.team-identifier" "$PROFILE_ENTITLEMENTS" | grep -E '^[A-Z0-9]*' -o | tr -d '\n') log "Patching profile entitlements with values from app entitlements" PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS="$TEMP_DIR/patchedEntitlements" # Start with using what comes in provisioning profile entitlements before patching cp -f "$PROFILE_ENTITLEMENTS" "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" log "Removing denylisted keys from patched profile" # See https://github.com/facebook/buck/issues/798 and https://github.com/facebook/buck/pull/802/files # Update in https://github.com/facebook/buck/commit/99c0fbc3ab5ecf04d186913374f660683deccdef # Update in https://github.com/facebook/buck/commit/36db188da9f6acbb9df419dc1904315ab00c4e19 # Buck changes referenced above are not self-explanatory and do not seem exhaustive or up-to-date # Comments below explain the rules applied to each key in order to make realignment with future Xcode export logic easier DENYLISTED_KEYS=(\ # PP list identifiers inconsistent with app-defined ones and this key does not seem to appear in IPA entitlements, so ignore it "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-development-container-identifiers" \ # This key has an invalid generic value in PP (actual value is set by Xcode during export), see dedicated processing a few blocks below "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment" \ # PP enable all available services and not app-defined ones, must use App entitlements value "com.apple.developer.icloud-services" \ # Was already denylisted in previous version, but has someone ever seen this key in a PP? "com.apple.developer.restricted-resource-mode" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.formats" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.siri" \ # PP define a generic TeamID.* identifier and not the app-defined one, must use App entitlements value "com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "inter-app-audio" \ # PP define a generic TeamID.* identifier and not the app-defined one, must use App entitlements value "keychain-access-groups" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.homekit" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.healthkit" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.healthkit.access" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.networking.vpn.api" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.networking.HotspotConfiguration" \ # PP list all available extensions and not app-defined ones, must use App entitlements value "com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.networking.multipath" \ # PP enable all domains via a non-AppStore-compliant '*' value, must use App entitlements value "com.apple.developer.associated-domains" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.developer.default-data-protection" \ # Was already denylisted in previous version, seems to be an artifact from an old Xcode release "com.apple.developer.maps" \ # If actually used by the App, this value will be set in its entitlements "com.apple.external-accessory.wireless-configuration" ) # If we change team while resigning, we have no other choice than to use the following entitlements from the PP instead of the App # because they are based on unique identifiers (defined in the developer portal) that can't be shared between teams if [[ "$OLD_TEAM_ID" != "$NEW_TEAM_ID" ]]; then warning "WARNING: Changing team while resigning" warning "WARNING: Using these entitlements from the provisioning profile instead of the existing app:" warning "WARNING: App Groups, Merchant IDs (Apple Pay In-App Payments), iCloud Containers, Pass Type IDs (Wallet)" warning "WARNING: If these capabilities are enabled, make sure AppID and provisioning profile are properly configured" # For Pass Types, PP only list a single TeamID.* identifier and not the potential restricted list defined in the existing App # but we can't guess the new identifiers to be used, so this generic value is better than nothing and should be fine for most apps warning "WARNING: Resigned app will allow all pass types from the new team, even if old app only allowed a restricted list" else DENYLISTED_KEYS+=(\ "com.apple.security.application-groups" \ "com.apple.developer.in-app-payments" \ "com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers" \ "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-identifiers" \ "com.apple.developer.pass-type-identifiers" \ ) fi # Denylisted keys must not be included into new profile, so remove them from patched profile for KEY in "${DENYLISTED_KEYS[@]}"; do log "Removing denylisted key: $KEY" PlistBuddy -c "Delete $KEY" "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" 2>/dev/null done # List of rules for transferring entitlements from app to profile plist # The format for each enty is "KEY[|ID_TYPE]" # Where KEY is the plist key, e.g. "keychain-access-groups" # and ID_TYPE is optional part separated by '|' that specifies what value to patch: # TEAM_ID - patch the TeamIdentifierPrefix # APP_ID - patch the AppIdentifierPrefix # ICLOUD_ENV - patch the target iCloud Environment # Patching means replacing old value from app entitlements with new value from provisioning profile # For example, for KEY=keychain-access-groups the ID_TYPE=APP_ID # Which means that old app ID prefix in keychain-access-groups will be replaced with new app ID prefix # There can be only one ID_TYPE specified # If entitlements use more than one ID type for single entitlement, then this way of resigning will not work # instead an entitlements file must be provided explicitly ENTITLEMENTS_TRANSFER_RULES=(\ "com.apple.developer.associated-domains" \ "com.apple.developer.default-data-protection" \ "com.apple.developer.healthkit" \ "com.apple.developer.healthkit.access" \ "com.apple.developer.homekit" \ "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment|ICLOUD_ENV" \ "com.apple.developer.icloud-services" \ "com.apple.developer.networking.HotspotConfiguration" \ "com.apple.developer.networking.multipath" \ "com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension" \ "com.apple.developer.networking.vpn.api" \ "com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.formats" \ "com.apple.developer.siri" \ "com.apple.developer.ubiquity-kvstore-identifier|TEAM_ID" \ "com.apple.external-accessory.wireless-configuration" \ "inter-app-audio" \ "keychain-access-groups|APP_ID" \ ) # If we change team while resigning, we have no other choice than to use the following entitlements from the PP instead of the App # because they are based on unique identifiers (defined in the developer portal) that can't be shared between teams # If we don't change team while resigning, we should use the following entitlements from the existing App and not from the PP if [[ "$OLD_TEAM_ID" == "$NEW_TEAM_ID" ]]; then ENTITLEMENTS_TRANSFER_RULES+=(\ "com.apple.security.application-groups" \ "com.apple.developer.in-app-payments" \ "com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers" \ "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-identifiers" \ "com.apple.developer.pass-type-identifiers|TEAM_ID" \ ) fi # Loop over all the entitlement keys that need to be transferred from app entitlements for RULE in "${ENTITLEMENTS_TRANSFER_RULES[@]}"; do KEY=$(echo "$RULE" | cut -d'|' -f1) ID_TYPE=$(echo "$RULE" | cut -d'|' -f2) # Get the entry from app's entitlements # Read it with PlistBuddy as XML, then strip the header and part ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE="$(PlistBuddy -x -c "Print $KEY" "$APP_ENTITLEMENTS" 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's,.*]*>\(.*\),\1,g')" if [[ -z "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" ]]; then log "No value for '$KEY'" continue fi log "App entitlements value for key '$KEY':" log "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" # Patch the ID value if specified if [[ "$ID_TYPE" == "APP_ID" ]]; then # Replace old value with new value in patched entitlements log "Replacing old app ID '$OLD_APP_ID' with new app ID '$NEW_APP_ID'" ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE=$(echo "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" | /usr/bin/sed -e "s/$OLD_APP_ID/$NEW_APP_ID/g") elif [[ "$ID_TYPE" == "TEAM_ID" ]]; then # Replace old team identifier with new value log "Replacing old team ID '$OLD_TEAM_ID' with new team ID '$NEW_TEAM_ID'" ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE=$(echo "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" | /usr/bin/sed -e "s/$OLD_TEAM_ID/$NEW_TEAM_ID/g") elif [[ "$ID_TYPE" == "ICLOUD_ENV" ]]; then # Add specific iCloud Environment key to patched entitlements # This value is set by Xcode during export (manually selected for Development and AdHoc, automatically set to Production for Store) # Would need an additional dedicated option to specify the iCloud environment to be used (Development or Production) # For now, we assume Production is to be used when signing with a Distribution certificate, Development if not local certificate_name=$CERTIFICATE local sha1_pattern='[0-9A-F]{40}' if [[ "$CERTIFICATE" =~ $sha1_pattern ]]; then log "Certificate $CERTIFICATE matches a SHA1 pattern" local certificate_matches="$( security find-identity -v -p codesigning | grep -m 1 "$CERTIFICATE" )" if [ -n "$certificate_matches" ]; then certificate_name="$(/usr/bin/sed -E s/[^\"]+\"\([^\"]+\)\".*/\\1/ <<< $certificate_matches )" log "Certificate name: $certificate_name" fi fi OLD_ICLOUD_ENV=$(echo "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" | /usr/bin/sed -e 's,\(.*\),\1,g') if [[ "$certificate_name" =~ "Distribution:" ]]; then NEW_ICLOUD_ENV="Production" else NEW_ICLOUD_ENV="Development" fi log "Replacing iCloud environment '$OLD_ICLOUD_ENV' with '$NEW_ICLOUD_ENV'" ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE=$(echo "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" | /usr/bin/sed -e "s/$OLD_ICLOUD_ENV/$NEW_ICLOUD_ENV/g") fi # Remove the entry for current key from profisioning profile entitlements (if exists) PlistBuddy -c "Delete $KEY" "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" 2>/dev/null # Add new entry to patched entitlements # plutil needs dots in the key path to be escaped (e.g. com\.apple\.security\.application-groups) # otherwise it interprets they key path as nested keys # TODO: Should be able to replace with echo ${KEY//\./\\\\.} and remove shellcheck disable directive # shellcheck disable=SC2001 PLUTIL_KEY=$(echo "$KEY" | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/\./\\\./g') plutil -insert "$PLUTIL_KEY" -xml "$ENTITLEMENTS_VALUE" "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" done # Replace old bundle ID with new bundle ID in patched entitlements # Read old bundle ID from the old Info.plist which was saved for this purpose OLD_BUNDLE_ID="$(PlistBuddy -c "Print :CFBundleIdentifier" "$TEMP_DIR/oldInfo.plist")" NEW_BUNDLE_ID="$(bundle_id_for_provision "$NEW_PROVISION")" log "Replacing old bundle ID '$OLD_BUNDLE_ID' with new bundle ID '$NEW_BUNDLE_ID' in patched entitlements" # Note: ideally we'd match against the opening tag too, but this isn't possible # because $OLD_BUNDLE_ID and $NEW_BUNDLE_ID do not include the team ID prefix which is # present in the entitlements file. # e.g. AB1GP98Q19.com.example.foo # vs # com.example.foo /usr/bin/sed -i .bak "s!${OLD_BUNDLE_ID}!${NEW_BUNDLE_ID}!g" "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" log "Resigning application using certificate: '$CERTIFICATE'" log "and patched entitlements:" log "$(cat "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS")" if [[ "${XCODE_VERSION/.*/}" -lt 10 ]]; then log "Creating an archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file for Xcode 9 builds or earlier" cp -f "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" "$APP_PATH/archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent" fi /usr/bin/codesign ${VERBOSE} --generate-entitlement-der -f -s "$CERTIFICATE" --entitlements "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" "$APP_PATH" checkStatus else log "Extracting entitlements from provisioning profile" PlistBuddy -x -c "Print Entitlements" "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist" > "$TEMP_DIR/newEntitlements" checkStatus log "Resigning application using certificate: '$CERTIFICATE'" log "and entitlements from provisioning profile: $NEW_PROVISION" if [[ "${XCODE_VERSION/.*/}" -lt 10 ]]; then log "Creating an archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file for Xcode 9 builds or earlier" cp -- "$TEMP_DIR/newEntitlements" "$APP_PATH/archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent" fi # Must not qote KEYCHAIN_FLAG because it needs to be unwrapped and passed to codesign with spaces # shellcheck disable=SC2086 /usr/bin/codesign ${VERBOSE} --generate-entitlement-der ${KEYCHAIN_FLAG} -f -s "$CERTIFICATE" --entitlements "$TEMP_DIR/newEntitlements" "$APP_PATH" checkStatus fi # Remove the temporary files if they were created before generating ipa rm -f "$TEMP_DIR/newEntitlements" rm -f "$PROFILE_ENTITLEMENTS" rm -f "$APP_ENTITLEMENTS" rm -f "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS" rm -f "$PATCHED_ENTITLEMENTS.bak" rm -f "$TEMP_DIR/old-embedded-profile.plist" rm -f "$TEMP_DIR/profile.plist" rm -f "$TEMP_DIR/old-embedded.mobileprovision" rm -f "$TEMP_DIR/oldInfo.plist" } # Sign nested applications and app extensions while IFS= read -d '' -r app; do log "Resigning nested application: '$app'" resign "$app" NESTED done < <(find "$TEMP_DIR/Payload/$APP_NAME" -d -mindepth 1 \( -name "*.app" -or -name "*.appex" \) -print0) # Resign the application resign "$TEMP_DIR/Payload/$APP_NAME" # Repackage quietly log "Repackaging as $NEW_FILE" # Zip up the contents of the "$TEMP_DIR" folder # Navigate to the temporary directory (sending the output to null) # Zip all the contents, saving the zip file in the above directory # Navigate back to the orignating directory (sending the output to null) pushd "$TEMP_DIR" > /dev/null # TODO: Fix shellcheck warning and remove directive # shellcheck disable=SC2035 zip -qry "../$TEMP_DIR.ipa" * popd > /dev/null # Move the resulting ipa to the target destination mv "$TEMP_DIR.ipa" "$NEW_FILE" # Remove the temp directory rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR" log "Process complete"